We need to protect the lolis. You know what to do

We need to protect the lolis. You know what to do.

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We have doubts in pics 2B and 4A, I posted the possible culprits but we are not sure who is who, but it's sure that the first pics are John Podesta and Tony Podesta without doubts. Also I think picture 2B is a shaven woman instead of a bald man.


"Another sighting of a man carrying a child that night was reported by Martin and Mary Smith, on holiday from Ireland.[50] Scotland Yard concluded in 2013 that the Smith sighting offered the approximate time of Madeleine's kidnap.[50]

The Smiths saw the man at around 22:00 on Rua da Escola Primária, 500 yards (457 m) from the McCanns' apartment, walking toward Rua 25 de Abril and the beach. He was carrying a girl aged 3–4 years. She had blonde hair and pale skin, was wearing light-coloured pyjamas and had bare feet. The man was mid-30s, 5 ft 7 in – 5 ft 9 in (1.75–1.80 m), slim-to-normal build, with short brown hair, wearing cream or beige trousers. He did not look like a tourist, according to the Smiths, and had seemed uncomfortable carrying the child."


The two portraits are not portraits of two different men, but they are two different portraits of the same person, since the witness wasn't sure how he looks like

So please quit your tin foiling


You Sup Forumsfags have gone full retard. Kys

>Implying you all wouldn't be balls deep in some underage pussy if you could get away with it

I do it and I can't get away with it; I just haven't been caught yet. I'm addicted to 16, it's just the sweet spot. Their skin is so fucking smooth and soft.

They've been full retard for the entire election. Inb4 you're a CTR shill.

move to canada bruh, 16 is the age of consent here

Hey that top artist sketch totally looks like me

Yup just taking my little girl for a walk in the park at night

Don't worry I'm not and would never rape her

I'm taking her body to the woods to bury her

She was dead already

Some states in America have the age of 16 but the law gets weird.

It's 16 in some states but you can only be four years older than them at the time of intercourse. If you're 21 or older with a 16 year old, then it's rape.

Just Murican freedom things.

Thanks for correct the rectum faggots. Do you think that the spirit cooking shit is fake too?

Shitskins i knew it.


hugh jackman killed that woman with his wolverine claws, bill murray takes a picture in a top hat, child gets abducted

>spirit cooking
Go to bed Alex Jones.

What's going on here

that is supposed to be art. fucked up b/millionaire entertainment.

Wikileaks and company leaked and proved that Hillary Clinton and her party were involved in satanic rituals #SpiritCooking and it is know that Democrats are involved in pedophilia, first one going to jail was Weiner.
The FBI knows that, but we don't have any clear proof of pedophilia since they always use code names, but some anons are digging and they are finding lot of shit involving the democrats with pedophilia.

Also Obama is a fucking pedo nigger too

1. It was not hillary, it was maybe podesta (we don't even know if he went there or not)

2. It's grotesque avant garde art with satanic themes, not legit cult satanism

well hello mr putin