I just got a warning from a mod of popular music forum because my user name is offensive...

i just got a warning from a mod of popular music forum because my user name is offensive. i had that name on that site from a year. and she said that if i dont chnge my name ill get perma banned.

fuck this gay earth.

btw my name was 'dindu nuffin'

Other urls found in this thread:


I've seen far worse.

What board?
Also I don't think you want to be there anyways if there a bunch of liberal nazis.

sounds like you dindu nuffin


you should get in contact with fox news

This has nothing to do music. It isn't even a meta thread. Leave, and never come back.

so are you gonna change it?

>popular music forum
are you retarded

happy sennheiser dad

change ur name into "johnny trigger-warning"


please leave. we don't want to see these threads

which forum op?

>meta thread

you have to go back

tell her you dindu nuffin

idk still havent replied to the message. but im looking for a obscure racist name that doesnt have any source. she sent me a knowurmeme link as a source.

you could ask [spoiler]Sup Forums[/spoiler]
theyre great at stupid racist jokes and memes

You truly are one of God's oppressed creatures. May you continue to strive in the face of hardship.

mien nigga

Change your name to Hitler Did Nothing Wrong

that's equally offensive


What is more pathetic... the fact that you look at black people as liar uneducated criminals or the fact that you posted on a message board to complain about moderation on another message board where you 'dindu nuffin'. Go cry bitch.

i want all niggers OUT of my board

LMAO you 'dindu nuffin'.
Pot meets kettle.

>having a name on a message board is now equal to committing a crime and then having your family/community lie about it

wew lad

does the forum allow less common characters? how about ">her"

What does that mean? No crime was committed you just ran into 'moderation' so you direct and respectful communication can take place.

It's just a message board on the internet. It's not that serious.

Tell them you are a fan of Doja Cat.


Saying he's complaining about how he "dindu nuffin" while mocking niggers for saying "dindu nuffin" whenever any of them gets fucked up by cops

holy shit thanks.

forget it... go on your way lowlife

you mad brah?

No. You?

I don't know bud, you seem pretty mad.

normalfags OUT



what a special case you are

idk man, if you weren't mad, why would you keep replying?

I love how you whine when people call you out on your racist bullshit



now go cry on

>not responding back with "but i dindu nuffin"
come on op get with it

You guys seem pretty buttmad.

The guy thinking and screaming out 'nigger' in his head in real life feeling empowered online to type it with hatred when he talks about black people is talking about being 'triggered'. This guy is complaining about his username ban on another board on this board, then being a racist, and is now trolling to talk politics. WHO CARES WHAT YOUR USERNAME IS OR WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU ON A MESSAGE BOARD? LOL @ you.

>nigger punches cop
>get shot
>he a gud boi he dindu nuffin
shut the fuck up already

don't you understand memes become memes because they're true in some way


you can still think predominantly black cultural behavior is retarded without being "A WAYYCISSTT" you PC faggot get a new religion

because making fun of some idiot crying on the internet is being mad


>lmaoing at ur life

y'all seem uberbuttmad now. I'd suggest calming donwn

why are you dilberts obsessed with being "shocking" over maybe just acting like a normal person and not spazzing out any time someone forces you to engage with them.

>no u

I'm not mad. You're the one throwing all that salt on me. If anyone should be mad it should be me. I'm not prepared for this level of saltening

why are you joels obsessed with controlling every means of expression you disagree with down to the smallest nuance and spazzing out any time someone happens to believe something different than you



youve gained a persecution complex from people telling you not to act retarded and now youre here campaigning about how people shouldnt call you retarded. youre a snowflake and the only way people won't laugh at you is if you take the hint and stop antagonizing everything whenever you get nervous.


>youve gained a persecution complex from people telling you not to act retarded
no i gained a persecution complex from stuff like the pic in this post and pic related

you know actual persecution where people are aggressive to you for no reason and want you to fucking die for being born for years and if you try and tell them you're actually on their side and that you share a lot of similar opinions they tell you they don't care and that you're guilty anyway and that your time is over and that WYPIPO should just fucking die already

you know actual weird racist shit that gets forgiven with nuspeak language like racism equals prejudice plus power so therefore my judgment of your personage via means of your skin color is alright even though it's fucking retarded and if you look at statistics and trends well damn there's more reason for you to hate me than the other way around but ayyy you're white so that means i win checkmate WYPIPO

>youre a snowflake
that's rich

>implying everyone else didn't have a persecution complex before us when there wasn't actually one

there is no white genocide and you are a fragile and scared person. i hope you cry foul at these words and dig yourself deeper into whatever conspirasphere you're keeping yourself in to convince yourself that you're being deliberately sabotoged by jews or blacks or whatever. the cold truth is just that you kind of suck and you get scared of shit easily. no huge globalist conspiracy that you're railing against from your bedroom or far-reaching feminazi claw turning all your friends against you, just a boring worthless scared person.

>no white genocide

good joke.

dude. not cool. the PoCsecution complex is VERY real.

have you seen miss switzerland?

she's fucking white

do you not see the problem with that? or do you need to tell you to educate yourself about microagressions

because i'm fuckin ready to tell you to educate yourself


People of all types are stupid. You just figuring that out? Wait until you discover philosophy, economics, and art. Nah JK you'll never get there.

>not sure if bait or not
>Gonna bite either way

What's the problem with Miss Switzerland being Swiss? Isn't that kind of the point?

>no white genocide

Well I'm sure it's easy to understand why people wouldn't want you to "express yourself" through a racist username.
You're not on the KKK's music forum so I'm guessing they're open to having black people on their website. I don't get why you think they would be okay with it.

>no white genocide

>there is no white genocide
i actually never even brought that up but thanks for lumping me into a broad and easily dissmissable extreme that fits your john oliver worldview of black and white boogeymen you child i know you think you're one of the good guys and i'm a wicked man for talking but i just said i am tired of being made to feel guilty for existing and so i'm just going to meme against it because i can feel feel feel that pendulum a swingin and nobody likes people like you anymore you're about as hip and sexy as a queef in church and everyone's tired of your nag

>you are a fragile and scared person.
i'm actually fine just annoyed but having fun with it

you can continue posting ugly guys in hats though it really makes me think

you know dumb memes don't prove your point right?
When has racism against whites ever affected your daily life?

Have you been to South Africa or Zimbabwe.

It sounds like you get more triggered by the words that are being said without knowing the meaning behind these words.
Your only frame of reference for "racism" is how white people have badly treated others in a white majority land. Like someone can say a bad thing to you, but what else are you worried about that there is evidence of in the past?

Do you live there? Otherwise, I wouldn't be worried...
Also, why do people only bring Africa when "white genocide" is trying to be discussed?

Not about just daily life. It's about the fact that in a hundred years we won't exist. It's about the fact that 20,000 white women are raped by black men in America every year and almost no black women are raped by white men. It's about the fact that blacks and latinos have lower IQs than whites and won't be able to succeed in the high IQ world that is white western civilization. It's about the fact our countries are being over run by outsiders in the name of "diversity" and "multiculturalism" but yet no where else is this happening. No one complains about Africa being too black, or India being too Indian, or East Asia being too Asian.

He came here to complain about being moderated to help ease discussion on a message board and then posted some memes of trump and said 'you mad?'. Very weird how these memes for trump were supposed to be emblematic of power and dominance but now now we're onto white american genocide... Are you some alpha white male trump warrior or some downtrodden white male fighting off the hordes of everyone else who is picking on you? What role are you even playing? Ask yourself who you are in a mirror little dude.

I wonder where we are going next with this thread?

I like the Beatles. DEAL WITH IT!!!!!!!!

Because if it was any other race there would be people in an outrage and all you would here about is the terrible genocide going on there. "nobody" cares about white people dying or being attacked or about white people in general.

i don't think making fun of the fact that black people disavow their part in incurring the wrath of police is racist. i just dont

in fact i believe the more this attitude is made fun of the more black people will collectively dissociate from the mentality that fucking with the police is at all a good idea in any way shape or form and that by being a fucking rude and arrogant shit to a man with pepper spray and a gun is not an evolutionarily sound decision

lots of white people don't season their food and lots of black people don't respect or listen to cops there we go ok you can have your meme and i can have mine

Funny thing is, I do.
Pic featured is only a mile away from where I live.
Plaasmoorde translates literally to 'farm murders'.
The white crosses represent the farmers murdered.
'lol white genocide don't exist they dindu nuffin'

>Your only frame of reference for "racism" is how white people have badly treated others in a white majority land.
you don't know anything about my frame of reference i could be a time traveler for all you know

time travelers matter

Well one issue is happening in the country we live and the other is happening elsewhere so I don't see how it troubles you that American issues are more pevelant in America.
>White Lives Matter
Saying Black Lives Matter isn't the same as saying White Lives Don't Matter. Ask anyone and learn some reading comprehension.

Then why dont you go fuck off back to Zimbabwenet? Sup Forums is an american speaking website.

>tfw I know I should close this thread but I can't help but keep watching

dude but like you don't totally even live there what are you trying to do look at another countries tragedy and avoid it ha ha what a loser why don't you just sit there and let article after article LITERALLY ADVOCATE FOR YOUR DEATH i'm sure nothing bad is going to happen ha ha we're not in africa why do you care do you think UNCHECKED CONSTANT HATRED is going to BLOOM INTO ACTION or something ha ha black people aren't going to hurt you babydicks we're just going to ask for lots of money and remove you from institutions of power and push for interbreeding specifically with your women and your women only ha ha we're not going to genocide you like africa no no we do the jewish thing and make it last 100 years of slow generational death ha ha it's more humiliating ha ha


I'll leave you with this, I need to get some sleep. Take pride in your race, whatever it is. You'll learn either way

You should absolutely be able to contest that.
Its absurd as you'd win the moment you say "tell me why it was racist" because there is nothing about it that is racist.

I didn't imply it didn't exist, but if you live there, I wish you luck in forming some sort of peace or a community to try to put an end to it. I don't know the specifics and I live in America so I obviously can't speak on it.
What was your point again? That it does happen elsewhere? Yeah, I'm sure it's happened to virtually every 'race,' but white supremacy is a much larger, harmful, more common issue and I don't think it's wrong that it's trying to be stopped in countries where it is most common.

or wait, this is the video I was talking about


try James Corvus

>Saying Black Lives Matter isn't the same as saying White Lives Don't Matter.
i dont really care what it means but i sure am tired of seeing entire cities lit on fire because a white cop shot a black teen who just happened robbed a convenience store and physically assaulted the officer who is covered with bruises and even his gun has the suspects fingerprints on it and the exit wounds show that the suspect was charging him but ayy who cares you know what let's not even wait for the evidence to come out we don't need to wait it's just anarchy now ha ha the black people are mad so we let them burn cities down for weeks did you know we don't actually need baltimore or ferguson anyway just let them tire themselves out they've earned it who cares about the people that actually live in those cities and aren't rioting or are just trying to live normal lives the black people are mad i said did i forget to mention that or something

>Saying Black Lives Matter isn't the same as saying White Lives Don't Matter. Ask anyone and learn some reading comprehension.
That may be so but according to Black Lives Matter saying All Lives Matter is like saying Black Lives Don't Matter.

1. I'm white
2. There are radical people of every race that think they are superior and/or hold some grudge towards another/all race(s). This does not mean they are right.
3. People are too concerned over "this race vs another" instead of caring about the well being of all races (i.e. You)
I know you want to make a case for your race, but that won't change what others are doing and if you honestly feel like your race is more important that you need to make a case for you alone instead of collectively looking to help all, idk what to tell you.

Those are some thicc cables.

That's a lot of assumption and rhetoric with no evidence
But the idea behind it is if All Lives did Matter, BLM wouldn't be a thing. It started to say that they DO matter as much as everyone else.

this thread is the most autistic thing in the world

>But the idea behind it is if All Lives did Matter, BLM wouldn't be a thing.
No, the idea behind it is that All Lives Matter.

>when you realize you're actually downplaying a vicious genocide that has a real tangible impact on the person that you're talking to's life and you lose your precious moral highground so you tell him to leave and stop talking to you

Sure is music in here, I hope you all get tinnitus

In theory, but like I said
>It started to say that they DO matter as much as everyone else.
And it was formed by people who are black to speak about black issues that weren't being addressed.
I'm sorry if it hurts your feelings I guess

well said

>I'm sorry if it hurts your feelings I guess
I'm not black so my feelings aren't hurt.

Isn't it?

He was calling the guy who called him out for being a dumbfuck 'triggered' and posting trump memes. Who is 'triggered' exactly?

Then he claimed he lived in Zimbabwe.

Good day for the internet. I'm going for a walk later.