Is it true Cocaine and Heroin can feel better then a orgasm?

Is it true Cocaine and Heroin can feel better then a orgasm?

Amphetamines if taken in the right context kinda remind me of the intense almost orgasm feeling you get when edgeing. Just a weird fuzzy pleasant euphoria. Better than an orgasm because it lasts fucking ages.

Heroin maybe. If you want the best drug experience you can have, get hold of some pure MDMA crystals.

I hear bitcoins can help you with that.


heroin, idk. Cocaine though makes you more hyper, confident, and talkative. I can't say it is better than orgasm, but sex with cocaine is definitely better

what are you 12?

nobody has ever said cocaine feels better than an orgasm

The brain has one reward system. Whether it's triggered by cocaine, sex, exercise, food, or gambling, it's exactly the same feeling of pleasure. Since a piece of cheese will release the same rush of endorphins that a crack rock will, why fuck with a chemical which can kill you?

this. retard. cocaine is way more mild than the ovies would lead you to believe.

now heroin....thats a different matter entirely. you simply cannot ignore the feeling.

fuck you though.

nope. you're stupid. there are a number of physical changes to ones nervous system and things relating to why drug experiences are different. fucks sake dude.

cheese does not raise or lower my blood pressure for example.

because the chemical sets it off in doses far too large for anything else to achieve

>thinks more people die a year from crack than cheese.

A guy i met in Taiwan who lost half his hand in a scooter accident said he took Heroin and Cocaine to help him with the pain. And said to never do it cause it was better then sex.
I'm probably going to try Cocaine tonight with this girl i met, I am mildly anxious about it.

I've had some really good coke but it's not as great. Heroin - idk though

Sexual pleasure is different from like...idk what the fuck, it's different from pleasure you get from shooting up, right? are they really that comparable?

not cocaine but maybe heroin if it's clean stuff and it's your first time doing drugs intravenously.

it's a completely different kind of pleasure, though. not exactly better per se and I'd rather have sex than get high if I had to choose one or the other but they're both damn fine experiences.

I used to shoot dilaudid with a couple chums in college from time to time and the initial rush from that was just as good as if not better than heroin, fucking wonderful feeling that would envelop every inch of your body although I'm long past that stage of my life and have been completely clean for over two years now and don't miss it in the slightest.

honestly the best substance induced sensation I've ever experienced was abstaining from masturbation for about a month and then smoking a very large quantity of pot, much larger than usual, and edging for half an hour before climaxing right as my high was peaking. that shit lasted like three to four times as long as my usual orgasm and it was enough to leave me trembling afterwards.

maybe try having an orgasm right as the initial euphoria from heroin or any other opiate kicks in, I wager that'd feel pretty fucking great but I'm not interested in finding out personally.

"Pleasure" is the same phenomenon in the brain whether its origin is heroin or cheese. There may be lots of other physiological effects, but none of them matter except the cascade of endorphins in the brain's pleasure centre. That's literally what pleasure IS. Different things will cause different amounts of pleasure; drugs are just a more efficient way of starting that cascade of endorphins.

The thing is, though, they brain as a refractory peiod. If you use up all your "joy" chemicals, it takes a while for your brain to manufacture more. It's why, for example, people tend to fall into a depression after using drugs. A smaller but more sustained joy reaction is probably better than a single huge dump of endorphins, since it can be maintained for a long time.

stop being a fucking pussy. Cocaine is perfectly ok unless you do not overdose or overdo it (along the way). You cannot even afford to overdo it. In fact it is one of the most clean drugs (as long as it is pure). It blocks your re-uptake channels without entering the cytoplasm unlike amphetamines and other shit that interferes with cellular chemistry. Why do you think the effects last so short and you have to snort it every hour or so.

Heroin though, do it once, and you are as good as dead.

>Not on the 2016 yolo meme
>Not doing shit for the experience
Try it you might like it :^)

go to bed Owen.

not cocaine, but the rush from injecting heroin does

Kill yourself.

That's the case for MDMA, but not for most drugs.
Case in point: THC molecules found in weed activate certain receptors in the brain that would otherwise be activated by endorphins, hormones etc. Same receptors, different chemical.

The natural 'pleasure' response (induced without drug use) is the result of certain ratios between the endorphins and hormones in the brain. As such, a wide range of subjective feelings can occur depending on the ratios of chemicals in your brain at the time that the 'pleasure' response arises.

Furthermore, feelings of pleasure arising from drug use can be the result of a number of different reactions, activations and ratios of chemicals and receptors in the brain. Not only are the subjective results of drug use different from person to person, but drug use itself has the ability to invoke feelings otherwise impossible to achieve sober. Again, case in point: you can't be stoned if you haven't ingested THC.

There are a number of pathways in the brain that can invoke pleasure. Furthermore, feelings of pleasure are invoked through chemical ratios and therefore can easily differ from person to person and from occasion to occasion.

Do some research you fucking neet.