So, Sup Forums, what's your opinion on transgender people? Is it a mental illness. Personally I think it is

So, Sup Forums, what's your opinion on transgender people? Is it a mental illness. Personally I think it is.

Men are better than women at everything, including being a woman. case closed

Nah it's dumb

Nothing wrong with a woman who has a feminine penis


mental illness

They don't treat depression by telling you to kill yourself.

But if you have a mental illness where you think you're a different gender they tell you to follow your delusion and mutilate your body.

Luckily, your opinion has no bearing on anything.
Go ask a transgendered person of they're mentally ill...see how they respond

Well, i only have experience with one transnigger. She/he is biologically a girl and uses the girls bathroom and dates boys but god forbid you use the improper pronoun around her. Seriously it's fucking annoying, she dresses like a girl, acts like a girl, does girly things. And as soon as you say she/her it's fucking over. I don't understand these people.

OP here, that's a good point.

Kill yourself.

Your argument is invalid

mental illness, in our PC world , you're not allowed to be retarded anymore.

I don't really care as long as they don't be little tumblrinas about it

They'd agree you dumb fuck.

Are you mentally ill for believing your a man, when you're clearly a pussy?


Your dispute is irrelephant.

the thing about retarded people,
they don't know they're retarded.

This man speaks from experience

They kill themselves at an alarming rate. Post genital mutilation does not serve to alleviate their desire to kill themselves. Its a fkn mental illness.

Nobody gives a fuck about what you personally think. Maybe after you stop being 12 you'll get it.

I actually have asked a trans person a few questions about their mental health and decision. Apparently gender is a choice and sex is what your born with. he/she is also a furry, her fursona is a wolfshark. Don't know how credible her opinion is.

Yes. If someone thinks they're a cactus, would you call them mentally ill? We have no problem calling people with other delusions mentally ill, but for some reason if they're "transgendered", everyone caters to their delusion all of a sudden. It's absurd.

I on the other hand care deeply what OP thinks.

Suicidal depression can also be caused by societal ostracisation, which when you are being (unfoundedly) labelled as "mentally ill" can reinforce the sense of isolation. Which is how the majority of transgendered are portrayed.
Correlation does not equal causation you fucking retarded cunt nugget

Ok OP, whatever you say

NO SHIT ITS A MENTAL ILNESS. those faggots actually think they look good or they say "passable" FUCK NO you are not passable, everyone can tell you're a man, even linetrap, that fucking manfaced faggot jesus christ those people are deluded, stupid, unartistic, and skilless and they think they can earn money for being naked on the internet EVERy single FUCKING one of those faggots just sell sex its fucking pathetic.

My best friend for 4 years is Male to Female Trans and there's nothing weird or different about her. Literally all she wants is to have long hair, dress in more feminine clothing, and be called she. These people are not THAT different, we just make them different.

Yeah It's a handicap congrats.


The one thing /b cannot tolerate is tolerance.

What you think, or feel, doesn't matter.

They exist. You exist.

Grow up, son. It's a big diverse planet.

>transgender people
Playing dress up does not constitute a people

I don't think it a mental illness. But, I do think it's fucking stupid. Why do they do it anyway?

It's a mental illness.

they think they look good

Go ask someone with an egosyntonic personality disorder whether they themselves personally believe whether or not they're mentally ill.

See how stupid you sound?

To a certain extent you're right, however these thoughts are expressed in brain structure + chemistty + energy so there is quite the component matter.

All though to be fair, nothing really mattress.

OP here, think again, kike

There's something off on them; whether it's psychological via something through growing up and some type of distortion, or something ingrained in to their being that makes them off in their thinking, i dunno...same as how i view sociopaths, not sure what is to blame, but something is wrong regardless of what is to blame.

that being said, it really doesn't affect me, so let them do w/e..who fucking cares if they don't want help or enjoy flaunting themselves around like any other deviant can. i'm actually an acquaintance of one and it's fine, don't push my boundaries, be polite, all good.

I'm just jealous because it's one of the cool ones you know I wish I was gay they get so much support for being hero's.

I agree, it's not natural at all.

Don't care. Non-issue. Just dont expect me to always use the right pronoun by reading your mind.

you know those pics all over Sup Forums of a fish and hooks and words like bait and etc? google it and drown yourself in flashdrives full of'em.

>tfw trans
A couple years ago this thread would have upset me. Now they just make me laugh. Just a bunch of neckbeards with no real world experience giving their 2 cents.

Depends OP.
Does being a small minded, uneducated retarded faggot with idiotic opinions also count as having a mental illness?
Then maybe you can relate

Who gives a fuck so long as they don't hurt or force anyone to do shit.

Friend of mine did this. Obvious mental illness and tons of denial.

Agreed. Gender dysphoria is a mental illness and should be treated as such.

hi. this is me;
you think i am off? really? like, humanity made some genomic mistake and you came out the wrong gender??????? it's not a glitch in your system? remember, i said, and mean it, that i have nothing against you. so don't go apeshit like i hate your existence.

Nothing to understand. It is madeup nonsense. Like trying to get people to use "person and person" instead of "man and wife". Except homosexuals don't do that due to not being retarded

What is a mental illness, is it something where a person acts or thinks in a way that is directly detrimental to their health/well being? If so, if a person acts trans only in so far as to not cause direct harm to themselves and also under a doctors guidance for not harming the body; then how is it mental illness? It is true to say there is a high correlation of suicidal depression with transness however I do not think that one should necessarily entail the other. I am of belief that both things are separate.

If you think veering from societal norms constitutes mental illness.... Then you're a fucking retard.
Stay uneducated new friend

mental illness is not solely defined as being detrimental to physical health, it's known as being deficient on many aspects, humanistic being one of many as well.

Some people identify as wolves. That does not make them a wolf, or mean that their genetics went wrong somewhere.

Personally I think people should be free to take hormones and get gender mutilation surgery if they like (the end result looks very much like a mutilation, not a "reassignment"). It is up to them. But lets not pretend nature accidentally made a mistake when it came to dick/vagina. You have XX or XY chromosomes. Period.

And children born with both male and female genitalia?
Are they also mentally ill?

Are you even remotely qualified to pass a judgement, oh scholar of Google?

I'm an actual dog, on the Internet.
bork bork bork BOORK bork bork bork bork!

Not for nothing, but a lot of mental illness can be defined by how it varies from the social norm. "Normal" people do not torture animals for instance, so when we see someone doing it it is an indicator of possible mental illness.

So not normal as in violating the social contract?

>And children born
So fucking rare STFU lololol

The treatment for dysphoria is to let them transition. That's why if you go to a doctor/therapist they'll usually recommend it.

Nature makes mistakes all the time. There are tons of xy chromosome disorders. being trans is an actual condition that has been verified

you can be free to do w/e you want, but honestly thinking life cheated you out of being a wolf or a gender is a signal of the most basic order that you are deficient in some area mentally; could be easily corrected possibly too. but there is something wrong. fighting against your gender, identifying and pretending to be other animals, lacking emotional ties to your social others, vengeful extreme measures against those who have wronged you, depression coming from normal issues in life..these are issues with mentality. some correctable, some not, but all issues. deny away but it's the reality of science. your emotional rebuttal won't negate reality. your emotions, though i will respect them, do not change your condition.

It is most assuredly a mental disorder for a male to believe that he is REALLY a female trapped in a man's body.

It's all in the head, it's the textbook definition.

It is my opinion. That is what this thread asked for. I do not need 8 years of medical school to have an opinion, nor have I tried to cite "sources".

And yes, some children are born with chromosomal abnormalities or other genetic defects. If its just a physical issue, we should correct it like we would a hair lip or a hole in their heart. Remove the erroneous organ/s.

If it is a chromosonal abnormality, XXY or XYY or some other combination, then there is no "fix" any more than we can "fix" retardation. We just help them to become useful members of society.

>"so, Sup Forums, --"
>-- *useless trolling*

kys, fuck off, etc

Not believing in Christ was seen as a mental illness in the very recent past.

Societal Norms change.

You differ from societal norms in a number of ways . There is no such thing as "normal".. Does that make you mentally ill?

attention whores

Some mental illness can be identified by a lack of care for the social contract. Sociopaths often manipulate others, a general taboo among their peers generally speaking, It is a symptom. Does this mean that every person who violates the social contract has a mental illness? Of COURSE not.

But it does indicate that it can be symptomatic of mental illness.

Not as rare as you might think.
Some even make it to teens without knowing, it only becoming evident after puberty

Are they "mentally ill"?

you're comparing perceptional 'illnesses' to actual abnormalities of the human condition. try harder faggot, have a glass of wine for me next sunday.

Societal norms it seems, seems to be expanding in recent years. z.B. marriage equality in the US

Split personality, Dissociative identity disorder, schizophrenia, where another person is ANOTHER person are all "medical" disorders, in other words yes, mental disorders, so yes why wouldnt someone who says they are another person (sex) is a mental disorder.

How does someone identifying as another gender prevent them from being functional members of society?!

Are you mentally ill?

Furry == mental illness

Seems like a fair comparison.

>body dysmorphia (related: anxiety)
>body integrity identity disorder (related: amputation and anxiety)
>bulimia nervosa (anxiety/depression/binging/purging)
>anorexia (anxiety/depression/restricting)
>all forms of seeing parts of the body as unpleasant to a degree of extreme anxiety and unhealthy behaviors
>gender dysmorphia
>mutilating your genitals
>this will forever be my answer

everyone on this board is mentally ill

Yes, societal norms change. And trying to judge the social norms of a previous era on todays social norm is a logical fallacy.

Society was fundamentally different then. That does not mean that something will or will not be an element of fundamental change in the future. They also FROWNED ON INCEST and PUNISHED THEIVES in the past. Things that are still part of the social norm today.

And there is no perfectly normal person. But to pretend that means that there are not many commonalities which, on average, hold true is another mistake in your logic. By that same logic we could declare a person with any mental illness as being "Just a little abnormal".

Now I am not claiming that the desire to be another gender is a mental illness. I am not a mental health professional and I am not qualified to diagnose anybody. My point is that varying from the "norm", the mean average of human behavior, CAN be an indicator of mental health issues. And denying that is ridiculous.

Sociopaths, the depressed and others can all be functional members of society. That does not mean they do not have a mental health issue.

"Perceptions illnesses" like "Men should dress in this exact socially accepted way"?

You're an abnormality of the human condition

I agree. Many trans advocates do not recognize the possibility that what they want might be wrong.

I don't mean to imply it is necessarily. But if I did something to act counter to the norm, despite every logical reason not to, then perhaps there is something wrong in my core perceptions.

In the same way that somebody who cuts themselves feels like it is right, it is a release for them and makes them feel good. But it is seen as a mental health issue.

So, we're now defining mental illness as anything subverting or not exactly adhering to the present cultural norm?

Trumps America, ain't it?

No, saying that any man who wears a skirt is mentally ill is fucking retarded...given the arbitrary nature of fashion.
The scots would kick the fucking ever loving shit out of you for a start

no...we're simply saying that wishing you had a vagina to the point you alter your own body is a wonderfully LOUD INDICATOR something more is going on and you need some help.

Wanting to transform your body, undergo painful surgery on your genitals, all in the face of constant pressure from the outside world. That is hardly "not exactly adhering to the present cultural norm"

If a person cuts themselves, it does not make them sick or disgusting. But it is indicative of a mental health crisis. That does not automatically make someone who wants to alter their body with chemicals or surgery mentally ill. But there isn't exactly a world of difference either.

And to a trans person, I understand it doesn't feel wrong. It feels right. And it brings them joy in a way nothing else does and makes them feel whole. And that is exactly how a cutter feels.

Is a hormonal imbalance a mental illness... Like having an over active thyroid?

no, the scots would kick the ever loving shit out of you for calling a kilt a skirt. i should know as i'm one of them, and believe me, me and friends would love to find you out of a pub on your american holiday time referring to them as same.

I agree on the skirt. But when they want hormones and surgery, then it is entirely different matter.

It is like crossdressing in general. It does not make the person "sick", it is part of their sexual orientation and it hurts no one. But the dilusion that putting on that skirt suddenly changes which changing room you are suited for? Hardly.

Yes we are mentally ill

Fucking gay Scottish skirt wearing trans.

Square go ya cunt

kudos you spotted a flaw. it is not a mental illness, it creates a mental deficiency often though if untreaded; thankfully a thyroid is easily corrected. wanting to be a woman or man when you're not, is a much newer trouble to fix in modern times.

Cheers Conel, see ya at Easter.


>transgender people

I'm a guy and I have longer hair than you. :3

It seems to be a birth defect where their brain develops closer to how it would for the opposite sex. It's something that like many birth defects doesn't have a really good fix that we can currently do. It's extremely common for people that go through with a sex change surgery to regret it later even when they still don't identify as their original sex.

I also think they show a contradiction that many liberals have since their existence support the idea that there is a male and female brain while most liberals want to believe that there is absolutely no difference.

On the other hand typically conservatives believe there is a male and female brain but refuse to believe that a transgender person genuinely have the brain of the opposite sex.

So, a woman who produces more testosterone than her peers...she has a mental illness?
Or a guy with more oestrogen?

These are distinct, measurable medical issues that many on the trans community suffer from.

A mental illness can result from a medical issue. Psychosis from conditions effecting the brain, for instance.

What is needed is a correction of the underlying medical issue.

timestamp or bullshit

Correct your thoughts, correct your deeds, be a good citizen and do not subvert or become a degenerate...

Sure thing Orwell

correct, and in sufficient amounts lead to deficient thoughts, desires, and acts of 'will'. i feel you're baiting me in to saying helping correct them back to normalcy is wrong, as many do these days. sure, this is all somewhat new in a way, and for those who've developed feelings, changing course after so long may just destroy's hard to say. but then again, the body does this to many things; a cancer grows, we fight it, for example. do we just let them continue on? maybe so. at least, this is not objectively life-threatening, though it has a higher chance of a promiscuous life that could bring harm to the person, and violence from people unlike me who just hate for the sheer misunderstanding of it all. but, better sometimes to let it go as they wish, unlike a cancer; though that too is often being left up more to them too (even tho it always really was).