You know what to do



























When you're the only one contributing to a thread.

Where is OP, where is everyone else?








Fart of the poopy



Oh man, fucking lost

I'm saving this.




Absolutely lost



a classic



This is Bob Mortimer, well known British comedian. It detracts greatly from the ideal of a random man posting a pic of himself cheese flavoured head snacks. Also, that isn't the original comment. This is not funny.

so to achieve freedom you must conceal it first. that's what people don't understand these days

Lost. First time ever.

Thanks for giving me the courtesy of explaining why it isn't funny, but I was just dumping what I had.

Enjoy the story fellow anons, it may be long, but well worth it.


this is actually funny, more?



Here's the fixed version

np, now never post it again


Haha, will do, thanks for not calling me a fag.

Shut up, fag







That was a fucking epic.

Cba dumping anymore, threads dying

this is actually really impressive


Like them dubs


>You know what to do

Three of Kentucky's 3,698 precincts have reported their vote tallies, according to the Associated Press, with 77.7% going to Donald Trump and 19.5% going to Hillary Clinton.

I know this is out of the blue, but I want to masturbate. Though I have to obey a thread a partook in. We would roll our last two digits & count those as how many hours we wouldn't fap for. I rolled a 24. Perfect. Then I thought I could double down my luck, rolled again. Ended up totaling 130 hours.

Wanna fap, can't for another 3 days


this made me happy



lost and saved

>mitch hedberg

