Band shirts

Profound social statement or a sign of insecurity?

I like supporting artists that have cool merch. Snagged pic related to help give some money to the No Response Festival in Cincinnati (and personally really dig hair police)

in what universe

where should one start in terms of getting into hair police?

Band tees have a heavy stigma at this point, it says more about need of self expression than anything else, and that is very unfashionable unless you are actively aware that this stigma affecting you. All fashion comes from insecurity and the need for a purpose/identity.

By buying a t-shirt

you people create problems that dont even exist

Except in metal, where it seems to be semi-obligatory to own at least one band shirt, and no one bats an eye, no matter the band.

How can they not exist if we create them?

Gee, guess the Car Seat Headrest t wasn't such a great idea after all =w=

I wear a decent number of band shirts - but the shirt actually has to look good for me to wear it. Like 99% of metal shirts people walk around in look like absolute garbage.

99% of metal shirts are just an album cover badly cropped

Whenever I wear band t-shirts it's because I really like the band.
Never because I'm trying to make a statement nor am I insecure.
Stupid question. Some people think way too damn much.

i don't own any metal merch
t. huge metalfag

>Never because I'm trying to make a statement
You really think so, huh? Everything you do is a message; a statement. Even when that statement is something as bland as "look at the band I like".

I can hear you loud and clear "but I'm doing this for me!" Funny how people will hurry to that argument. Same with girls and makeup. You're not doing it for you. You can't even fucking see your shirt most of the time unless you're actively looking down at it. You wear it to broadcast a message, whether you care to realise such a simple fact or not.

I wear a De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas t-shirt around town and I don't even like black metal, I mostly listen to J-pop and jazz.

you're what is commonly known as a poseur

>huge metalfag
>doesnt own a metal shirt

no you arent you hipster douchebag

t. nu-male

I'm broadcasting the fact that I like this band because I like doing it, I do it for me. What's so hard to understand user? Not everyone is as insecure as you.

Nice deflecting, but you're still not doing it "for you". I'm glad you admitted to the first bit, though. It takes one hell of a thickie to deny such an obvious fact.

You really enlightened me user, I finally understand that everything I do is for other people. Every single action I undertake changes me as a person and eventually this gets broadcast to others through my actions.

Funny, you say that like it's not true

Sure it might be, but it's the type of overthinking that ruined me in the past. I prefer just doing things for me without being a cynical retard about it.

>ruined me in the past
If thinking ruins you then I suppose you should get some more band ts.
>being a cynical retard
If you can't live with truths without becoming a cynical retard then you'll be any other kind of retard even with pretty and comfy lies all around you.

Get some more ts; do it for you.

Or maybe just a shirt of something you like. How much of an autist do you have to be to make such a post?

Thinking in this way will ruin any human in due time, but I won't try to convince you of that.

Thank you, will do.

>thinking ruins humans!!!!!!!
ok dude

Neither you fucking dope. I would say they're more of a conversation starter than anything else

Holy fucking shit
>this level of autism
Not the dude you're arguing with, but get off his dick cunt, you sound like one of those insecure faggots that worries more about what other people do than how shit of a person you are

sure thing my dude

If you worry about what you wear you're a fucking autist.

Its 2017 you can wear whatever the fuck you want now

>I like this band I think I'll wear it
Profound social statement or projecting?

The question is WHY do you wear it?

More like
>If you worry about what other people wear you're a fucking autist.

Pretty sure autists don't care about other people's clothes. You're thinking of homosexuals. Different diseases.

that swans shirt is cool as fuck that guy is just a fag with a shit outfit

music plays

>"Hey I like this band I wanna wear a shirt that advertises them!"
Are you literally retarded

Dude you didn't have to slap those tendies out of your mom's gand like that either.

Autists on Sup Forums do

>That girl is wearing a Joy Division t-shirt, I bet she only knows "Love Will Tear Us Apart" , what a fucking posseur.

The best way is wearing t-shirt without the band's logo or name but something referencing them.

>find a sweet band shirt
>it's Gildan/Fruit of the Loom

Undercover is the only reasonable source of band-related clothing

>Profound social statement

Sign of insecurity. It's just trying to virtue signal how cool you are without ever needing to do anything.

some band shirts have a cool design.
that's it.

This.don't even listen to them after that,won't need to. You noise now boy

Yes I wear my anal cunt shirt because it makes a statement NO NIGGA IT'S FUCKING ANAL CUNT
Fucking tard


Not this one

I have 10 or so band shirts that I wear regularly, all of which are Grateful Dead or related to them.
I have a few other shirts, but those are worn during parties for my girlfriend and I that have a theme like 80s or 70s, such as Pink Floyd, Talking Heads, Eagles, and shit.

really gets the ol noggin joggin

> profound social statement

top kek. not everything has to be meaningful. wearing a band t-shirt isn't always screaming for attention either.

if a band i really like has a cool one, sure i'll buy it to support them. it's just a nice shirt, and if it's a tasteful design people will just think it's another shirt.

but for example, i love metal, yet i'd never wear a shirt because of the designs. i'd still buy them and wear them at the concert or something but it's pretty autistic to wear them casually.

o fuck banky