User, why do you spend so much time watching those Chinese cartoons? Dont you want to spend time with me?

>user, why do you spend so much time watching those Chinese cartoons? Dont you want to spend time with me?

How does Sup Forums respond?

>go fuck richie

How the fuck did you get inside my house

I wouldnt be watching those chink shows if she was mine. Id spend as much time as possible balls deep in her cunt

Sorry you are too real for me. Thanks but no thanks.

y--you too

Do you come here often?

no because last time you told mom on me when I used your panties for a wrestling mask

>no because last time you told mom on me when I used your panties to cum in

Bitch looks happy, but God damn she's poorly dressed. No wonder she's fucking hugging herself, probably already froze her balls off.

um tgtfo time stamp too or im going back to my cartoons

Holy fuck dude get laid for the sake of your high school

>3D girls

i bet her nipples are hard

If anyone so much as smirks at this it will be overrated.

No onee-chan, I'm still searching for my waifu

the only 3d girls i need are via occulus rift


They probably are.

Thanks for joining us

even when drawn he looks like he smells

I wouldn't want to have sex right away. i'd be way off my game going in head first. I need time to take things slow and ease in. That way when she's ready to open up, the ball would be in her court.

Firstly, they're Japanese.
Secondly, who the fuck are you?