He dies for our sins. The least you could do is turn off the TV tomorrow and spend some time at church.
Please consider this.
He dies for our sins. The least you could do is turn off the TV tomorrow and spend some time at church.
Please consider this.
Whoever that is can go fuck himself I only give a shit about football.
I've actually been trying to get myself to go to church for months now, but I'm too lazy and would feel weird walking in by myself and have all kinds of anxiety and shit
i do, thats why i only watch college football
Jesus was black, not surprised cops killed him desu.
why cant i do both
He was not, he was light brown
If you know you can come back to life, how meaningful is it to sacrifice your life? At most, it's a inconvenience.
You don't mean this
that's racist.
If you buy into life after death then the same thing can be said about anything we do too
>tfw you go to a beautiful Greek Orthodox Church at 8:30, plenty of time to watch da burrs
god isn't real
God loves football though
fuck off to reddit
>He dies for our sins
How often does this happen?
> believing in made up stories that were written up to bring law and order to an unstable time in history.
> being a weak minded person.
> believing in god.
>being this euphoric
religion is for poor people
Why? Jesus showed on the cross he liked football by doing the touchdown arm signal
Just the once. And to absolve you of a sin you never committed. Sounds like a scam, desu.
Find a big church and just go sit in the back, no one will notice or bother you for the most part
Just go early. You can then enjoy an early breakfast with your mom and then get some brews with your boys. Win win win.
I live in Wisconsin. You're allowed to not go to church when the Packers are playing
and a *tip* to you good sir
There are no churches that preach the real truth about Jesus
>Take a break from the NFL
>It literally just started
>believing Hebrew myth history
>worshipping the Jewish messiah
>unironically placing your faith in the God of the Hebrews
How did our European ancestors fall so hard for the Yahweh meme?
fuck off cunt op
how is fucking your sister going
Jesus spikes
The Raelian Movement does.
Jesus was a clone.