Is it worth voting 3rd party for the election?

is it worth voting 3rd party for the election?

If a 3rd party get enough votes in an election (no idea how many or what percentage), then it means they'll be invited to the debates next time around. Or something like that.

So if you live in a state that's guaranteed to go one way or the other, and your vote can't possibly change it, then vote 3rd party.

Getting 5% of the popular vote means that party gets public funding in the next election cycle.

better to vote trump and hope the fact that a non-established politician either made it or got so close that third parties will be truly viable next time.
even zizek that fat socialist philosopher agrees.

The only thing your vote will do is help give him money for his efforts. Which is nice but ultimately the percentage of votes that go to the third party are not large enough to make a dent on the majority votes that got to the democrats and republicans. I personally hate them both its just a sad world to live in right now.

No. Vote trump if you want change

I did, so you won't be alone if you decide to

Anyone who tells you that voting third party is a waste is a bitch who has resigned himself to defeatism. A programmed robot instead of a free human bean.

I absolutely do not want trump as our president but I have to admit he's still better than Hillary. Why does this country have to suck so bad?

as someone who is voting for one of the major candidates I agree. vote for whoever the fuck you feel like, just show up

"I hate both candidates so that makes me look more intelligent" fuck off Trump will make our borders, economy, diplomacy, corruption, society, ect better

if you don't live in a swing state your vote literally doesn't matter anyways, so do whatever the fuck you want

In my state it doesn't matter. Trump is going to crush it here and don't care for either one of these idiots. I'm going to vote for Alleppo Johnson because I'd rather have a third party next go around and it helps get them funded.

Who the fuck listens to zizek? He talks bullshit which contradicts itself.

or someone who understands the reality of the American first-past-the-post electoral system

Vote trump if you're a simple minded murican'

Yes, if not for winning this election (which should be obvious to you by now) but to send the message that the two party bullshit we're stuck in has resulted in the choice between two terrible candidates and isn't working like it used to, and to promote future third party candidates to try even harder to actually win. As of now their only realistic goal was to break the cycle of incredibly small percentages, to get meaningful percentages, and this election being so fucked up has done that. If people see a third party as being viable and a third party spends the next four years influencing people for the next election then a third party win is possible with the right candidate. If that happens, it will be the beginning of a new era in politics

Defeatist bitch robot detected.

y'all a bunch of white trash hicks blaming the mexicans instead of dad's meth business for their failure in life

when the border closes you'll still be worthless lower-class poors working assembly line jobs

i think that we should change the voting system to something like australia's STV

but i also know that we sure as shit ain't gonna accomplish that any time soon

>when the border closes you'll still be worthless lower-class poors working assembly line jobs
Truest thing posted here all day.

CTR is barely paying you guys. Spreading the army thin.

Here are the responses you will get from supporters of each candidate, from my experience:

Trump voters: While a third party candidate doesn't have a chance of winning, you should still vote for the best candidate in your opinion. Even if they won't win, your voice will be heard and may impact future elections


Of course it's worth. Third party candidates have no change if everyone thinks that way. In fact, everyone should stop voting for the two major candidates because they are always shit and go for the third party candidates anyway. You are in this mess pretty much because you try to vote for the more likely "winner", because everyone goes for the bigger name you will always have only two bad options to go to.


Vote for who you want to vote for regardless if they can win or not.

McMullin can win Utah, so vote for him