Mad Amerifags? how does it feel to have pathetic animals similar to your people?

mad Amerifags? how does it feel to have pathetic animals similar to your people?

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Doesn't really surprise me seeing as like literally every fucking animal in Australia is out for blood.

Especially spiders.

I always thought Aussies were closer to the Emu.

This eagle's great length and wingspan place it among the largest eagles in the world, but its wings, at more than 65 cm (26 in), and tail, at 45 cm (18 in), are both unusually elongated for its body weight, and eight or nine other eagle species regularly outweigh it.[5] So, all wing and no real bulk, okay, okay you Australians, we understand your insecurity and need to over compensate. It's okay, our women will find your accents absolutely adorable. Your modest penis length not withstanding, you'll still find some reason to drink an outstanding quantity of alcohol to display your manhood. bravo, well done. now run back to the pitch and play with your mates, will ya.

Maybe the Aussies can domesticate it to finally beat those damn emus :^)

back at ya, mate.

Australia, a country that was almost taken over by rabbits.

America, a country that was overtaken by niggers and Mexicans

australia, bought by the chinese

We're not the ones who built the worlds longest fence to protect us from floppy eared bunnies, you kiwi wannabe.


>has never lost a war
>lost a war to a bunch of emus

No, but you are the ones who are so terrified of Mexicans you want to build a wall around your country
>hurr durr what are shovels or ladders?

>has never lost a war

Can't forget aout the toads.

have aussies ever won a single battle at any time

>Never lost a war
Have you heard of the Vietnam war?

soon to be lost to cats

what language do australians speak?


>Comparing the wildlife of Australia to anywhere other than Africa or like the rainforests of South America

Yes, everything 2 steps outside your front doors is deadly enough to kill a fully grown man in less than 30 seconds. There's a reason why the rest of the world makes the rational choice to *not* live in Australia. And then there's the Abos who have no choice.


No and neither have you. War was never declared in vietnam.

straight out of middle school

our original bird was going to be a chicken

besides we've got more venomous snakes than you do, by about 500%
>we have 20ton dens full of rattlers
>60% of homes have black widows or brown recluises

yeah, you ain't special aussie

The day fluffy bunnies start to cut up people with machetes and sell drugs to your preschoolers is the day I'll worry about your opinions on Mexican containment fences.

As an American who's grown up playing many different online games w aussies, an aussies bff gamer pal, this doesn't make me mad at all. I Kekd hard and love all you guys. Even watched the last Australian rugby championship. I forget the teams, but remember it went into overtime and was pretty sick.

Most of you guys seem pretty chill and are usually always funny. Cheers.

Go watch some more mad max, faggots

Alright you keep saying that.

Just proves how we can survive well the rest of you are all pussies


Not the same guy, but neither are you. Venomous snakes and spiders don't mean shit, when the fluffiest animals we have will either poison you or tear your hands off and fist fuck you with them.

if it isn't filled with deadly venom, it's not really australian, now is it?

You guys also made this:

Yaall aight in my book

Country built by shit expelled from another country... Now talking shit... Seems appropriate if nothing else.

>not being aware that the USA also began as a penile colony

Is that cos it's full of dicks?


America. The new, comfortable nest for world jewery.

Have americans died for any actual threats to their homeland? Or do they get suckered every time?

>Just proves how we can survive well the rest of you are all pussies

Says the wanna be kiwi in mom's basement KEK!
GTFO of here boy, go back to your trap threads

Bald eagle 14 lbs vs 12 lb wedge tail.
7.5 ft wing span to 9 ft so it's a wash

Our farms have cats
Your farms have huntsman.

>How to trigger someone who never did anything with there life

Kid gtfo back to your room probably still living with your parents

Besides Vietnam, we (sort of) lost in 1812, we lost the War on Drugs, we're losing the War on Terror (whoever it was at Marvel that pointed out the "terrorism is like the Hydra" thing deserves a reward), we didn't accomplish our goal in Korea (just ask the millions of North Koreans who have to eat grass), and all of our major victories have been done only with the help of those we hate (France in the Revolution, USSR in WWII).

Australia is losing to rabbits, and couldn't kill a bunch of large birds.

Can you blame them tho because those rabbits and birds could probably kill you

nobody calls it a pitch you dumb cunt

I'll give you the birds, as Emu are basically Velociraptors. As for the rabbits, I've never seen "Night of the Lepus", but I don't think it's a documentary.

Have you met an emu? They can fuck a person up. And they are FUCKING IMMORTAL. Hit the bastards with a truck and they'll peck through the grille just to delibrately get caught in the fanbelt. Then they'll just WALK THE FUCK AWAY.

The bunnies are bit of a national disappointment though. Taste good, but they breed like niggers.

HA, you wish poorfags.
If you only had half of 1 of my bank accounts Kekd

>>what is the revolutionary war?

>>what is the spanish american war?

>>what is pearl harbor?

Ah, like a Moose, then. Nevermind, I get the point.

There was that myximatosis scare a few decades back, and then there were worries about the calesi virus jumping to humans...
So I guess indirectly the bunnies could fuck up a person's day pretty good.


Also why pretend to be a euro? You're a lot more like us m80. In fact you're pretty much Texas if we go by laws and common opinions. Come by later and we'll show you how to make real fucking beer.

Precisely. Just slightly smaller, they don't usually have antlers, and they have cute fluffy tails and floppy ears.

Just cuz that eagle is big and tough it don't mean you're not a pussy, faggot..........


half?, yeah 50 cents is something to laugh at

Touche, good sir.

Seems legit to me.

the only country to fight an interspecies war and LOSE

>great emu war

Leaving because we literally got tired of raping and shitting on zipper heads doesn't count as losing.

yeah but we have nukes though


Better than fighting nobody and killing over 300 of each other

Being too ignorant to know about the Paris Peace Accords.


no animals will poison you. animals are venomous, not poisonous.

America: Grizzly Bear
Australia: Koala Bear

Who has a flag on the moon

>just proves how we can survive well
>building a city in a safe place and not having to struggle is literally the best form of survival
>implying actual first world countries have not completely revolutionized survival

Check your shoes before you walk out into your third world wasteland, mate.


I mean we have Grizzlies and Wolves so you can fuck right off with this eagle shit. Come at us when your koalas gain 400 pounds and your Dingos double in size.

remember, the Bald Eagle being the national bird was a clerical error. It was supposed to be the Turkey

fuck you all.
our national animal is a motherfucking unicorn

holy shit it's bait!

>thinking vietnam was a war

we had 99 problems but a war aint one

except for all the poisonous species of animals out there you dipshit
of which there are thousands of

I think what my less intelligent friend meant to say was BACK TO BACK WORLD WAR CHAMPS GET SOME

I get it!

Accept the American bald eagle from Alaska can have a wing span of up to 8ft and weight of 17lb. The wedge tail is 9ft and less then 12lb. It might have larger wing span but it isn't has massive.


I wish we had gone with the turkey