So my mother and father have been separated for a long time...

So my mother and father have been separated for a long time, and i had a pretty miserable childhood growing up with the bitch, luckily I escaped all that bullshit one day and moved in with my dad. He's a nice guy, unlike my mother.
I'm still living with him at the moment while studying at my last year in school. Its nearly the holidays where I live, so dad and me planned to go down to his father's for a week or so. Tl;dr This is my mother's reply to a normal conversation, what does Sup Forums think i should I say to the cunt?

If you have time being a cynical little cunt then im sure you will have time to google what lmao means

Haha, I was thinking of saying exactly that. Psychic much?

Tell her that b wants to see her tits.

If you go with your mom you might lose your virginitysome day. If you go with ur dad he will fuck up your mind


Just go have sex with your mom.

This, post results

Sure user, I'll go stick my dick in my maker

damn op I feel sorry for you

>that background.

Nothing wrong with it at all

Damn op. That's fucked. Looks like messages from my crazy ex wife. Sorry bro. But your dad did good and bailed. As long as your happy man you just keep doing what you want to do. Don't fall for the bullshit like that

Yeah, she really fucked me up. Thanks to her I have been diagnosed with chronic depression (hey, whadya know!) and anxiety. Turned me into a grade a social reject.

ask her for sex

post results

Says the guy with an anime wallpaper,

Fuck off mother fucker ayyyyy

Thx user, Ive learned to stay well away from her finally.

alright fagget

ask her for titty pics

OP ask for tit pics and post now.

this please

If you don't wanna ask for tit pics give us her number so we can.

Tell her to stop talking trash about Dad.

this too

Tell her she could never suck your dad till orgasm like you can.

No worries. That shit would be hard. As said my ex tries that reverse shit on me all the time with our son. Its hard to remove yourself from the situation but really what's pulling you to it is the worry you have for them hurting their feelings. As said just gotta focus on you and what you want and make yourself happy.



Are we getting your moms boob's or not?

This. Any parent who shit talks the other parent in a divorce to the child is usually a toxic person. If she can't respect that, cut her out of your life, you'll be better off in the long run.

The only way he's better off is if he cums in her and gets her pregnant.

You should say "KYS Faggot"

How can he have sex with her if she kys

Thx for the good advice anons, makes me feel like I'm not the crazy one here haha.

So this is what I just wrote up, is it alright? Does it need more salt?

Ask for tits

the only true direction to take this thread in

I'm afraid op is to much of a neck beard beta to ask for the cacas

This, tits give life meaning

Send it. She will probably either not reply for some time or say somelike like "You really come after your father".
Inb4 Reply kek then

Ask her if she has ever made love to a beautiful woman.

She literally does that too, ugh.
I'll probs reply in the morning tho

Ask for the tit pics now though

Kek, this please

post results though. also what

Nah nigga, way too much salt. This is just gonna feed into her self centred drama about how she's the victim in all of this shit. You want to keep it clean, quick and professional. Something along the lines of;

Alright, that's it. I get that you're going through a divorce, and as a result you have a lot of negative emotions. But do you really think it's appropriate to say those kinds of things to me? The man is my father, whatever you may feel about him isn't going to change that fact. If you want to say those kinds of things, say them to someone else; your friends, a therapist, the pizza delivery guy, whatever. Just have enough respect for me to do that. And if you can't do that, then don't talk to me. Please.

Btw, if you have the time to text, you have time to google. (Figured I'd throw that one in for you because seriously, who thinks they're too busy to google in this fucking day and age.)

Sounds like a typical woman. Most of them are like that

Ask her if she has ever made love to a beautiful woman.

And if she kicks off at that, then tell her to go fuck herself.

No, really. Just straight up "Go fuck yourself. Maybe then you won't be so horrible to talk to".

Ask if you can watch as she fucks herself too

Haha, sexism is funny :^)

Thanks user, I might rewrite my text a little then.

S'all good mang. Best of luck with this shitty situation.

For the love of god. Ask for tits now.

Years of bullying though, I had great parents, only thing that got me through it. Still, sorry :(.

Dude just go jerk off to some incest porn like a normal human bean.

Tell her your daddies little fuccboi now the only rut he gets stuck in is your tight asshole.

Check em. Kek wills it.

Say nothing. She isn't getting any better at that age if that's really how she speaks and feels. You can cast all the blame you want too - her friends, her parents, yourself. But this is something she has to work on herself. You should enjoy your time with your father, since you know as well as the rest of us what our relationships are typically like with our fathers.

Oh god

>Mothers with taboo obsessions over their children.

Take that shit as a compliment, especially coming from her.

user lives in nz? That's rare good luck with that bitch lol