Why did people hate jews? I live in Australia and have never actually met one...

Why did people hate jews? I live in Australia and have never actually met one. Most famous Jews seem like pretty cool people.

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They faked the holocaust for their own personal advantage and now you get put in jail if you point it out (in most euro countries at least)

the jews are just a popular scapegoat for all the worlds problems, most anti semitic people are just conspiracy theorist that watch to much alex jones

>most anti semitic people are just conspiracy theorist that watch to much alex jones
and isis members and neo nazis

Jealousy. We're like the 0.1% and still control the world.


We are everywhere.


>We are everywhere.
if israel, new york, and california are everywhere than i guess you are

Alex Jones loves everyone except globalists...

Are you implying all Jews are nation-destroying globalists?

really jews have just become synonymous with someone that promotes leftist and progressive narratives. not actual jews. they sometime coincide a lot though

Australian here. Went to LA earlier this year. Within 15 minutes at LAX airport I had seen over 20 guys looking like this.

Then when we got out of the car at the departure drop off area some frail jew woman reaches out to me and holds onto to me for support. Freaked my kids out.


heres your (you) faggot

Well for one, the jew you posted has no self respect and lets his wife fuck other men and probably says anyone else who doesnt let their girl do the same is insecure in their masculinity or some shit

It gets pretty easy to not like t hem once you start to recognize how they're generally always either degenerate libcucks who say race doesnt exist, or racist religious fundamentalists who think they're the master race

you know how they basically kicked palestinians off their own land? Well a long time ago these palestinians were jews and related to the jews that left the area and spread out into the world and became european jews. Then the european jews acted like such pricks in europe that everyone hated them for their dick moves towards everyone there and it culminated in germans trying to eradicate them from europe. They basically classified them as on par with the mentally retarded and gypsies in terms of their contribution to society. So the jews that didn't get killed, basically decided to move back to jew land but the people that decided to stay there and live and had generations of jews that eventually became muslims. So the european jews being assholes that they were kicked them off the land by conspiring and guilting the victors of WWII to help them and stole it.
Shit even the holy land was taken by committing genocide upon the people who were already living in the region and stealing it in the first place.

no, and are you trying to defend alex jones? you know, the guy how thinks grape juice turns children into homosexuals

*who, sorry my phone likes to auto correct

They make up the majority of "the establishment".
Bankers, Hollywood, mainstream media, wall st.

Research the hexagram on the planet Saturn.

I never understood that either. They're the consummate capitalists, believe in the same God as Christians (different paths to get to heaven), are productive, keep their neighborhoods clean, are pretty well law-abiding... I can only guess it's white trash who can't elevate themselves above nigger status, so do what niggers do... blame someone else. Whites can't blame whites, so... Jews it is!

The shit he sells is BS, but what he talks about is about right.

He never talks about hating anyone except globalists...

He seems genuine, imho... he hawks vitamins and water filters, but his actual show and shit is in the right place.

I feel the same way except there is an air of nepotism. This comes from first hand experience and well them running Hollywood and Banks.

>there is an air of nepotism
Yeah, I can see that. It is common among any like-minded groups though.

exodus is probably the most telling of how shitty jews were. When moses came down with the 10 commandments, some jews had made statues to worship because moses was taking forever and they thought they had better worship. When he came back he like the decent guy that he was had the golden statues melted down and the molten gold poured down the throats of the people worshiping the statues. Another time they were camped somewhere and a kid brought a girl he met back to the encampment that he wanted to marry because there weren't enough women. So they murdered him and the girl. ...uh how about abraham...so his wife can't give him a baby. So she gives him her servant to fuck so he can have a kid. He fucks her and she has a kid. Meanwhile his wife gets pregnant and has a kid unexpectedly. So her son won't have any competition, she has her husband take the servant and her son into the desert to die of exposure. Which he does. Somehow they survive anyway and this kid is who muslims trace their lineage back to. Makes sense why they hate jews now right? Anyway it goes on and on and on like this.

You're kidding, right? Bible stories? Really?

>Why did people hate jews?

Killed Jesus
Refuse to assimilate
Fucking Hebes always working some angle
Playing long-range grift on... everyone.
9/11 (Jews did it)

globalization is beneficial for us all, if you want a self reliant country move to north korea and let me know how that works out for you

They hate and undermine people who try and destabilise their power.

Best example is Jesus, at worst he was a good guy with some positive messages and they killed him because they wanted to control everyone. Now it's happening with the establishment who are mostly Jews and whenever someone undermines them they try hard to shut them down.

i feel ya dude


kid the meaning is that the jews rat mind was known since the begining of times

globalisation, spreading liberalism, manipulating, lying, sacrificing others for their own benefits, owning all the big banks and slowly turning us into slaves. And in general just being fucking kikes.

I fucked a half-Jew for four years. Best sex ever. But she was crazy as fuck.

>Killed Jesus
Technically, it was the Romans.

>Refuse to assimilate
Not only do you refuse to assimilate into their culture, you don't even accept theirs. Who's the less tolerant?

Like the paycheck loan companies that aren't owned by Jews?

So are you. Are you willing to accept European concepts, for instance the metric system?

>Fucking Hebes always working some angle
Just like your odd logic is trying to do.

>Playing long-range grift on... everyone.
That's a repeat of usury. And what's more American that that?

>9/11 (Jews did it)
Oh. You're an idiot. Sorry.

>They hate and undermine people who try and destabilise their power.
Think about that a little more.

>Best example is Jesus, at worst he was a good guy with some positive messages and they killed him because they wanted to control everyone. Now it's happening with the establishment who are mostly Jews and whenever someone undermines them they try hard to shut them down.
Again, seriously? Bible stories? Really?

Jewish women typically have God tier boobs.

>Technically, it was the Romans
The Romans didn't give a shit about Jesus, they wanted to let him free but the Jews instead chose to release a legitimate criminal and begged the Romans to kill Jesus instead. So yes, technically the Romans were the ones who physically killed him but the cause was the Jews.

The meaning was, the God was a vicious and jealous fuck, and it's the same God that Christians pray to.

nice nice keep getting feed by your mainstream media and your movies news and tv garbage let zion run the world


>Bible Stories
Is the death of Jesus in itself a bible story? Don't pretty much all historians accept that Jesus was killed as fact?

>mfw the goyim don't know

>nice nice keep getting feed by your mainstream...
Pot Kettle Black. You can't even respond with an original thought. You're a drone.

There isn't actually even a secular record that Jesus existed.

Requesting the screencap of the ultra orthodox jews getting kicked out of the central american jungles getting kicked out. Somewhere along tje lines of deep in tje jungles there is a tribe saying fuxking jews


That's just the media telling you that. Fun fact: It's run by Jews.

>They faked the holocaust
c'mon now

>MFW JIDF is subverting Sup Forums

>run by a few select jews

Really? Let me tell you a story about this prick. I went to audition for a small role in the film Pineapple Express. The guy says, "you blow me you're in!" I punched him in the gut and walked out of the room. Next thing I know security takes me down and beats me with their clubs. Security guard says, "I'm a cop, you say anything about this nobody will believe you and then I'll kill you and make it look like an accident."

Moot was cucked by a jew, fuck off

>That's just the media telling you that. Fun fact: It's run by Jews.
Like Rupert Murdoch, right?


This may help to explain this 2000 year phenomenon.


>I punched him in the gut and walked out of the room.
You chimped out and assaulted him.

catholics and other dogmas are retarded too but jews are beyond these religions


like roman polanski and woody allen?

>fox news

cool story bro



Except for mudslimes

There has to be a limit. Only your government is looking out for your interests. It's the only one that (theoretically) you have any say in. If your government isn't strong enough to keep other governments from pushing it around, other interests will continually win out against yours.

That isn't to say that there shouldn't be trade, or that we shouldn't communicate, just that your government is yours, and nobody else's will look out for you.

Here's one important background story that is actually true:

Back in the day, (I want to say renaissance or some time period close to that) European Christianity didn't allow Christians to loan money to people.

So people had the jews be their bankers.

When things go bad economically,

who still has money?

Bankers, in this case, Jews.


>Like Rupert Murdoch, right?

Yeah his mother (((Elisabeth Joy Greene)))

Here's a couple hints for you Schlomo, Greene is a Jew name and the Jew tribe traces through the mother's side.

Look at the ugly jew Lena Dunham compared to Aryan goddess Taylor Swift.

The juxtaposition is shocking.

But you just happen to post one with terrible tits.

Get out you race cuck go mix somewhere else REEEEEE

the highest, spiritual, down to the lowest or terrestrial plane; and by the Jews limited to the latter. With them, therefore the number 7 has acquired the most prominent place in their exoteric religion, a cult of external forms and empty rituals; as their Sabbath, for instance, the seventh day sacred to their deity, the moon, symbolical of the generative Jehovah. While with other nations the number seven was typical of theogonic evolution, of cycles, cosmic planes, and the Seven Forces and Occult Powers in Kosmos, as a boundless whole, whose first upper triangle was unreachable to the finite intellect of man -- while other nations, therefore, busied themselves, in their forcible limitation of Kosmos in Space and Time, only with its septenary manifested plane, the Jews centred this member solely in the moon, and based all their sacred calculations thereupon. Hence we find the thoughtful author of the MSS. just quoted, remarking, in reference to the metrology of the Jews that: "If 20,612 be multiplied by 4/3 the product will afford a base for the ascertainment of the mean revolution of the moon, and if this product be again multiplied by 4/3, this continued product will afford a base for finding the exact period of the mean solar year, . . . this form . . . becoming, for the finding of astronomical periods of time, of very great service." This double number (male and female) is symbolized also in some well-known idols: e.g., "Ardanari-Iswara, the Isis of the Hindus, Eridanus, or Ardan, or the Hebrew Jordan, or source of descent. She is standing on a lotus-leaf flowing on the water. But the signification is, that it is androgyne or hermaphrodite, that is phallus and yoni combined, the number 10, the Hebrew letter Jod , the containment of Jehovah. She, or rather she-he, gives the minutes of the same circle of 360 degrees."

He gayed out on me. That is a huge insult to me and it was very disrespectful the prick got what he deserved and if I had the choice I would do it again.

>hated by every nation they've ever invaded
>everyone else is the problems goy!

>The guy says, "you blow me you're in!"
>I punched him in the gut and walked out of the room.
You failed to recognize an obvious joke, then physically assaulted him. You're the prick in this situation, bud

They didn't fake it as much as embellish it. Red cross records put the number of deaths at about 250,000, not 6 million. And most of the deaths were from disease or malnourishment from when the guards abandoned the camps due to the allies moving into the area. There was never any evidence of gassing either.

Only encounter I had with a Jew was some Rabbi in my city. I bought a custom computer with refurbished parts for less than $500 at the time, and the seller just wanted to get rid of it, so I saw it as a steal and bought it. The rabbi was angry because he had a friendly relationship with the seller and something along the lines of (paraphrasing) "after how long you and I known each other, you said you would hold onto that computer for me and now you sell it to this schmuck for less than what I was willing to pay you?"

At first, I was shocked. They look like the stereotype, they sound nasally, like they're speaking out of their noses, and they really do say schmuck. Holy hell! Maybe the stereotypes are spot on. I'm not sure if that word was an insult because it was my first time being called that, but he did say it out of anger. In either case, I'm happy I got it at a good deal and unintentionally made a Jew angry for buying something under him for a price less than what he was offering without negotiating. So it didn't make much sense to confront the guy or even address him, I just got my new computer and walked away civilly.

I don't hold hatred towards him or his race, but he did both look and act like the stereotype. I guess if I encounter them, I'll try to be cautious as if I was with a homeless nigger and make sure I don't say anything unprofessional or could put me in some kind of legal stipulation since it's part of the stereotype package. Best avoided if can be.

Oh! I'm a spick by the way.

you shut up faggot

one other key detail here is that the jews were also discriminated against, even before specific antisemitism had taken in europe, through doctrines which targeted anyone who was not christian. so for instance, for a long time in medieval europe, jews (as non-christians,) were not allowed to work many different fields and trades, and the quick solution for parents of children who have essentially no future is to send them into higher education. jews would often get apprenticeships with mathematicians (primarily,) and other inquisitive minds of their day, and with all their extra money, would be able to fund their own research, invent something or publish some revolutionary work, and be lauded as great intellects.

to boot; it is the combination of these two details which eventually lead to the conspiracy theory, later legitimized going into the 19th century, by the likes of marx, and later lenin and hitler, that jews were the inventors of capitalism and also of communism. it was then easy to scapegoat the jews as being the cause for all economic failures.


brainwashed by propaganda. Before you start telling me there's irrefutable evidence remember 2 things. 1. you have never been to Auschwitz's, checked for mass graves or tested the walls for Zyklon b. and 2. they were killed by the perpetrator's of such widespread and thought controlling propaganda they convinced their entire population to wage war on most of Europe. You people who swallow that shit make me sick. And to be clear I could give a fuck less about 10 or all of the jews.

Wait is this actually true. To be honest I've never even questioned the holocaust as having caused the death of 6 million Jews.

Is there actual evidence for this?


No. In fact, it's such a problem in Europe that it's now b& speech.

Here's why you should hate them, watch this:. m.liveleak.com/view?i=3b0_1440517103&comments=1


Banning speech doesn't convince me that something is wrong. If there is evidence that something is true why do you need to ban someone who says the opposite? Just humiliate them by showing them the overwhelming evidence against their argument.

You got btfo, my dude

But when you're outnumbered by an outspoken anti-semitic culture, there's no "humiliating." Jews actually need the legal protection in Europe.

Aw.... fluffy was offended, and had to hit.

What flavor Koolade are you drinking? Globalization only serves the all powerful 1%'s, so it makes it easier to manage the herd. You're a fucking libtard cuck aren't you? I bet you'd die without a Starbucks let alone electricity. Go pick out a nice post op outfit that will accentuate your new tits, and let the real men look after the things that matter.

How did they get those number. My first reaction is to say that the Germans just lied but what reason would they have to say that? Wouldn't they be proud of killing 6 million rather than 250,000 if they truly believed their anti-semetic views.

And how did those numbers come about?

It's hard to find a lot of it because Holocaust denial is illegal in a lot of the world, so a lot of it will be on "conspiracy theory" sites, but there is links to actual documents and everything.

The gas used was reported as Zyklon B and Zyklon B canisters were reportedly found at many of the camps, however using modern forensics, they can look for residue inside the "chambers" as Zyklon B has a decent half life and we would still be able to detect if it had been used and after taking samples, no evidence of the use of the gas has been found.

That said, you have to go looking for this kind of stuff, as I said, it's illegal in a lot of the world, but it's out there.

Right. The Inquisition wasn't nearly so bad. Or the "conversion" of the American (South and North) Indians. Or Bosnia.

It cant just be a massive coincidence that the Jews have been targeted and shit on throughout history.

They are litterally like locusts move en mass undermine and destabilise civilizations / countries / cultures through history.

They saw an opportunity after ww1 and took over most of Germanys banking system while they were bankrupt. Then play the victim card when Germany has had enough of their shit.

They were given a country as payment for their "suffering" allowed nuclear proliferation and decimated palestine in the process and still have the gaul to pull the victim card when hamas chucks some firecrackers over the fence.

Sometimes people are scapegoats for a reason namely they are actual cunts.

or. there were purposes behind the stories and you cant comprehend the harsh nature of desert life 2 millenia ago because you spend most of your time jackin it to anime? fuck me I don't like religion but you've just taken 3 stories out of context (from a fictional text no less) and claimed their proof of a mindset that not only do you not historically understand but even within the confines of the modern culture completely miss the point of. I can deal with misinformed bigots but please, take the thirty kilo stack of your logical fallacies, tie them around your ankles and jump off a bridge. You useless faggot.

>Not only do you refuse to assimilate into their culture, you don't even accept theirs. Who's the less tolerant?

What? Why would we assimilate into their culture when they're the minorities?

These numbers are from the Red Cross, not the Germans and are based on the numbers of bodies they recovered.

The emergence of the sixth subrace of the Aryan root race
According to Blavatsky the sixth subrace of the Aryan root race will begin to evolve in the area of the United States in the early 21st century. This sixth subrace of the Aryan root race will be called the Australo-American subrace and is believed by Theosophists to be now arising from the Teutonic subrace of the Aryan root race in Australia and in the Western United States (many individuals of the new subrace will be born in California) and its surrounding nearby areas (i.e., the Australo-American subrace is in arising from the Anglo-American, Anglo-Canadian, Anglo-Australian and presumably also the Anglo-New Zealander ethnic groups).[33] The sixth or Australo-American sub-race will "possess certain psychic powers, and for this the pituitary body will be developed, thus giving an additional sense, that of cognising astral emotions in the ordinary waking consciousness. We may say that in general the sixth sub-race will bring in wisdom and intuition, blending all that is best in the intelligence of the fifth subrace and the emotion of the fourth.

Guess I should have realized, his jokes are terrible.

and ugly noses and faces. blossom used to be cute then she turned into amy on the big bang theory.

The red cross had full access to all camps during the war.

I reckon there are less holocaust deniers than there are Jews in Europe. They are being 'oppressed' by a small minority of people who have barely any traction on public discourse

Forgot to add, according to census data, there were 5 million Jews around the world when WW2 started. 6 million of them died. There were 8 million at the end of WW2. Now I'm not a mathematician by trade, but I'm pretty sure 5 - 6 doesn't = 8.