Just finished my second promo and lost, can't play the third to climb because end of season...

just finished my second promo and lost, can't play the third to climb because end of season. what are your end of season ranks /b?

ppl still thinks this game have more than a few years of fun ahead?

Plat 4 ADC. But i really played few rankeds and quit the game for a good 3 months in the middle of the season. Hopefully next year i can at least archieve Diamond

Gold 5 plebian, been playing for 4 years, 1.5years daily.started as b5 in season 4

Silver 5 Fill.
Played til silver. Went back to aram.

Diamond 5, just dropped from D4 right before season end

Was Gold 5 until I got perma banned like a week ago.

Silver 3 ADC

Plat 4 Support. Used to be plat 1 but solo q is cruel to supports

with some luck tonight i´ll be in gold 5 after promo. whats your main champ and lane OP?

Im always diamonds. Dont play lol though

>rushed new account to high plat
>trying to get dia before season ends
>get 14-day banned = no season rewards


why where you banned?

1/8 leona. What a disgrace

too much flamerino

Plat 5 fill, I like adc the most though.

Second season of actually playing ranked, been playing since 09

plat top laner. fuck it

too many idiots?


tbh just quit desu~

your build sucks dick.
IE is bad on ashe, ER is much better, finish the god dam boots.


ever read how ashes passive works dipshit? IE is a core item as is for most adc`s

focus on your csing mechanics aswell

diamond again, i think is my top forever

Look fucktard, Ashe is a utility adc, ER is better for cds which is what makes ashe so good as a adc. You can still get IE but getting ER second is much better in the grand scheme of the game.

I can just taste the salt from here

dude do you even know how to adc? BFF first rush runans go IE. Get one more crit item win game....

yeah Im probably not innocent but still I just get ticked off too easily by some toxic idiot

Gold 4 b/c am scrub and int if someone pisses in my cheerios.

You have like a month...

Anyway, I'm silver 3 right and lost 2 promos in a row because my team mates wanted to discord with the other team. that happens too often like it's a tactic for the other team so I just dropped the game.

Playing Atlas Reactor now. Fucking amazing game.

Silver 3, play most roles except jungle, I guess I main mid/adc. I feel i'm a pretty good player despite my rank and old champion mains. Hopefully the new season can put me high silver low gold

I agree with this. That's good sound logic. Especially considering you can't get that many more hits before they run back even with the best adc. The slow chase keeps you out of being pinned by jungles or their returning sup.


Been playing adc for a long time dude, and ashe is always a good corner of my choices. IE doesnt help ashe at all in the early or mid game. ER allows you to poke with your w often, e and try to spy out he enemy jungler more often than every 90 or so seconds. Do you understand what a utility adc is?


>like a month
>season ends in 6 hours
nigga what