Hey white boy! Got some change?

>Hey white boy! Got some change?
Keep in mind they just saw you coming out from a store

Give me some change nigga

sure do

Nah bruh just plastic

don't get cut

Don't even acknowledge their presents and keep walking.

This tbh

Years of living in the inner city taught me to always be aware of everyone around you, but completely ignore them.

you're just a racist white male

That's bullshit. I have nothing against niggers

Pull out my necklace of human ears and keep walking.

Yeah i got some money but whats in it for me? I cant just give money away homie that shit dont grow on trees. Tell u what....i'll let u work for some money. U niggas ever suck dick?

The holy kek has spoken

Respond : "Nah I don't carry cash. Just my card."
While I grip my fucking glock with 9 rounds of 10mm.

Yea I got some change
>give them a penny each, and some pocket lint
Have a blessed day, walk with Allah.

Christ boy

Yes, I will pay you in lead, NIGGER

ooh i got thee dubs

Propably give them money because otherwise they would beat me up and I would be persecuted as a racist if I defend myself.

Pull out gun and call them niggers god I love being an american.

Dunno man, you should at least thank them for the gifts, even if you dont accept it. Rude otherwise


famous last words


Clutch my chest and fall to the ground. Pretend to be dead until the niggers are gone and it's safe to leave.


This is why I like the Mexican gangs in this town. A white boii like me can rest easy knowing these niggers can't come in to town

>tfw niggers stole my ear necklace

The one is a dangerous beast that attacks humans when they come too close, cannibalizes and murders members of his own species, engages in tribal warfeare while the other one is a Gorilla.