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Punk will kill Gall
Reminder that this is the real thread.
where is the picks goof. I want to make em already.
>those upcoming events
Just heem me until 204 lads.
Death to punk
this fight is being soooo good.
Post Conor to prove you're not from /asp/
>tfw CM Punk have always been your boy
>tfw you have been bullied for defending him
>now everyone realizes gall is shook af and are jumping on the bandwagon
>you are one of the few real ones
My boy Punk is gonna keep it 100 tomorrow.
Kek this webm loops perfectly
>aldo would beat nate diaz
jon always looked like shit between fights, dc would've khtfo
Yea, 100-0 maybe. He's gonna get dropped
Gall is shook
I think as long as Punk doesn't embarrass himself tomorrow that's pretty much a moral victory for him.
Avoiding one submission or doing well in one scramble would be more than most expect out of him so in all honesty he just needs to show enough to justify a second fight and the night will be a success.
Genuinely the dumbest thing I've heard on /heem/ in a while, aside from /asp/ies and general shitposting
Didn't expect Marcus to give Wilnis so much trouble desu
If you watched Conor barely edge past Nate with shitty leg kicks and think Aldo can't beat Nate, youre retarded. Even conor called RDA the bum version of Aldo, and RDA mauled Nate.
Gall is shook af MMAutists BTFO
My boy trains with the guy in yellow... i just saw this fight on his snapchat
Why wasn't the hype for Future's MMA debut as big as Brooks?
If you're just going to be le snarky commentator, you can just scooch on over to BloodyElbow mister
But in all seriousness Lads, what're we going to do if CM PUNK has been sandbagging the entire time and proceeds to meme all over young Gall? I genuinely want to see a psycho Punk go apeshit in the cage.
Marcus vs Wilnis is fucking nuts! Great fight!
You're mickey gall and youre fighting the most important fight of your life, how do you defend against this and dont get your head taken off
Was a pretty good fight!
>he main evented wrestelmania
Totally true though, if anything mandramatics would love Conor because he's a fake faggot putting on a character any time he's on camera.
Those blackzillians are savages
>5'' taller
>6'' reach advantage
>physically superior in every way
>solid jab and clinch game
>M-m-m-muh leg kicks
This is what is going to happen.
>Punk loses by submission or ground-and-pound TKO
>but he has a moment or two in the fight
>Punk is next matched up against an absolute can, somebody that couldn't punch their way out of a paper bag or finish the choke even if I let him start with both hooks and his hands in position
>having by now had a few years full time training under a top MMA coach, Punk wins the fight hopefully
>rematch with Gall for megabux
They want to drag the Punk saga out as long as they can. Expect Punk to lose, but Dana is going to drop a fat envelope in Gall's locker if he lets Punk have a moment.
Im gonna try to bet $5 4:1 on punk at the bar, and I bet someone will take it.
I don't expect him to win, but if he does I'm gonna lol on my ass
Conor is the most outspoken anti-mandrama fighter, didn't he literally call them all pussies once and they all sperged out and gave him (You)s on twitter?
Marcus may have gone too far in a few places
which cm punk embedded preview things showed his training Sessions?
I imagine it bring a shilling fest but I'm curious.
and thats where he fucked up
he literally looks like a 5 years old kid at his first taekwondo class
Yeah but that doesn't mean he didn't steal his entire schtick from them.
He plays a character, that's what is so appealing to him for casuals. His appeal isn't the fighting, it's the fact that he's le shittalking money man with a funny accent and wacky clothes.
You missed out the part where Gall gets BTFO by any given UFC WW in the interim but yeah, I could see this happening. Punk retires 1-2, says he lived his dream and takes up a comfy job on the FS panel next to Cormier and Cruz.
Funny thing is that them sperging out at him probably drove up the PPV buy rate by a few hundred thousand.
Played them like the whack actors they are. Promoting the fight for free!
>its a shook post
anyone got a Glory livestream?
>somebody in /heem/ actually gets it
Wew. Pro wrestlers are basically carnies, they know every trick in the book to make things appear a certain way. Punk is for 100% much better than he is letting on.
Why wouldn't he? Why wouldn't he want Gall to think he's hopeless?
Plenty of fighters do that, you wanna lump Ali into that category too? Talking shit is not owned by mandrama.
Absolutely. All that good work stifling Wilnis early gone to waste.
my only message to the /asp/ies is heem urself my man
and watch as CM punk gets cucked again tomorrow
>you wanna lump Ali into that category too?
Yes actually, I do. Ali was inspired by a pro wrestler named Gorgeous George.
I'm not trying to denigrate them for it so much as I'm just saying that Conor is playing a character to appeal to casuals because hardcore fans don't pay the bills.
simon marcus fucked up
>He's just le faking being bad xD
If you aren't rooting for reem, get out of /heem/
I think Punk probably is better than he's letting on but not significantly. That would explain the 2-minute open workout at least.
Main reason I think he might be b8ing us is because of that that Helwani interview he had on Wednesday. When jewnose asked Punk about making weight he was suddenly really awkward and shyly dodged the question. He ended up saying it wasn't going well and that he hadn't even done a practice weight cut beforehand or consulted a nutritionist. Cut to two days later and he makes championship weight no problem and looks fine.
You don't seem to understand how effective leg kicks are against the Diaz bros
>Superior physically in every way
Nate is a pool noodle tier lanklet, m8
Who here rooting for Punk but not an aspie? I feel I'm in a minority here...
Also Alistair Over/heem/ is one of my top dogs and I'm confident he'll beat Stipe. Pretty stoked for this card to be honest.
Also can someone tell me why Velasquez isn't the one fighting Werdum?
If you aren't cheering for Miocic, you're a basic bitch
How to we get Uberreem back lads
Wait, what did he do? I had money on him.
Ask Michael Johnson how a gameplan based entirely on leg-kicks went.
he's a big guy
Does his BBC have a name?
I want to root specifically for that
top kek who are these guys?
Pool noodle lanklet who will meme on midgets with the reach advantage.
>tfw my last fight was 79" vs 71"
christ, full horse meat reem was amazing.
But he's a funnier fighter than we've had before.
So this is how you throw a fight huh?
Calm down aspie and take your john cena hotpockets.
we don't really have those in my country you disgusting burger boy
upset the "legitimacy" of your sport is being tested by a true warrior?
you are shook
>me in the middle
Someone's grumpy their john cena action figure broke
It was like the last Schilling fight.
>Marcus winning
>ref makes an absolutely terrible call which costs Marcus a point
>Marcus goes into desperation mode because of it and it costs him the fight
Glory refs have been terrible for his career.
me on the far right
wtf why are Paige's abs so high
he's literally got one move
can't kick for shit
can't sub
his greatest talent is cutting weight and his left
he's got a lot of mileage for being an incredibly limited fighter