How many trump fags are going to end themselves when hildawg reins in the glory?

How many trump fags are going to end themselves when hildawg reins in the glory?

>misses trips by 1.
>why go on?

>CTR in overdrive
Fam everyone's already made up their minds. Just take today off

I don't want Trump supporters to kill themselves. I just wish they would be more mature

... You're so right

Goodbye cruel world

Not possible. Their tiny brains have been warped

There's my trips.. and a dub

...Oh sure, thats been obvious by the TRUMP campaign supporters turn out. ....While Hilliary couldn't fill a gymnasiums or even buy a nigger azz crowd anywhere near in comparison the size of a typical TRUMP rally.

That's why nobody fucking respects you fags. That comment right there.

What you think cause you brought all the lazy rednecks who can't take responsibility together that you're the better party? Eat shit faggot

Just face it...your anti TRUMP + not even a Hilliary or Democratic supporter. .....(lazy rednecks??? , Your retarded, POS like you always want a hand out in life)

Typical Trump supporter logic. "Everyone who doesn't vote Trump just wants handouts waahhh"

/wrists fag

I already wanted to do that.
It's not a really big dealy-o.

Now you'll have a reason!


speaking of retards

I already had a reason, cuck.
And if I really start to care about my life, I'll just move somewhere else.

this is an autistic thread. check em.

Congratulations you're now autistic


Cuck? Good Trumpsult


wtf? I'm now #mentallhill

Please go back to Tumblr and cry for an hour with your cats.

The B gods have smiled on me this day

Yes because everyone who doesn't vote Trump uses Tumblr


Please tell me Shaniqua, Why Hillary?

I'm actually hoping to see Trumps immature reaction to losing ... maybe a scenario with Pence conceding in his place


More Trumpsumptions

You guys make this too easy

Please if there is a god let it happen

I was just asking a question, man.


this is exactly the point though. people felt involved in the political process and now can go back to masturbating


we won't be shooting ourselves, i can guarantee you that.


Hope my cousin offs himself. Huge Trump fag, his wife probably voting Hillary. Over under on number of murder-suicides over the next day?

>Calls someone Shaniqua because called out trump
>I was just asking a question, man
>Implies he sounds intelligent
>Carry on

Hmmm.. Over is 1mil under is 500k

but the cops and military will shoot you..

Well Pence would essentially be president if Trump won

You aren't gonna do shit keep fronting

i took that motherfucking cardstand down, don't think i'll shy away from a little revolution too

nah fag you are wrong, fapple don't make such a long cable.

Never said I was intelligent, I just want to know your reasoning.
Thanks for putting that into greentext, though. My pea-sized brain can't comprehend common formatting

The question is, what would SJW's do if Trump won?
>You can't deny this m8

I said Hilary will win, not that i want her too

Don't know don't care

If you have to use a political vice in order to identify yourself you don't deserve breathe