City outplay Utd, away, without Aguero, Kompany and Gundogan

>City outplay Utd, away, without Aguero, Kompany and Gundogan
>first loss for Utd under Mourinho
>Utd think they're gonna win the league after beating three midtable sides
>only goal comes from a City mistake
>City hit the post
>Iheanacho 1 goal/1 assist in 53 mins, Rashford 0/0 in 45, Iheanacho confirmed for better
>De Bruyne 1 goal/1 assist, confirmed for de GOAT

yeah, yeah but what about those shirt sales la

Call me when City win a game this season without refball?

remember when city blew everyone away in the first 5 games of last season

really made me think

Yeah, but can City players dab?

Ian nacho was always better then rashford. Only plebs and englishmen disagreed
retribution for fergie time

Do people actually support City? Can someone explain why please?

They became good so people wanted to support them

because they play the best football in the league and if not for them, united might still be a monopoly?

>and if not for them, united might still be a monopoly

Well no, there's still Chelsea

I guess cause they live in Stoke?

But they stand for nothing. They represent nothing. They're like a default generic football club

money = win
wins = shitload of losers that just care about being on the winning side

chelsea alone couldn't beat united to the title. They need city to take points away from them.
?They stand for manchester city football club. What do united "stand" for? They'd be a more generic football club if they weren't invested in heavily from jewish american bankers in the 90s, or have you forgotten about that?

mostly because of the extremely obnoxious, arrogant, and deluded manure fans that are literally everywhere

I thought they are the Manchester working class' club

>supporting a team because United fans annoy you

u wot m8

lifelong City fan here

Same reasons people support any club. You must be deluded if you think they didn't have any fans prior to all the money just like you'd be deluded if you think they currently don't have an enormous bandwagon crowd.

united were the better team for the last 60 mins and 99/100 it would have been 3-2 at half time

so not too bad signs for them, chelsea easily going to walk the league though

Because me dad did desu

City fan my whole life m8, 28 yo and going strong

we had 30k fans in what is now the champ and not much less in league one

always had a good, working class fanbase. had to put up with a lifetime of arrogance from utd bellends

and now we're loving it pal

Born and bred in Frog Island pal


>united were the better team for the last 60 mins

Stick to egg chasing, you convict.

And while I'm here...

Stop embarrassing our country.

wow not an argument fellow burger

reminder that mouyes has been sacked more times than won against guardiolel

After Trump, you're beyond being embarrassed desu

chelsea x2, real, who else?

>People follow them because they play the best football in the league
I bet you change your favorite NFL team every year too
You got me.

thanks for correcting the record

Suck shit cunt


Because I actually grew up in Manchester and not Essex.

How come there were literally 0 fans on here a few seasons ago?

I don't believe any of you are lifelongs

Bandwagoned them when damarcus Beasley went on loan to them for a year.

I believe the term is called 'bandwagon scum' mate

this. Shitty is a team that lacks fortitude. They're like Arsenal without fans.

2 months from now Otamendi will be scoring Own Goals for fun, Aguero will be hurt and De Bruyne will be literally carrying the team on his back like he did at Wolfsburg.

City used to represent everything United didn't. They weren't a big money club, they didn't have a bandwagon, they weren't arrogant.

And then they got bought out and have taken on everything they hated about United. Now they represent nothing. They can't even claim to be anti-united as every bad quality united have, city share.

Sad really.

There wasn't, it was a meme perpetuated by United fans.

believe what you want m8, I don't think you have the magic power to take my childhood memories wtih my granddad away

you sick cunt

I've been here for years, it's just that nobody cared when we were shite.

5 year olds shouldn't be on Sup Forums

not accounting for bandwagoners, those are included in the deal for success, isn't City the traditionally biggest club in Manchester itself? while United have most of their support in the neighbouring cities like Stretford

Your grandad probably supported Chelsea you southern twat


I told you all months ago he was going to rape the premier league, the title has already been decided

There were 0 fans on here till the season they won the league. Even then, it's only been the past 2 years that there have actually been fans on here

It's september

Believe what you want, but that isn't true.


my granddad was forged on the streets of 50s Manchester, confirmed for harder than every single southerner (and thus all Utd fans)

Do you make notes of who every single user supports, you autistic cunt?

lifelong city fan here lads

Nice one, Mohammed. drumpf btfo again

Lol bullahit. No mancs support city

>Plastic Bertrand

because no one cared about city senpai, there are a lot of fans of shit teams on Sup Forums but you don't notice them

They're roleplaying to be edgy and contrarian. Eveyone wants to see Poop Guardiola fail, but if he doesn't they'll just pretend to be City supporters and laugh at the actual United/Chelsea/Arsenal fans who give a shit about their clubs.


>Nice one, Mohammed


Added to my American banter folder, lad.

confirmed for having 0% of actually living in Manchester with a ridiculous comment like thast
that's the only place City fans are from. And most are working class non autists

We're getting more foreign fans now but I don't mind, they can share in the joy of seeing you Stretford cunts crying every time we beat you at the swamp

because we are the good guys

City have yet to sell out a league game since being bought

Guardiola teams don't lack fortitude. What's been shown in the last few games is City's potential. Now they just have to stay consistent, something Pep is driven enough to make happen.

I live in Manchester and have never met a city fan so I'm gonna have to disagree with you

will le angsty italian man manage to stop CIty from winning the league in October

Don't speak about that tap in merchant. He isn't half the player Rashford is

>no mention of Silva
kindly fuck off pls

Kek aren't you a hard working class manc

you'd have to leave >your house for that

Try leaving the house.

I'm pretty sure you have m8, unless you ask everyone you meet who they support

I wish I was a hard as fuck tenman hardman m8

sadly I am not, as evidenced by me posting on a cambodian spitting newt forum

You fucking autist. No team bought by a Saudi billionaire is a good guy.

as opposed to clubs bought by jewish oligarchs?

you got told manure fag

Guardiola teams have been Barca and Bayern. Aguero is not Messi. Sterling is not Lewandowski.

jewish oligarchs that take money out of the club and buy the club with its own money you fuckwit. the glazers do nothing for us whereas city have had everything given to them. you'd have to be retarded not to see that

And then what makes you literally being funded by jews?

>All these butthurt Man Utd fans that people on Sup Forums actually support City

top jej

Everyone in Stoke was a Liverpool fan before stoke got gud

But everyone who actually lives/works in Manchester knows that's United have a bigger fanbase

Mate there's always been at least two brits on here supporting city

And there's always been gamethreads

That's not the argument though, is it? Of course United have a bigger fanbase, they were the dominant team in the entire league for about 20 years

It's like saying Everton have no fans in Merseyside cos of Liverpool. And we're not half as persecuted as them

>spending money is only good when we do it!

kys, manure were the original cashed up club, and were the first ones to drive up inflation of transfer prices in the 90's

Now you're just furious that other clubs can compete on the same financial level. Unless the money is from ISIS no one cares, and the argument that "your money is bad wahhh!" is just a pathetic cop out excuse by manure customers

>de bruyne still haunting mouyes

still have no idea what he was on about when he sold him and mata because "muh oscar is better/speaks portugese"

I was expecting Netherlands flag desu

While we're at it, where's Dutchbro? I was expecting catalog to be filled with cityposting

>unless their money is from ISIS
>Saudi owners practically funding ISIS
dumb fuck

he's on the pogba thread

Go to the threads with 0 replies on like page 8

>Comparing a club becoming rich to a Club who randomly got rich for nothing

The Arab slave owner could have taken over Everton or Newcastle. I have no Idea how anybody has any serious connection to city. Even the ones who live in Manchester

its bedtime for him, he's had enough of hardcore autism city posting

More like, we were shit so we clung to some false idea of having a moral high ground over United, as some kind of shit consolation prize.

No fucks given, I prefer having money and winning.

>rich for nothing
It's like he hasn't heard of karma

>30k fans every week in Championship at Maine Road, almost that in League One
>does genuinely good community shit and has for years and years
>finances getting fucked over by every shit chairman we have
>horrific injury robs us of future England Captain and nobody even remembers him
>literally stopped Man Utd from folding by letting them use our stadium after Munich
>literally a family club with working class fans no matter what autist cunts on an Indonesian exhaust pipe chatboard say

if by funded you mean taking out money every year and placing us it massive debt then yes, we are practically a zionist state


k fans every week in Championship at Maine Road, almost that in League One
>>literally a family club with working class fans no matter what autist cunts on an Indonesian exhaust pipe chatboard say

Will you stop this meme, literally every single northern club has 'working class' roots. And it's even worse for City because they have always had a terrible atmosphere and disloyal fans.

>Maine Road terrible atmosphere
try again

new stadium does have a pretty shitty atmosphere in general, although our away support is as good as anyone's


City got taken over because they had the free stadium

>He doesn't know about the kippax

Embarrassment of a performance from City, parked the bus and killed the game. We were the better team throughout and were beaten by a mixture of Clattenburg and anti-football. I'm genuinely embarrassed for City.