Did he kill Pie-O-My?

Did he kill Pie-O-My?

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heavily implied imo.

On my second Sopranos re-watch currently, I'm thinking that he didn't and that Tony just killed him because he was grieving over the horse.

Of course he killed her, she just happens to die in a random fire while they were about to lose money on her?

The stripper or the horse?

Guilty until proven innocent, the cornerstone of the American justice system.

Tony deserved all the shit that happened to him in the following seasons. And he died.

Pretty sure Ralph wasn't hard up for cash, and the jockey mentioned that it could have been a freak accident.

More importantly. What happened to Valery? Did he disappear in the trees, stole Paulie's car and run off?

They always want more money and they made a note of the shitload of money they put into it, plus ralph's reaction to tony's accusations make it heavily implied in my humble opinion. Also they knew a guy who could make it look like an accident.

Apparently Chase was going to make a scene with him with the Russian boss guy but he would be brain damaged with no memory of Paulie and Chris.

i do not think he did but its a bit of a coincidence is all.

tony subconsciously was talking of the stripper or maybe it was the horse considering he is a sociopath

but then if he was a sociopath, shouldn't he have no remorse ?

She was a hhhhooooooaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrse

In the final episodes Milfi and her pals theorise that sociopaths only feel empathy for small children and animals. Tracey was like a small child too.

Tony sometimes showed hints of empathy, guilt, remorse and sadness. Sociopathy is usually nurtured in childhood so it's not a genetic thing.

>What happened to Valery?

Here we go again....

but what about when he feels sorry for the black police officer ?

when the blood dissapears, there is a POV shot from up above

he climbed a tree and then stole the car and eventually fled back to russia

Yeah surely someone can hotwire a car and drive back to Russia with a bullet lodged in their skull.

>but what about when he feels sorry for the black police officer ?
I dont think he felt bad for him. I remember Tony trying to prove that everyone is crooked.

He definitely felt bad, but only so much and for so long.

That's true and if there were a spectrum for sociopaths Tony wouldn't be on the extreme end. He's still able to feel all emotions but probably not as much as a normal person for empathy, but that gets amplified when it involves animals or anything he perceives as innocent.


He tried to get his job back and even went back to explain to him that it wasn't his idea to cut his hours.

I don't think he would've given many shits about Tracee if the show didn't clearly signal that he compares her to Meadow. When he whacked Ralph, I'm sure at some subconscious level he was avenging his daughter.

i meant he used the car to get somewhere to heal up and then fuck off back to russia

or maybe he could drive back to russia numbed out on smirnoff

he changed his feelings to not show weakness in front of that HUD guy

btw i love a comfy gabagool thread

are you fucking autists serious? one of the main signs of psychopathy/sociopathy is hurting and killing animals as a kid

sociopaths literally CANNOT feel empathy towards animals or humans, instead they only mimic empathy

>i must be loyle to my capo

hard to do that when paulie keeps busting your balls

besides, paulie was ok with chris but as soon as chris gets made and starts working for paulie, paulie decides to be a jerk ?

Remember the ducks?

He was literally upset over Pie.

Best goomah reporting in

How can you call anyone an autist when you get upset so easily?

Where did you get your PhD mr armchair psychiatrist?

shame tony got rid of feech, richie aprile and tony b

they would have been useful during the new york war


The look on ralphs face though after the races when paying tony?

sociopaths literally AREN'T all the same person with the exact same characteristics, it's quite a broad definition.

Why would Tony mimic feeling bad about POM in the stable when he was sick? There was literally nobody around and he still felt it.

Janice whacked Richie.

I learned this in school, but you don't have to. All you have to do is use google and you'll see that I'm right.

is that the burned one ?

lel when tony breaks up with her in the hospital and gives her a brooch

>The look on ralphs face though after the races when paying tony?

mafioso are greedy fucks, plus ralph was the biggest earner and skimming of the top. he should have been smarter not to wave all that money around tony when he won

realistically, could tony ever talk to johnny sack or phil leotardo the way he did in those sitdowns they had ?

new jersey talking like that to a NY family seems too much.


Are you somehow implying fat fucking mobsters from New Joisey care about the justice system?

They were in the HUD thing together with a lot of money at stake and it's not like the new york families are all powerful like they once were.

richie was a homo right ? when he had to turn the lights off when he was getting a blowjob and couldn't finish, plus that wierd sex with janice

i reckon phil was a fanook, 20 years with no ass is a long time. plus he literally came out of a closet and was clenching the bed when vito was killed, also explains his hatred for the gays


The first link proving you wrong already. Sociopathy isn't hereditary so they're capable of empathy. Animal abuse doesn't say shit about shit. Did you go to school past middle school or something?

why did butchie betray phil to new jersey ?

No I'm implying you don't if you conclude that he killed her because of a coincidence.

They both definitely dabbled in it and were ashamed, also Richie flipped his shit when Janice said his son was a queer.

he was acting on little carmines orders. carmine jr was new boss. notice how butchie kept looking to him at the sit down before speaking

based carmine playing the long game by acting like a retard, takes over the family and absorbs new jerseys base of operations with paulie or patsy as a figurehead

The whole point of Melfi's last scene with Tony is that he subconsciously tries to gain sympathy by talking about how much he loves little babies and little animals. Melfi knew he didn't give a fuck, that's when she realized she'd been getting cuck'd this entire time with him and finally decided to kick him out.

That redhead movie agent Chris fucked

Phil was rude to him on the phone, also war means that no one makes money and Phil was a stubborn prick.

>casually throws down the bridal magazine
>'what you looking at'
>'you gonna cry now ?'


Sociopath is a term that's thrown around far too often. Tony just had a skewed version of reality than Melfi, because of the life he'd been brought up in. Melfi, Elliot and their ilk throw the word sociopath at people like that because they can't handle the idea that some people just have less regard for the law and human life. Tony was just a regular guy with a violent upbringing who saw things differently than your average person. He's moody, jaded, and likes to see others fail but that's not because he can't feel positive and empathetic emotions, he has plenty of the above for his family -not to mention a few of his girls throughout the series- and he shows it plenty often enough.

man it must be one stressful job being in the mafia on the constant lookout

now i empathise with gigi. gigi died taking a shit

Are you saying Tony didn't care about animals? I don't think he was faking it at all.

The son's hospital bills, user.

They were going to lose money on the worse, his son won a Darwin award and shot himself with an arrow right in the chest.

Perfect time for an insurance scam, the bread and butter of mobsters.

>and likes to see others fail

Melfi diagnosed Livia with antisocial personality though, couldn't she have transfered that over to T?

>The fundamental question is, will I be as effective as a boss like my dad was? And I will be, even more so? But until I am, it's going to be hard to verify that I think I'll be more effective.

based carmine

Irina is my Sopranos waifu

>and your brother billy, whatever happened there, lets put it all behind us

based carmine purposefully fucking up the peace. that is when i knew his stupidness was an act

The most sociopathic thing Tony did was at that dinner with Janice where he egged her on about her son until she snapped, everything else he did had at least some justification.

Feech was annoying

Janice killed Richie

Tony had to quickly kill Tony B so Phil wouldn't torture him to death

>>Sopranos Eugene
>>tries to leave the mob
>>denied by Tony
>>dirty rat broadcasting to the FBI
tony even took a cut of eugenes inheritance and still said no

>Sopranos Eugene
>tries to leave the mob
>denied by Tony
>dirty rat broadcasting to the FBI
>kills himself like a pussy

>The Wire Cutty
>tries to leave the Crime Family
>Barksdale fully supports this and encourages his new endeavors
>none of the afro-americans ever rat; take more life sentences even to protect their boys

why do blacks make for better criminals?

That was pretty funny to watch and Bobby couldn't do nothing about it

how can you literally beat up the boss of a family and nothing happen to you ?

lmao why did you delete your post to use a different picture? I'm genuinely curious.

Since Eugene is a made guy he can't get out

Antisocial Personality Disorder isn't really a thing, to be honest. Or it is, but it's misdiagnosed far more than it's diagnosed correctly. Basically if someone doesn't have the same values as society expects they throw the diagnosis on them because they don't know how else to explain it. Real psychopaths are like robots, who put on human acts and care only about success (see American Psycho and Nightcrawler for two textbook examples). Tony is nowhere near that personality type.

Also Livia was a borderline personality, which isn't the same thing.

I honestly dont think so

Tony got his revenge by making him kill the guy in the laundromat.

Let's see.

>laughs and tells jokes at funerals
>murders people for the smallest things
>murders friends for the smallest things
>shows absolutely no remorse after said murders
>short temper, immediately gets aggressive and physical if someone questions his orders
>constantly tries to justify his crimes, like when he burned down Artie's restaurant
>tried to smother his own mother with a pillow
>doesn't give a shit about his wife and fucks every woman that responds to his flirts

I'm pretty sure Tony was a complete sociopath.

Diagnosed sociopath here, you hit the nail on the head.

>has the ability to feel emotions like love, empathy, happiness
Cancels out everything you just said.

Also see

>Diagnosed sociopath
You do realise that the word sociopath hasn't been used medically since the late 50s, right?

Edgy little faggot.

Melfi's incompetent. Tony's a narcissist, not a sociopath.
Sociopathy/ASPD: lack of affective empathy or others, consequent absence of feelings of guilt or goodwill toward others, attachments to others wholly possessive.
Narcissism: excessive protection of self-image, deflection of feelings of guilt insofar as they threaten the image, general tendency toward denying and projecting responsibility, but still capable of affective empathy, many actions driven by repressed/deflected guilt, attachments to others influenced by possessive and approval-seeking urges but still capable of some altruism.
The latter is a better fit for Tony, who is very sentimental and often acts from displaced guilt.

why the fuck would you even SUGGEST that someone can feel no emotions? what the fuck are you on, m8? sociopaths/psychopaths cannot feel EMPATHY, that's it, that's the part of their brain that's fucked up

why would you think they can't feel emotions like happiness? where the fuck did you hear this from please tell me

Don't piss me off friend I'll find you

>there are people who think tony didn't die

They hand you the answer on a fucking silver platter. You think they reprised bobby's comment on the boat about being whacked for shits and giggles?

>and yeah, ny did it

Tony has murdered 10+ people probably with little to no remorse, surely that places him closer to sociopath territory rather than a narcissist?

I honestly don't think he did.

I think he would've got defensive when Tony insinuated he was behind it. Instead he just got angry and dismissive, he legitimately had other things on his mind with his son's injuries and got pissed off that Tony would even bring it up.

I think Tony's murder of him more boiled down to subconscious payback for Tracee.

there was a typo that was annoying the shit out of me

many of the things said about narcissism fall into sociopath territory as well, m8

>>and yeah, ny did it
it was actually david scantino back for revenge

>Diagnosed sociopath

Most of the killings are at some level in self-defense. There's an excuse he can make for himself for why he "needs" to kill all of them, and he doesn't act out of cruelty in any of the cases we see. We also see him pass up an opportunity to kill Paulie when he knows Paulie has betrayed him.
ASPD/sociopathy is not just "do bad things disorder." It's about cruelty and the lack of any need to justify or rationalize the actions. Tony always has business reasons and feels the need to justify what he is doing to himself. Ergo, not ASPD. Narcissism is a much better fit; it's the "not really my fault, I had to, he made me do it" syndrome.

This. DIAGNOSED psychopaths are in prison.

>t2 theme

why do they acknowledge the godfather but never goodfellas ? and how can they not notice uncle junior was in godfather 2 ?

>Boldness. Low fear including stress-tolerance, toleration of unfamiliarity and danger, and high self-confidence and social assertiveness.
>Disinhibition. Poor impulse control including problems with planning and foresight, lacking affect and urge control, demand for immediate gratification, and poor behavioral restraints.
>Meanness. Lacking empathy and close attachments with others, disdain of close attachments, use of cruelty to gain empowerment, exploitative tendencies, defiance of authority, and destructive excitement seeking.

What was Chris' and Paulie's last interaction before Tony whacked him? I loved those two retards together.

I think it would be too meta, so many of the same actors.

>What was Chris' and Paulie's last interaction before Tony whacked him?
when Paulie made fun of him after he got drunk and all the guys were laughing at him and he stormed out of the bar crying

Did you recognise Johnny Ola at first?

Be honest.

I think it was Paulie telling him his daughter would grow up to be a stripper. I never liked Chris but that scene was the only time I felt bad for him.

honestly no
that was pretty fucked up, in the oldern days, paulie would be killed for that. Loved that slow mo laugh of tony and benny laughing his ass off