>In a study released last week, Harvard scientists proved Cristiano Ronaldo is better football player than Lionel Messi
>In a study released last week, Harvard scientists proved Cristiano Ronaldo is better football player than Lionel Messi
>on football
>made by jews
3 strikes and you're out
Was there ever any doubt?
I didn't realise we went back in time to 2005
The only relevant USA college is MIT.
Pretty obvious. Everybody knows. What a waste of money.
Harvard is overpriced shit
>scientists at Harvard have nothing better to do than waste their time on this shit
nerd nonsense
If such a study existed it would find Ronaldo not to be in the top 10 players in the world.
Do people still think Messi is better?
It's embarrassingly obvious at this point that people are just saying this cause they dont like Ronaldo. Emotional children really need to stay out of these debates.
>calls other opinions emotional
>praises a guy that can only run and shoot hard
like pottery
>a bunch of trust-fund homosexuals prefer Ronaldo
nothing to see here
>Being so desperate to prove that you're better then your rival that you need to have a Harvard study commissioned to prove it
This is exactly why Messi is better
>thinking there's a source
you must be new to sports reporting
Sup Forums 101 lad. Get used to it
>in a study released in the Horny Rooster nightclub in London, Ronaldo is totes cute and, like, so much better than Messi.
>In a study released by Trump University™, scientists have proven that Cristiano Ronaldo is homosexual and sucks ass compared to Lionel Messi
If you look at individual statistics penaldo gets btfo out,the same goes for trophies.The only thing TSUUU man has going for him is the euro championship and some seasons where he stat padded insanely hard,which doesn't make him the better player.
Ronaldo has proven himself in three different leagues. Nobody is going to take Messi seriously until he proves himself in the Premier League.
jews would hate ronanldo though since ronaldo hates israel and does charitable shit for palestine. apparently he's given millions in charity to them. one time an israeli player tried to trade shirts with him and he said that he snubbed him by saying he doesn't exchange shirts with murderers. dude is pretty based like that.
Not surprising considering Americans value athleticism over everything else.
There's nothing more cringeworthy than Americans having an opinion about football.
>In a study released last week, Harvard scientists proved Cristiano Ronaldo is better football player than Lionel Messi
googled it and found nothing
also proved on the international stage :^)
>this retard actually looked it up
>if you look at individual statistics penaldo gets btfo
> some seasons where he stat padded insanely hard
Which is it faggot? You Missi fags are grasping at straws
gee.. a tall, handsome and atheltic man compared to a manlet with autism.
i wonder how long it took them to figure it out