At what age did you realize the death penalty is literally retarded?

At what age did you realize the death penalty is literally retarded?

i fucking love cp

18 or so, when I saw how much cheaper it is to just feed the prisoners instead of jamming the justice system with appeals costing our officials time and money.

use a guillotine cheap as shit and fast

It's not.
Prison is retarded and based on old puritan ideals.
What they should do is put a bullet in the head of any serious criminal, costs the state less than a dollar.
Everything else is a fine.

Why is the death penalty retarded?

and when they cant pay the fine?

me too i like it a little wet myself how do you like your cp?

not paying your fines is a serious crime.
Can't pay the fine, don't do the crime.

>Implying it doesn't kill googles

Mfw death penalty could get rid of a large portion of googles, 50% of murders are googles, remind me again why this is bad? Even if it takes a lot of time and money, worth it to have one less google.

It only takes a lot of time and money because of liberals. It wouldn't be cruel or unusual to shoot them in the head.

True as fuck. So little time, little money, less googles, again, why is this bad op? Plus even if it kills whites, it kills murderous trash and degenerates. Am fine with this.

Three and a half. Then, I became four and realized that it was exponentially more retarded to sacrifice a fraction of my hard-earned weekly paycheck just to provide free clothing, housing, and food to known psychotic child rapists and serial killers so that we might one day unleash them upon the public once more.

Thieves should lose a finger each time they're caught.

Rapists should lose dick and balls first conviction.

Murderers should be killed.

Let the punishment fit the crime.

At age never.
Nobody gives a shit about stupid drug smugglers in Singapore.
It's not like money is a problem for us anyway.

Green paper is serious business!



considerably later than i learned how to use the word literally

Found the filthy jobless communist leech who should be shot in the head for the good of the land.
>know there's a 2000 dollar fine for minor theft
>steal a purse anyway cuz nigger noggin
>"man how you expect me ta pay dat get a job or sumfin"
>BOOM, one less degenerate

I claim you're a murderer. The biggest guy on the street likes me more than you. Now you're dead.

Not all cases are cut and dry; hence appeals.

Maybe adjust your opinion to some form of a more advanced society than ancient Mesopotamia when you turn 5.

Your use of the word "literally" is retarded. Not literally retarded but retarded. Don't use "literally retarded, actually retarded." Instead use retarded. So your question should read: "At what age did you realize that the death penalty is retarded?" Still problems, but less of them. The use of literately in your sentence is tantamount to writing: The death penalty is mentally disabled due to some biological process that has damaged the death penalty's brain tissue. Is that what you meant or did you want to preserve the figurative connotation of the word "retarded"?

That's not how the law works you literal retard.
If there's even a shadow of a doubt of your guilt you walk.
"Better that 9 guilty men go free than 1 innocent man hang" or however it goes.

As opposed to figuratively retarded?? Hard to recall.

Literally never.

I don't know what i could possible say to you that'd make you admit to something you already know because you're a huge faggot.

Innocent people get put to death.

I'm fine with that as long as it's not me. But if we go back to some eye for an eye mentality then it'll get worse.
>for an example; look at some modern day middle eastern countries
If you like that world better; great. If you think it'll put more altruism into society; you gargle shit for breakfast.

But its not, the death penalty is better than prison or life as a criminal.

method doesnt matter. he's talking about how...

you know what fuck it, i'm not going to explain it to you.

>if we kill criminals there wont' be less crime
that's how retarded you sound.
The difference between the west and jackfuckistan is if we say you're guilty 99.999% of the time it's because you were guilty.

The reason we have this society is because smarter people then you designed the legal system. And it's still very flawed.

You don't understand shit and i truly hope you end up in the world you want.

Listen here nigger

I'm 25 and still see it as acceptable. Fuck that.

I understand bullshit laws that cause for death penalty, but if you purposely - kill someone or rape a kid or whatever, you shouldn't get a second chance, especially as an adult. We should all know better.