
that xavi is irrelevant i think

Xavi must have twice the trophies Cristiano has, also 2 euros and 1 WC. Also he was more important to Spain than Cristiano to Portugal. If he didnt won the Balon D'oro is because Messi exists.

That they're both the worst kind of primadonna crybabies.

Xavi was very respectful with Cristiano in that interview.

But Cristiano mind is just fucked up.He really thinks he is the best in the world and only individual trophies count.

trig penaldo?

His response just shows that he is insecure, nothing new.

problem with xavi is that he always has something to say
problem with cristiano is that he's a reactionary and cant take criticism

>Xavi "irrelevant until he was 27" Hernandez

Kek, this manlet isn't fit to grease Ronaldo's waxed arse

But yet Ronaldo wins 3 with Messi existing, stfu you stupid slav

I think Cristiano is genuinely mentally ill.

I couldn't finish his documentary movie. He takes self-obsession to never before seen levels.

Yet somehow had a more successful career

Lol playing in Qatar, while spending his best years being carried by Ronaldinho and Messi. Spain was tiki taka meme soccer with some refball for desert. He's overrated.

Just when you think this man finally grew up he goes and says some dumb shit.

>he finally matured you guys, he's a team player and look at this webm! He's worried about Bale's well-being! He cares about people now, see?

His autistic homosexual fans have been saying shit like this since his United days. Penaldo is literally unironically unequivocally mentally ill.

Portuguese Canadians are such niggers. Back to the construction site with you.

I'm sure you're some sort of wetback that scurried across the border like the rat you are, eat shit pu70

you sound like a proper virgin lol

Lmao did you finish Grade 8? Pathetic.


Cristiano's obsession/ego reminds me of American Psycho 2bh. but love him anyway

Worth the download?

it's mediocre desu
should have had more about his time at MU and how Fergie brought him up.
the parts with his son were comfy tho

It's total shit m8