Attractive style of playing

>Attractive style of playing
>Perfect, slim figure
>Beautiful face and smooth, silky hair
>Firm, perky breasts
>Long, lean, legs
>Sexy feet and toes
>Feminine demeanour--knows how to be a woman
>Normally calm and demure, but occasionally gets very stubborn and determined, which is super cute
>Eastern European from former Communist nation, so she hates feminism
>Taller than me, which is super hot
>Could look down at me affectionately and then dominate me in bed
>Has an indentical twin sister for insanely erotic threesomes
>As a bonus, she knocked out both trannie nigs in the same tournament
>Literally a harem animu-tier waifu
>Literally saving tennis

Other urls found in this thread:

>>Sexy feet and toes
proof pls

Her style of play is a worse version of serena, except with fewer aspects

and her eyes are sunken in, and it looks unattractive

Kerber is far superior in both game and appearance

>Crack whore tier tattoos


Here's a video of my future wife lads

>attractive style of playing
>is a literal power babby aka everything that's wrong with women's tennis today

o...oh my

what the fuck kind of fucked up shit is this

men need to stop; this is wrong

>tattoos on a pretty girl
Damn shame. That's like putting bumper stickers on a ferrari

The identical twins I know IRL constantly pull pseudo incest lesbian shit when they're drunk

>pseudo incest
That sounds more like turbo incest
that is literally the most incestuous thing you can do

Greentext warranted


They just grope each other and kiss like typical shit drunk girls do for attention from guys

Male athletes would never have to take a picture like this

Mmm... I just want to lick them up and down like a dog in heat...

>Not infinitely more aesthetically pleasing than shrieking 'female' chimp

Pick one

Those are some aesthetically pleasing digits, that's for sure!

Actually, lately they've been trying to push all this gay-ass 'male modelling' shit before every match, but I don't think it's that popular.

>Not be able to get paid 1000's of quid for pictures of you sitting down naked with your brother Jamie

This sounds more like discrimination against men, rather than for men, if anything. STFU you idiot feminists!

This is why Eastern European girls are so based--they understand that women should be feminine, and men should be masculine.

I don't mind sexualizing girls, but it's going to far when you sexualize sisters with each other

I mean wtf

Wow Serena is garbage.

>This is why Eastern European girls are so based--they understand that women should be feminine, and men should be masculine.

I don't want to kill your manosphere fantasy but "feminine" in Eastern Europe means screaming at the top of her lungs about how you are a loser who doesn't make enough money before throwing on her 6 inch heels and pencil skirt to go drain her bosses scrotum.

>tfw you will never bury your face in Kristýna's cute flat chest while Karolína wraps her long lovely legs around you and finishes you off with her delicate, feminine feet
>why live

>not appreciating your waifu's cute shy, slutty, embarrassed yet determined side that perfectly contrasts with her usually calm, demure, reserved and feminine personality
>being this much of a pleb

"We think you're making a BIG mistake, user..."

wish they'd play with each other...


>A look inside the mind of a C(an)UCK...
>Fantasises about being cuckolded
>Votes in Cuckstin Trudeau

Superb digits, though!

Well, if Karolína wore high heels, she would tower over me like a beautiful goddess!

That actually sounds pretty hot, though, I'm not gonna' lie--I've never been with a bird who's taller than me before; might be interesting.


>>Votes in Cuckstin Trudeau

huge name recognition, total media support against an unpopular incumbent...39%

thirty-nine percent

not very good!

sorry but the tattoos ruin it

genie remains the superior tenfu

He's right you know, Eastern Euro women are notorious golddiggers.

Nice dubs, but you seem confused!
Russia =/= Sweden...


>BLACKED tennisfus

Not even once!

(Both Bouchards are actually slightly objectively inferior, anyways)


The only reason they have a reputation as 'gold-diggers' is because on average they're probably the most attractive and feminine women in the world, and so it's simply supply and demand. Women in Russia, for instance, are less likey to divorce, get abortions, be maritally unfaithful, etc., than women in America (that might have to do more with race than culture, though, but whatever).

In the past, the man wouldn't mind supporting the family as long as his wife knew her place too and treated him with love and respect. It's a model that worked just fine in most societies for centuries before Feminism destroyed the stable family structure.

I know, I know, I'll shut up...

If only we lived in a stable society like Russia instead of the tumultuous hellhole that is America, amirite?


I prefer pure qts.


What a pleb--twincest is GOAT-tier desu

Yes, I'm sure that we'd all love to see them 'playing with each other'... ha ha!

Well obviously, I prefer pure qts as well, which is why 2D >>>>>>> 3D...

However, a tattoo might just mean that she has a secret slutty side to her, which is kind of cure it you ask me.

When interviewed, Plisky didn't even remember why she got it in the first place--there are certainly worse things than a couple of tattoos, and they don't even look that bad, either.

not quite. she was asked if they had any specific meaning to her, and she said not really, but it was something that her family had done together (her twin has similar tattoos). she also said she liked the look and that it was a new zealand style but done in prague.

t. autist

I'd rather have a leader who supported the traditional family structure, opposed degenerate agendas, valued his nation's cultural heritage, and actually fought terrorism rather than tacitly or even actively supporting it, yes... even at the cost of some supposed 'freedoms' (which are mostly illusory, anyways).

On the other hand, I have nothing against the American people. We deserve better, but in a way we've deserved what is coming to us since we've been so complacent and allowed degenerates to take over.

The issues that Russia has faced after the breakup of the USSR and the looting of the country by oligarchs such as high unemployment and drug and alcohol abuse are quite challenging, but I can't fault Putin too much in the decisions he's made. He's certainly better than Merkel, Obama, and now Theresa May or any of these other insipid and subversive muppets.

I stand corrected. Still, I've never been that triggered by tattoos. I probably don't prefer them, but to each his own I guess.

RIP thread I'm sorry I replied to the Eastern Europe feminine bait you were good and then political debate showed up.

Eh, no worries... I don't mind Genieposting at all, if she ever makes it out of the first round, that is...

In high heels Karolína would be 200 cm... O.o

I'm not sure how many bosses would feel like getting their scrotum drained by her in the first place, although there IS definitely a demographic for that sort of thing...

t. - a giantess fetishist

m8, what are you talking about
America is better than Russia in literally every way

>Baiting this hard
>Pliskova is Czech
>I'm actually responding.

88.64% Indo-European/Caucasian (White)
0.13% Semitic (Arab/Jew)
Statistically insignificant population of Blacks

Pic related.

America won't be better than Eastern Europe if they keep migrants out of their countries and we keep our borders open to shitskins/muzzies from Africa and Asia--mark my words.


d r o p p e d

>Fingerless glove
she didn't fuck either of them, I don't follow tennis but she definitely isn't blacked yet.

She's swallowing feta from the BGC right now

Were we talking about Pliskova?
Pretty sure you're the one who brought up Russia

>Racial demographics
what does that have to do with being better or worse?

wish i could some glimpse of her butthole.

>Muh racial equality BS

What do you think? What about:
White flight?
South Africa?
European Multiculturalism?
Are you serious?

You must be a spic or a nigger or something...

mini-gts is patrician tbdesu

what are you talking about

racial demographics aren't an indicator of who is better or worse. stats about education levels, per capita wealth, etc. are what makes a country better or worse

you can say that more minorities leads to lower levels of these things, but America still has more money, better infrastructure, better education, etc.

You really are an idiot.

Why the fuck do you think that a nation has 'better infrastructure' in the first place?

Who built it?

Obviously, a nation will be better or worse because of the PEOPLE that comprise it--chiefly, because of the ABILITY and INTELLIGENCE of those people.

Therefore, a country with a higher percentage of White Europeans (or possibly East Asians/Ashkenazi Jews) will have a much better 'infrastructure'. East Asians and Ashkenazi Jews, though having slightly higher intelligence, have much less creativity, enterprise, and endeavour, and their cultures are generally inferior.

All this is, of course, highly 'politically incorrect' and 'racist', etc.--BUT IT IS ABSOLUTELY DEMONSTRABLY FACTUAL. You'll only end up running in circles if you try to force the facts to fit your tired old lefty SJW narrative, because they simply don't.

>tfw you will never bury your face in Kristýna's cute flat chest while Karolína wraps her long lovely legs around you and finishes you off with her delicate, feminine feet
>why live

I concur.

and yet, america still has better infrastructure than russia

you are using race as a proxy for things, when you can measure the things directly

that's idiotic

You're the idiot who can't into logic.


Western Europeans, especially the British, but also German, Irish, Italian,Polish immigrants.


Communist Jews!

Really, why do I need to explain this shit to you--it's like you've never studied any history.

Actually, I think that you KNOW this, but for some reason you have to keep lying to yourself because you want to see the world through your own idealistic lens, instead of how it really is.

>tfw you will never lovingly massage Karolína's feet and lick her armpits while consoling her after choking away her serve in the final game.

you are having severe difficulty following the conversation

I only said that America was a better country than Russia, and I (and you) would rather live here. Then you (?) responded with racial demographics... as if that meant America isn't the better country. I responded by saying that racial makeup isn't what makes a country better, but rather things like education and infrastructure

All I am wondering is why the racial makeup would be the determining factor of which country is better, when you can measure things like per capita income and infrastructure

you are just so eager to get your race take off that you can't follow a conversation. that is debilitating for you.


They don't just 'appear' out of nowhere! People have to PRODUCE them!


The people who are ABLE and INTELLIGENT?

Obviously, some races and cultures have a higher percentage, of these groups!

Is it really that hard to understand?

it doesn't matter where they come from. what matters is what they are, and America's per capita income and infrastructure are better than Russia's, regardless of America's racial makeup.

That's a fact, and you can't counter that fact by pointing to something that doesn't counter that fact. So why would you respond to "America is the better country" with facts about racial demographics? Those facts don't negate the other facts which are the facts that show that America is the better country.

aaaaaaaand dropped

By saying 'it doesn't matter where they come from', you are saying that you will be part of the inevitable decline and destruction of the 'American Dream'... our prosperity won't last if what made it possible in the first place (European-Americans) is replaced by a large feral shitskin population. You know this, and I know this... you're either historically illiterate, willfully ignorant, or some sort of SJW sycophant. In any case, there's no reason why anyone should continue entertaining any of your idiotic arguments.

AND YES, in SOME WAYS, America is better--but NOT in terms of inner-city violent crime or the safety of citizens, particularly assault!

I look to the past in order to aim towards a better future, unlike those who 'claim' to do so but in reality want to destroy everything that made us great in the first place.

Do you really think Obama's a better leader than Putin? Check their respective approval ratings, you uneducated leftist swine!

no, by saying "it doesn't matter where they come from" I'm saying that it is irrelevant to the conversation.

now you want to bring up inner-city violent crime - that is a relevant indicator. Do you see why that's different from bringing up racial demographics? If you don't, this conversation is pretty pointless.

I dont even know what you're talking about with that last stuff. It's pretty clear that you haven't followed this conversation at all.

Do you understand that you haven't? If not, I would be worried if I were you

hello, this is my waifu

pls do not say mean thing about my waifu

thanks u

6/10 feet

Typical pseudo-intellectual leftist drivel. Of course it's relevant to the conversation. We were talking about where the average individual would rather live or enjoy living if he could choose.

How many people would rather live around 10%-20% of feral Africans/Mudslimes in their cities, regardless of the current infrastructure?

How many people would want to live in a modern African city, even if it were 'modernised' and had 'prosperity'? In fact, try and name just ONE--surely in the entire continent of Africa, which is blessed with more natural resources than any other, there would be at least ONE city that you'd choose to live in!

Well, I won't hold my breath, and I'll say the following:

I would MUCH rather live in a poor, crime-ridden WHITE area (although such areas are not common) than the hypothetical (since it DOESN'T exist, comparatively) 'developed' 'ethnic' area.


Because the WHITE are has the POTENTIAL to IMPROVE, whereas the NON-WHITE area will ONLY get worse over time!

How many times do you have to see the same pattern repeated down throughout history before you realise what causes it? Are you really that dense? I don't think so--instead, you merely engage in obfuscation, another indicator of the cowardice that comes from the modern SJW.

Off yourself, Leftist scum!