Boston Red Sox @ Toronto Blue Jays

Let's keep this a meme free thread boys

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Where are all you optimist faggots now?

Where is that one specific optimist faggot who laughed when I told him to ask where the Jays would be in a week. Well, it's a week later, faggot. Where are you?

We have literally been watching the pitching and hitting deteriorate and regress for over a month now, and you faggots didn't see this shit coming?

>still in first!!121 xD

Jays about to be 1-6 to start September. I mean, forget the AL east, we're barely even in the wildcard right now.

>betts smiling
Kek Why is this so funny?

Hope E-rod throws another no-no

Or not

I hope e-rod doesn't shit the bed

15 game win streak starts today

cap this


this is a sinking ship. start the firesale before its too late, fire gibbons, trade everybody to contenders, rebuild and contend for possibly 2028

is travis now the only blue jay capable of reaching base consistently?

lol is anyone watching this game

I am hahahah

Did you see all the dropped balls last night? These niggers are tanking

jays fans are so they can watch the ship sink

:) sweet that's cool

the bandwagon has been cleared

leaf shitposters sent back to /hoc/

Nope, still here to watch the optimists get btfo in real time

This. I don't even like sports but I'm also a depressed loser who want people to be pathetic like me.

optimists all committed mass suicide last night

trivia how do you pronounce "J.A." like in JA Happ

The Jays (players) has a player only meeting last night to discuss how they can further sandbag and sabotage the pennant run by dropping every ball and boggling every play like fucking retard. They also discussed how they can swing the bat at garbage and watch fastballs fly by.

Yes. Every one else is lazy when running to first and Jose/Jash don't get the walk per game anymore.

jay-eh, eh.

"Blow Gay" Happ

Jaydot Aydot

why do they even let this cheater pitch

Any Jaysfags remember the catchers interference from the NYY series?

Anyone remember Tulo getting called out because Sox catcher ran into him?

We need special insider info from Jew York about all the tricks that are not punishable, like catchers interference.

will mookie get 30 steals what a rookie year he's having


literally no one in Canada has been watching baseball that long

aaron hill traitor he's still working for the blue jays

>team looses
>blame the jews

Sorry bud Bawwwwwston's attendance is way below the Jays.

>inb4 blaming your meme park

No nobody remembers that because nobody in Canada watched the Jays back then

>he has crushed lefties this year

jesus BEANED him is this what the jays were meeting about?? they're freaking furious they're going to hurt someone?? wtf is goign on this is getting out of hand that was viscous

Which inning will Happ collapse? Place your bets


people in Canada have been watching baseball since august 1st 2015 moron

JBJ homer inc

false. we also watched baseball in 1992 and 1993

thanks retard

>a single baseball team for an entire country

Pop of Canada: 35.16 million
Massachusetts: 6.745 million

per capita our attendance is much better.

Good goyim Jews dindu nuffin

Happ is elite

>muhh perrrrr crapitaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa



>way below
>Overall average attendance per game is less than 100 ahead
>total home attendance is less than 300k ahead this late into the season
thats like saying the A's have way more attendance than the Rays

didn'tHapp used to be Crapp? what the hell happened

>elite in the first 3 innings

fixed that for you

Population of New England: 15 million
Population of Ontario: 14 million

We win again

besides being a retard for using the per capita arguement, the sox's market is around 20 million because it covers all of New England

The Blue Jays are still the only team in your entire country

see? why swing when you can walk

The Blue Jays are literally the only team in Canada dumbass

If you are counting only Ontario then you can only count Massachusetts

Goy "GIDP" JewNoHitSky

>quints confirms Royals return to Montreal

quints confirm

Too many fucking leafs in this thread.

no sorry i didn't see i wasn't watching

>not being a fan of the regional team

Spotted the bandwagon

Anyone got a bingo card for today?


Why do national broadcasts exist still

LOL Yeah right off the bat of Uptown?
Melvin "Drop 5 balls a game" upton lol


apologize right now you dirty fucking pessimists, right fucking now

Team meeting was to pump mupton with adderall and steal Papi's roids


oh great i bet the sox wisheed they had sved some runs for today this game is a lost cause and for sure they're going to get swept tomorrow

>2nd inning
Slow down, Croatica

the Blue Jays are the regional team of Canada
by your logic Connecticut, Rhode Island, Vermont, New Hampshire, and Maine have no regional team and the scattered people in the extreme eastern portion of NY don't follow the regional team

>the shitty of Mookie

what was wrong with that? it was a good effort mookie's a good boy don't give him a hard time or anything ok

>implying Happ won't shit the bed now
shiggy diggy m8

>Vancouver is more regional to Toronto thousands of miles than the neighboring city Seattle

Ameritards strike again

where is the fucking cubs thread you cunts

>only a 2 run lead against a #5 starter still recovering from injury
>feeling optimistic

not necessarily. several western provinces are under mariners/twins market and atlantic provinces are under red sox market. shared with blue jays of course.

sorry this is the only thread on today

I was just wondering the same thing, they haven;t stopped talking about the blow gays all fucking game

Wow I made an awesome chicken soup with a chicken carcass, this shits really good man

>all those bandwagon blowgays fans cheering for upton not even realizing how shit he was last night because they haven't been watching baseball for that long

What network? I'm sick of our homoerotic announcing trash

i'm not going to tell you

all we have is fox

Honestly wish Joe Buck was announcing rn

Dan's not in the booth today.

This. And also a massive circle jerk session to relieve the tension

>since trade deadline last year it's been a lot of fun playing in front of all these fans

did he just call blue jays fans bandwagoners

>MLBtv blacking me out because of fox
>can't watch blue jays broadcast


Suck my woolly testicle

>a massive circle jerk session to relieve the tension

why they hell do we even use Hamigan when we have Vazquez back up

is that sexual harassment

use a VPN

Only if you cough up a hairball

The Blue Jay's market is still over 30 million people (and it is by far the most popular team in almost the entirety of that market, no matter what this dumb leaf says the entirety of that market is the region of Canada) and the Red Sox is around 20 million, where there are large potions of which that don't follow the sox (literally the only area where the Blue Jays aren't far and away the most popular team is some parts of Quebec that are rural as well as Quebec city, which in total is like 2 million people out of over 30)

Sanchez sounds so uninterested in talking to these guys

I'm not going to buy a vpn for the odd national tv game

me too

joe is honestly my favourite part about playoff baseball

Don't mean to ask too soon, but is Happ the best starter we have? Is Happ e-e-e-lite

Is Harold "Stanky Nigger" Reynolds still working for fox?

ok forget it, you're too much of a retard to be helped