Why does Sup Forums likes kpop so much?

I don't see nothing extremely special on it

>unrelated pic

Other urls found in this thread:


>Sup Forums
/kpg/ is just a single thread board stuck in our catalog.
Now if you ask why they like k-pop so much, they don't. They like qt dancing dolls.

>rl waifus

the actual music is garbage nobody could like
I actually don't understand why they even like the girls, they all look the same

Yeah, but they all look good, too.
I don't listen to the music, but they're sexy af and anyone who disagrees is a niggerfaggot for related reasons.

boy, those botox faces on 12 year old boy bodies sure do make my dick hard

Not everyone has the yellow fever, Rivers


It's alright if you liked Britney and the corporate trash she performed, and are fine with unsexy gooks performing it.

i think the real question is how can they be so critical of these girls when they all look the same. Like basically all female K pop stars are skinny and not so tall and im seeing people calling some fat cows and land whales. i don't get it.
if Sup Forums had jpop threads i might be a bit more interested, from what i hear jpop has more to offer

>plastic koreans

Is K-pop different from J-pop?

kpop has all the cute boys.

There is a lot of good catchy J-Pop, listen to Perfume

K-Pop is just mediocre and the only appeal it has is that it has good-looking boys/girls

kpop is like western pop music. jpop is totally different from either.


if you dont like kpop why dont you do something about it, faggot

Pic related, 闇のアルバム by Kazuo Umezu and Sunshower by Taeko Ohnuki along many others are examples true J-Pop masterpieces in my opinion.
Also Kyary Pamyu Pamyu is really good in terms of something more modern.
I really haven't haven't found any good K-Pop besides Seo Taiji. If anyone knows of any good albums/artists that could improve my thoughts feel free to share.

kpop has hundreds of good groups

jpop has 1

have you ever heard of salyu? if so what are your thoughts?

both garbage

>that hoola hoop dance
>those outfits
>those faces
>overall asthetics of the video
wtf every time i check out kpop threads i hate everything but why is this in specific kinda cool to me

Not because one person made a kpop post means everyone here likes kpop

I like the music and the qt girls though

hot korean girls to jerk off to

BTS is the best kpop group


>Now if you ask why they like k-pop so much, they don't. They like qt dancing dolls.
we freaking love kpop though

Hopefully Hiro bans all of them from the entire site like when Wrestling discussion got banned from Sup Forums for being retarded

kpop > > > > > > > Sup Forums

no. you are the only one

Exaaaaactly this. Their bodies are like nothing, it's like cardboard or paper or something, I can't even fully describe it. It's not even cute, it's just so nothing.

most people in kpg like kpop dbh

I can confirm
also Twice can't sing

One thing I've noticed that I think makes kpop so attractive other than the idols themselves is Korean is a good language for music, especially for catchy pop songs. It has that staccato from how hard consonants are pronounced at the beginning of syllables, but there's still a smooth flow to how those syllables come together and the postpostions in Korean makes rhymes come so naturally. Musically kpop is always very exciting and colorful with how it combines pop and r&b with other elements of music in creative ways. And the way most songs are tailor made to be paired with choreography make a lot of songs sound good and fun to listen to.
Another thing is kpop is more than just the music; groups often get their own reality/variety shows, popular idols get commercials and roles in tv/movies, they have photoshoots in magazines and nowadays every kpop album comes with a mini photobook, with internet most idols have become social media/youtube celebrities. Entertainment companies have brought together various art forms(music, performance art, visual media) and made idolization a new art form; obviously kpop didn't create idolizing pop singers, but in recent years its done it better and more persistently than any other entertainment industry from around the world inmhotbqhwyf. Just when I think I'm out, my favorite group disbands or I lose interest in idolizing them, kpop pulls me back in with another hot new group.
The idols are all good looking and charismatic, skilled dancers, and there is a lot of vocal talent in kpop, and some idols participate in creating kpop(writing lyrics, co-composing, co-producing, collaborating on the choreography, designing stage outfits, etc). The members of these groups work so hard to bring kpop to life(some perform those intense routines on tv or at concerts 5 times a week on top of other events they need to attend, while in school for a lot of them) Kpop idols are the top tier pop idols.

td;lr kpop is music but it isnt Sup Forums

all music is garbage except for kpop
prove me wrong oh wait you can't

you guys sound like this meme man rambling about something you don't understand or never cared to understand.


>Just when I think I'm out, my favorite group disbands or I lose interest in idolizing them, kpop pulls me back in with another hot new group.
this is why kpg is always so busy too since there's so much idol culture stuff to meme about all the time

a literal masterpiece

user it seems to me like no one's actually typed anything in this way and you're just imagining it as a defense mechanism

the reason kpg is so busy is because AIM isn't popular anymore

They're on /asp/ now IIRC, feel bad for the poor skateboard/snowboard lads who have to put up with their shit.

On KPop, don't know much about it although I like the snippets of 2NE1 I've heard and I have a bit of a thing for CL desu.

No but I will give it a try and tell you if possible

I don't listen to K-Pop, but it sounds slightly better than mainstream American Pop.

K-Pop star Seo Taiji made a nu-metal album back in the day (2000) called Ultramania and that was pretty cool to listen to.

Indeed. Atleast Britney was actually sexy, not these fucking dolls with no soul nor body,
Noone beats Blondie though

one member from Seo Taiji's group branched off and made one of the biggest kpop agencies out there right now, YG Entertainment

Fuck him

wait what the shit I didn't mean to do that


Nice get man

Kill Yourself Faggot

multiple same numbers confirm YG a shit
That company mismanaged some really good kpop artists(2NE1, Winner, AkMu, Lee Hi)



Nah it's a "fuck everything this stupid shit company releases" post

Actually that's a wrong statement I like some YG shit but fuck almost everything they did in 2016

Koreaboo containment board when

Nah just ban them all

our guy

I want to punch this fucking retard in the face for what he's done in the past 2 years


even outside of our threads we still bring the digits

dat burn

yep, he was probably about to finish grinding his body pillow, saw this post and got angry because you interupted him

Im not a fan of kpop but...

I’m gonna judge this based on music and dude these just really suck, its very well documented that the music the lyrics and even the choreography is done by some company that hires these ppl based on looks and then make them go through another thousand plastic surgeries and everytime i come around on of these why is Sup Forums into kpop thread /KPG/ faggets sworm in and ask "what is good music" the fuck man !!! ur on Sup Forums ofcourse theres such a thing as good music its not subjective just like every other artform its very very objective and the criteria is based on how much work or experimentation and innovation goes into it purely based on a musical level not how many times you got ur feelings hurt by the company treating you like shit when you knowingly sign a contract this the devil and turn urself into their slave and for fuck sake these ppl dont even sing they mostly lipsync ..

an for the people who say they have no where else to go thats just bullshit cus if you even go through one /kpg/ thread youll pretty quickly find out its just never about music at all, moot needs to make something like /jp/ so they can peacefully do their weird yellow fever crap

another usual answer to why are they on the top is "oh how can new mutants find the /kpg/ thread unless we flood it with constant /kpg/ shit threads?" to that what i have to say is that every other board on this damn thing including this one constantly fucking tells you to use the godamn fucking search bar its fucking frowned upon boards like /lit/ and Sup Forums just doesn’t self mod at all now

its fucking frowned upon boards like /lit/, and Sup Forums just doesn’t self mod at all now

fucking auto correct not even gonna bother with the rest

>ofcourse theres such a thing as good music
word like kpop

im kind of with you but you lost me at the "music is objective thing". Like i get what you mean and i used to kind of feel this way to but the fact of the matter is thats false. You can have discussions about why you think a song is great like we all do but at the end of the day there is no right or wrong answer. if someone thinks 21 pilots is better than Mozart i really cant "prove them wrong", although i could argue that they have shit taste

So K-Pop is basically this?


>ofcourse theres such a thing as good music its not subjective just like every other artform its very very objective and the criteria is based on how much work or experimentation and innovation goes into it purely based on a musical level
This is what people fail to understand.
Music isn't a subjective industry. There are definitely clear objectively better artists and genres out there and it's very clear that music isn't a "pick what you like to hear" phenomena.

why isn't it clear?

i mean
why is it clear music isn't a "pick what you like to hear" phenomenon

>a phenomena

Why is it so hard for amerifats to understand the concept of idols?
Jesus christ.

Are you kidding? The only difference between "k pop" "idols" and general run of the mill popstars like Katy Perry and Lady Gaga is negligible. Korea is just stuck in the 90s Backstreet Boys/Spice Girls era

Well for one idols aren't grannies preaching sodomy

You dont know shit about asian idol culture


What a waste

>"oh how can new mutants find the /kpg/ thread unless we flood it with constant /kpg/ shit threads?"
that was a shitpost mocking /kpg/ and the fact for most people who use the catalog but don't know about filters or don't use them there will usually be 3-4 unnecessary kpop threads clogging the catalog.
The OP photo is such a coveted thing in the kpop general threads. Like 2% of /kpg/ uses Sup Forums outside of the kpop threads so when we hit the bump limit we have all these tourists racing to make the OP even though our current thread is on page 1 and has 50+ images to go until the image limit. And you have no choice but to migrate because thats what everyone else is doing and kpg is for real time chatting.
Moot said we could host our chatroom on Sup Forums but that was before we were churning out 310+ posts an hour during peak times. A lot of those posts are either blatantly break global rules or teeter in the grey area of "well kpop is music, kpop idols are musicians so it is on topic." If those threads were used just to discuss kpop as a genre of music without any of the waifuism they would move slow, threads would get pruned at 150 posts, and /kpg/ would still be a vapid pimple on the catalog of Sup Forums. I mean I love kpop and chatting about kpop but like a lot of posters on /kpg/ most of us can't offer up much discussion about kpop musically past statements like "I like how this song goes beep boop boop It's so catchy and my oppa Lele's voice is so sweet and angelic."

td;lr kpop isn't Sup Forums and an anonymous chatroom hosted on an imageboard for kpop doesn't belong on Sup Forums

Why would I want to? So I could be a creepy weeaboo?

>most of us can't offer up much discussion about kpop musically past statements like "I like how this song goes beep boop boop It's so catchy and my oppa Lele's voice is so sweet and angelic."
how are you supposed to discuss music? most of mu outside of comp, prod and the like doesn't analyze songs in technical terms either and it's not like that's necessary to enjoy it

this is a generic mu thread

It's just pop music that appeals to Asian people and people with yellow fever, and pop music is by definition popular with the demographic that it caters to. What is there to get?

yes they just want you to sign ur soul over to some company and act like their fucking angels or get publicly humiliated to the extent ur family disowns ur ass and takes the side of the person saying shit like omg her tits fell out of that tight ass fucking borderline porno shit they made her wear, now thats obviously her fault and her family needs to disown her and shame her publicly .. oh i almost forgot about the two thousand five plastic surgeries you have to get to be qualified to say im okay looking or pretty yes this is all very healthy compared to blonds openly doing what ever the fuck they want to and saying what ever the fuck they want to, welcome to the 21st century you backwards Korean culture obsessed idiot

Why do you type like a retarded person?


because English is not my first language


>not retarded

>weeb mod
>thinks he's got a point

That's still a more Sup Forums.org/mu/ related thread than a standard /kpg/ thread and I'm sure a thread like that will get pruned before 150 posts so that proofs my point.

we should have a koreaboo containment board, we should probably call it /ko/

>this damage control

its just tryhard shit posters to say their taste is better than urs

They probably wouldn't even use it, they love all the hatred directed towards them.


How can people not LIKE kpop?
This is fuking adorable and pure
Not the usual slut javs japan has an over saturated market for.