So just found out that i have psoriasis. Pretty sudden...

So just found out that i have psoriasis. Pretty sudden. I've had a dry scalp all my life but it was just thought to be eczema. Then boom. Out of fucking no where its starting to spread uncontrollably. Within 2 months time it went from my scalp to my chest, groin, back and as of recently my forearms, forehead, eyebrows and face. Hence the beard. Only reason i have it is to cover these fucked up scales on my jawline, my cheeks and neck. I can't even fucking hide it anymore. Not to mention the shit on my cock. I never thought god could hate someone enough to make their dick dried up and split every time they try to jerk off. Showers aren't enjoyable anymore. The plaques burn like cigarettes being put out through you skin and onto your skull. It itches beyond belief and i can't scratch it. I feel like this is the beginning of the worst kind of hell imaginable. Why can't i just get cancer or something that isn't fucking blatantly detouring people away? I know there's some of you on here plagued with this shit. Can you lend some insight?
TLDR: i have psoriasis. Cheer me up and you might see my fucked up dick

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That fucken blows dude. I have eczema and there no cure for that shit either. If you go to a doctor they may be able to stop the spread and symptoms a bit.

You are like a real life dead pool cock holder ?

I had psoriasis on my scalp when I was younger. I was given some expensive solution to put on it but I swear it didn't do anything. It went away after maybe a few years or less. Can't remember. Just get sun on the area and live healthy

See. Shit blows too.

They've given me a couple of ointments for it but now that the biopsy came back positive i start my regiment of shots soon

are you handsome?
My ex had rampant psoriasis, but she was still hot as fuck and I never cared about it at all. You may see it and feel it, but it really doesn't matter.

I just went for the patches of skin that weren't scalpy. Also, both her and her brother had it, and they found medication that helped A LOT.

The shots will help and you skin will heal back to normal. Just remember it's going to take a year or so. The over the counter ointment helps with the itch. Cortisone10 is the best brand and ends the itch in about a minute.

I too have psoriasis. Honestly, the redness clears up after a while, and you just sorta learn to live with it.

>get sun
I live in florida and go to the beach quite often. I know my physique is slacking but i eat pretty damn good and try to stress myself out as less as possible .

Its irritating. I've tried a lot of "homeopathic" shit but nothing helps

That looks like athletes foot or a fungal infection. Had something that looked like that before, itched like hell. Used some cream, washed/fully dried it for a couple weeks and it was all gone.

I use hormone lotion and cream to treat it. Works pretty well. Smoking, drinking, nutrition and stress all play a role in severity.

I used to be a pretty good looking guy. never had a problem with women. But now I'm so self-conscious with this shit and it fucking impedes my ability to even approach women let alone dread having to tell them my cocks all fucked.

What was the medication? My gf is starting to develop it. We thought it was ringworm or something at first, Dr. said it was just dry skin or psoriasis and Gabe some genetic cream that doesn't do shit.


Hormone lotion? I so smoke about a pack a day and drink socially i suppose. But now I'm starting to smoke a lot more weed than i usually do. Its the only thing that kinda takes my mind off it. I'm a stressed out bitch right now to be honest.

Post a pic off your cock, I want to see how bad it is

does that shit itch?
it looks like its painful

I have hydrocortisone for my face and sensitive areas and triamcinolone for the heavy shit on my back and chest. Not sure what do about my scalp. I've tried almost every shampoo on the market i feel.

Have you tried sulfur soap? It's not technically a cure but it's helped me with the itching and diminish the redness.

Ill take a fresh one just for you bud
It itches like you have 30 mosquito bites in one clump

This is the shampoo i use on a daily basis. Eases and relaxes the scalp. Downside is that these are pretty expensive.

My ex boyfriend had psoriasis from head to toe, mostly on his chest, back, legs and groin. It didn't affect my attraction to him, but when he didn't keep up with caring for his skin I would often have to sweep or wash bedsheets and that did become an issue. I think he felt very helpless/hopeless and for a period of time didn't do anything about it and that became very frustrating. BUT when he was on top of his skin, daily light treatment did WONDERS for him and the plaques were greatly reduced, no flaking and his skin was soft, just discoloured in spots.

The itch is indeed maddening. Try nioxin as the high levels of mentol relaxes the scalp. It also works wonders on sunburned skin.

Its not that bad, i was living in Sweden, suffered from this shit on my elbows and legs really bad

>When i drank alcohol it got WAY worse, really red and spots would show on my face and head

Then i came to Australia, spent 3 days at the beach, no sunscreen and got burned badly

>Its almost gone, just a tiny couple spots left

Look up T-Gel Shampoo, give it a try OP, thank me later

Thus faggot isnt kidding. Cortezone cream helps like calmomine lotion on chicken pox with the exception that it actually helps the skin heal and fucks off the damage.

look into candida infection. Link has been shown. Maybe a good healthy diet, and I mean legit healthy, with probiotics, and kefir drink will help.

The overall downside is that treated skin will get thinner and more susceptible to damage. Cortisone should be used sparingly.

So dick isnt that bad right now. Sorry to disappoint you fags but ill still snap some pics of my dick and nuts just gotta let my phone charge. I have to use like a whole fucking bottle of lotion to jerk off and i get this gritty sand paper feel because of the skin coming off. I'm just worried about the joint pain. I've had back and knee problems all my life and never knew why. Now it makes sense.

I thought the cortisone is the less damaging? Thats what the doctor told me to use on my face and sensitive shit. It was realllly bad behind my ears now its not half as bad because of it

look into candida infection. Link has been shown. Maybe a good healthy diet, and I mean legit healthy, with probiotics, and kefir drink will help. Sounds like a remedy from a 87yr old lady, but the effects of the wrong bacteria taking over can cause systemic spread of infections

How did you put up with it like that?!?

Same here. It depends on brand and composition. Doc told me to use it sparingly. I'd rather rinse with Nioxin than Cortisone though.

If this doesn't make you laugh I have no other ideas.

Don't get it

Psoriasis Arthrites is a whole different game. That means taking anti inflammatory meds that fuck up your overall immune system.

heres whats to come

Rub semen on your skin

Sucks dude. I have dermatitis and was getting treated with methotrexate. That shit is dangerous though. Had to stop when it started fucking with my liver.

We have history and had been friends for years before we dated. To be fair, I wasn't perfect in the relationship either.

But coming from a female, I still found him physically attractive despite psoriasis. Yes the skin around his dick did flake off and became grainy during sex, but the sex was always amazing so I was rarely thinking about his skin.

If left alone, his psoriasis gets really bad and for a time he was depressed and experiencing chronic pain/discomfort/ichyness as well as being really insecure about his body. Creams helped somewhat with comfort, but the upkeep between that and light treatments wore him down and he just completely stopped doing anything for a long time.

I empathize with him, it's a really shitty thing to deal with... The only time his psoriasis really affected our relationship is that when he didn't take care of his skin he was flaking everywhere and all the time. That didn't upset me as much as it did my roommate at the time.

i have eczema with a some psoriasis. shit sucks and i'm always itching like a damn monkey

So where's the dick pic?

Rereading this comment, I shouldn't have used the words "despite his psoriasis". What I mean is that it was a physical characteristic of someone I found attractive, no more than his eyes, hair or face.

Idk. I don't think it's something to feel self conscious about.

use shower gel with no perfume no nothing (for allergic people), exfoliate during shower with Salux bath cloth every 2 days, moisturize with pic related every day, again with no perfumes etc.



deliver dickpic

Apple cider vinegar, and sun. Light box therapy if you have to. That and being healthy and not doing cocaine all the time and you're fine

OP here ok here is my dick. Thanks for all your help fags

apple cider vinegar dude drink like a glass every 2 days and rub it on your spots 5x a day itll be gone bro trust me I just did this

OP delivered
>looks fucked up

OP is no fag

What they won't tell you is psoriasis is a SYMPTOM not a DISEASE.
It is caused by a nutrient deficiency. Meaning your diet is shit.
I can just look at you and tell you don't eat right.
Vegans don't have psoriasis. But you don't even have to go that far to fix it.

I repeat psoriasis is not a disease. It is merely because you eat nothing but dogshit and aren't getting all the nutrients you need and your body is loaded with toxins that cause malabsorbtion meaning even if you do get those nutrients you are not absorbing it. You should do a detox then start eating properly and don't be a pussy baby who doesn't eat "nasty" things. Your tastebuds just suck, learn to love it faggot.

Get some cortico sterioids for your skin and buy some vitimin c oil mix them both a littlebit and put it on your spots it makes it a littlebit better

Sounds shit dude

>Vegans ...
Man has survived thousands of years not being a vegan.

All that toxin talk is bullshit. Eat right yes. Supplements yes. Daily dose of proper hygiene (did you see the guys toes/nails?) would help loads.

this man doesn't know what he is talking about.
source: vegan with psoriasis

stop fucking your dog too

Oh he'll probably reply with something like "well you're eating something that is not totally vegan so you're not vegan.

You sir are retarded.

Yeah dog fucking probably doesn't help any.

>OP delivered

No. If he is a vegan with psoriasis then he is doing veganism wrongly. Doing veganism properly requires heavy research to retain a well balanced diet. That is why so many vegans look like shit because they do it wrong.

I am a literally legit super genius. My IQ is 165. I didn't research any of this I just know it off the top of my head because I am connected to the knowledge of the universe on the 4th dimension. My word is law and truth.

It doesn't matter, if you're genetically predisposed to it the best you can manage is symptom reduction, it's like telling someone they can get rid of asthma by changing their diet.

See fucking told you they'd reply like this...


Really wish it wasn't just a zoomed in spot of the infection and the whole dick to get a clear picture. No pun intended.

He needs to masturbate more often at least 16 times per day for 2 weeks. This helps get rid of excess jing which is a source of skin problems. Once the yin yang balance has been restored your skin will begin to heal.

So how do women get rid of this excess jing then when they have this disease? I'm calling bullshit on your theory.

Fuck man, I've had this since middle school, imagine going through most of your school days like that. Nowadays I'm better off just because I recognize what triggers mine specifically. Really watch what you eat, try to keep your skin clean and keep toxins entering your body to a strict minimum. Good luck to you crustyfag OP.

Also you must eat many apricots seeds for vitamin B17 which is the only source of vitamin B17 found in nature. If you find the B17 pills they are fake because B17 can not be synthetically manufactured. Real vitamin B17 is 4th dimensional and embued with the spirit of nature. It has a unique vibration that you can't replicate in a lab.

isn't there some kind of treatment for that OP?

Find a dermatologist. Ask about Otezla or Emavive. On otezla now. Works but its expensive. Emavive is even more expensive but its a weekly injection that puts it into remition. Source is living with this shit for almost 14 years. At least you have options besides greasy creams now. Not like when I was a kid.

Try coconut oil my on it my bud

Any woman who has psoriasis has an underdeveloped or damaged uterus causing it to produce too much testosterone. That is why when you see a woman with psoriasis she will often look manly. Because she is not producing as much estrogen anymore due to having half of her uterus removed during a surgery probably. It's a fact. It cannot be argued.

Funny coincidence that men and women are affected with similar regularity user

My sister had it, she just kept changing her diet and found certain foods caused it
For her things like tomato and soft drink and if she doesn't eat drink them it doesn't appear

are you fucking serious? Bro. What the fuck is a jing. Sounds like some crazy ass slant psychobabble.

I don't eat meat (because I don't like it, not because I give a shit about animals), milk (my sister is lactose intolerant, I was too when I was a kid) only eggs. Maybe the fucking eggs are the problem, eggs are known to be the source of great evils. I don't eat fast food.
As this guy said, genetics are a huge factor, also stress and even the fucking climate. Diet plays a part, but you can't get rid of the symptoms ONLY by eating properly. I've had this for almost 10 years now, believe me I've tried a lot of stuff, and I've learned to live with it but if someone told me eating literal cat shit turns my skin normal, I'd eat that shit like your mom eats dick. Unfortunately, it doesn't work that way.

I only have small, white and scaly spots on my knee and below it

I use a cream for them to sort of go away

Really blows, guess I won't be wearing shorts in summer

show more dick pics. we need a better view

I think i have psiriosis. Im hoping its just ringworm.

It started out as bad athletes foot that ive had for about 4 years (all toe nails infected now)

Then i got some red round patches on my pubes area and groin

Then i got a red round patch on my neck

Then i got dry flaky itchy skin on my left ear

Then i got dry flaky left eyebrow with some redness

Now i have a red round itchy patch on my forehead that everyone can see.

I have an itchy left cheek too but no ring

I put clotrimazole on the ones on my face and foot powder on my feet

My athletes foot is prettt much gone now

Ive had the forehead shit for about a month and i put cream on it daily.

Do you guys think ringworm or psirioasis??

Ringworm is easy to get rid of user, if you can't get rid of it, it's probably what you don't want to hear.

Hit the beach or the tanning bed. Problem alleviated

Probably mistyped JIZZ ... fucking kek

my dad has it, i have sebhoerric dermatitis that could possibly turn into psoriasis.
the only thing that works for both of us is UV.
If you can afford it, go somewhere sunny and get tanned often. if you can't try a tanning salon

It seems like ringworm. I put the clotrimazole on it for a few weeks and it goes away but it seems to always pop up in a new place.

>(all toe nails infected now)
That can be somthing different and you can't use topical stuff usually on it. Go see a doctor for that.

>Then i got dry flaky itchy skin on my left ear
Seems like dandruff. Try a dandruff shampoo.

how do you jerk off

This is all very true.
Listen to this user, OP.
There has been some good advice in this thread. Alcohol does exacerbate the symptoms, but I have found that beer is the worst. I stick with hard apple ciders and rice wines myself, and keep all consumption down to a dull roar. The person who said use coconut oil on it is right the fuck on, but don't use it every day, and get the best shit. You can ingest it too. It will help. Daily hygiene is important. As for the crazy vegan user, just ignore his missionary zeal. He can't think straight from malnutrition.

He doesn't, as he said in OP

I had severe Eczema pretty much my whole life, when it spread to my face I know I had to change something.

I went full vegan and it cleared up pretty much overnight... I'm not longer vegan and it got bad again, but as long as I keep certain things out of my diet like milk and limit my wheat I can hold it back. Best of luck

I have the same thing. You need prescription strength hydrocortisone cream. 1 week your back to normal.

Not OP.
I have both psoriasis and lupus (and Marfans, but that's another story!)
>mfw I cannot go in the sun

Just pray you don't get psoriatic arthritis, that is thee worst. I can hardly run 2km anymore without nearly crying, the pain is like burning hot needles getting fucking stabbed into your feet a thousand times a second. Good luck, op.
