Fuck marry kill

fuck marry kill

Rose McGowan was a 10/10, shame her shit's been fucked up

fuck marry kill kill

fuck, marry, kill, fuck

from right to left

fuck, marry, kill, ignore

fuck them all, marry them all, kill Billie and her stupid sister

Looks like Ashley Greene from Twilight.

fuck kill marry kill

Fuck Rose, Marry Alyssa Milano, Kill Shannon Doherty, Fuck Piper and fuck the big bang theory bitch.

At this point I can't be picky so

fuck/marry, fuck/marry, fuck/marry, fuck/marry

fuck rose before the accident
marry alyssa milano and make her stop waxing/shaving all her body hair (except legs)
kill the other two

Fuck: Rose McGowan then
Marry: Holly Marie Combs
Kill: Rose McGowan now


She pissed off too many people and Hollywood said enough already is how I heard it.

Also fuck, marry, kill, go away I'm tired

you're thinking of Shannen Doherty

He's referring to Rose's car accident and subsequent facial reconstruction, followed by getting uglier every year

Milano started waxing her arms recently, how the hell do you get to her age and know you're famous for it, and then just start doing it out of the blue?

rose recently fucked her career up too through crazy twitter rants


And this is the only correct answer, tbqh famalans

fuck fuck kill marry
>lets be honest guys
>inb4 she gonna die anyway

kill marry kill fuck

>from right to left
are you autistic by any chance?

fuck, kill, ignore, marry hard and come inside

Marry, ignore, fuck, kill.

Fuck Paige she's the hottest by far

Kill Phoebe because she became an annoying cunt in the later seasons

Ignore Prue because she has a boring personality

Marry Piper because she's a master chef