
Remembering when men were men edition.

GGG vs Brook in approximately 1 bong and 50 bings.

Other urls found in this thread:


Hearns vs Hagler was shit desu

>"Remembering when Men were men"
>Shows a picture of a pussy MW who was dragging up Welterweights because he was too chicken shit to move up himself
>Still gets unironically beat from a Welterweight coming off a 3 fucking year layoff

Fucking neck yourself

>Callum is 191cm

He looks huge in there.

Brook UD

Stream pls

prefer a pic of khan getting his face caved in by canelo?

>BSA saves the day once again

migrate to the thread that has stream link or?

fuck u pay for it u bulgarian cuck

wtf is a bulgaria anyway lol

sounds like a vagina infection lmao

Anyone got a stream?

mine just died

Rate my haul lads


not bad pham

sorry what? Hearns went all the way up to Cruiser and carried him really well to LHW. He was way too drained when he fought SRL, that's why he got Knocked Out in the 13th round, despite by far winning on points and schooling Leonard.

Also Leonard is the one who was ducking Hagler, waiting till he was too old and then decided to jump on the opportunity. Kind of reminds us of a certain current situation, doesn't it?


Real thread with streams

im cutting and ur giving me a real hard time.. those cheeseburgers fucking hell jesus christ lord almighty

Why the fuck is Gavin McDonnell on this card

So boring

>sweet popcorn

>Hit him on the way down


Callum Smith vs James DeGale will be huge

not to mention - Hagler absolutely school Mugabi, a very solid fighter.

Can Callum Smith step it up to the world class level?

He's ruined this tin can

In France as nobody cares about boxing, the evening is on free tv, feels good man

>Still gets unironically beat from a Welterweight coming off a 3 fucking year layoff

shit was more fixed than a wwe fight, sugar ray is the jew of boxing

A really good body punch is like magic

Refresh it a couple of times, worked for me


What the fuck are "international" and "intercontinental" belts?


This one is working alright. Quality is a bit shit mine.

>"Sorry what? Hearns got old and fat enough to make heavier divisions so therefore this somehow negates the fact that he was a career Welterweight his entire career when Hagler fought him!"

Fucking neck yourself

>Kind of reminds us of a certain current situation, doesn't it?

Yea, GGG ducking Ward

paulie looks like he paints his beard and brows with a feltpen

Was Chavez better than Duran?

I'm usually an MMA fan, but whenever Lomachenko or GGG fight I'll watch

>makes about 10 different threads at once

your all fucking cunts but im staying in this one since it was posted first

memes, like 95% of the belts in boxing.




just found out it's on free tv here. keep paying.

this is the good one, anyone that posts in the other is a faggot

Thats because some of us take a bit longer and put effort into our threads m8


What's Lewis Hamilton doing here?

How about putting that effort into killing yourself lad

Nah it's dead, leave it.

if you had any decency you would just delete your thread

Grow up sadcase, we can just use that one after this has reached the bump limit.


dude just stick with one and talk about fighting and you make the one for the main event. atm though who gives a fuck

gag on my cock you little british fuccboi

>tfw plebs beg for trash streams

wew your country actually looks awesome my b

sounds really shitty and literally who-ish but i was wrong

I'm not paying I have a free HD stream because I'm not a backwards inbred irrelevant piece of shit and actually have a functioning brain

he was a super WW for quite a while before jumping to MW to face Hagler, that's first of all. Second of all you're ignoring my point that Hagler was way too skinny for WW and there's a fucking reason he was so gased and got KO'd by Leonard DESPITE pretty much dominating most of the fight with his skills.
And he went on to have some convincing wins at SMW and LHW.

Just off yourself, you limey bastard.

Did paulie leave hbo? will he be on hbo for the main event?!?!?


>thread wars

Are you fucking serious?

im watching a top quality stream on ace but people like you are cancerous cunts

He realised America is a sinking ship and got on the Eddie Hearn gravy train


It's a resort overrun with english chavs. There was a program "what happens in sunny beach" on channel 4, recomend watching it if you can find it.

The original post was simply referring to the sheer madness


Plovdiv is good as well, I went there on a stag do. Alcohol is obscenely cheap out there as well.

>top quality

This is what streampoors actually believe

I hear arabic has become a mandatory lesson in all German schools now, is that true?

Were are all the kazakhstan posters?


there's much more fucking slags there and it's also full of russians

shut the fuck up Paulie


holy shit you're right

i feel like she is stood at a weird distance away from them

Hearns, you got my point. Now fuck off, Muhammad.


i confess to being one of those english chavs. so many brown skinned spanish girls in the clubs looking for real english men. unlike the eyebrow plucking, toenail varnishing Spaniards.

remember when broner cucked paulie. best part was the girl was ugly. then maidana readjusted broners face, good times. that pic of broner being dragged out of the arena is classic

Seriousky who is this Kate bitch presenting?

I want to give her the vitamin so hard

Hey leave Paulie alone, he's a funny meme

She is showing restraint

She is my GF lad

back off

fucking pathetic the type of irrelevant shit faggots like you try and act superior over

looks like a trap desu

>implying froch isn't banging her on the side while is model wife watches the kids.

As soon as GGG touches Kell its over

Probably don't have the internet

So what time is the GGG fight, it's not going to be this gay shit where it doesn't start till 3am is it?


here chavs and slags stick to their own clubs and if they get out of line someone kills them

nah la, starts in about a bong la, like 1030 ur time la

You just know

Who /sheff/ here?

it's in the UK, it will start at 10-10:30 pm your time. Stick around, the fight won't take long.

Don't talk to me or my son ever again

Indeed you would be the expert on fucking pathetic things here.



Shame you couldn't pull a pint let alone a woman you spotty virgin.

same in spain but we get to fuck the slags too

>American Banter

>tfw same height as Johnny Nelson

GGG confirmed for sick.

Bet the fucking house now!

mma is teh gay

I-is this shooped?