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Believe it or not everything supernatural that has ever been discussed ever is actually real.

The party forced Clinton on the voters.
The voters forced Trump on the party.

This is beautiful


Yea. Good reply. I suppose that kinda sums it up.

Großdeutschland Masterrace reportin in.
Muricans want their own Hitler.

Party politics and a nation of people who just don't give a fuck anymore.

We don't understand it either. Seriously. I voted for Hillary, but I wasn't happy about it.

Not a lot of people vote for the candidates to the primary election, they vote on the primary election.
Which has resulted in around 50% not liking either candidate in the US.
That's what happens when the populace isn't engaged enough in the democracy they have build.

>who just don't give a fuck anymore.
This, and it's much more lucrative to be not involved in politics in the US

Because of the polarization?

Top fucking reply, lad.

Trump for president!!!

This is what happens when we have an election when we've only been mourning the loss of the great harambe for a few months

Because we let everyone vote, instead of just white land owners

Corporations and their interests control the elections

It's simple.
Obama had to promise to give her the presidency in 2008, or she wouldn't have conceded. He was too much of a pussy to call her bluff and whip her ass in a floor fight, because ANY Democrat could win in 2008.

So he let her put her bestie in charge of the DNC, rewarding Tim Kaine for stepping down by promising him the veep slot. Then DWS and HRC pulled the unprecedented stunt of running only a single candidate at all. Bernie's sudden appearance made them flip their shit, especially because HRC is the most despised politician since Andrew Jackson.

It would have been tough if HRC hadn't bribed Trump to run as her ugly bridesmaid, and Republicans didn't give a fuck, because they know you don't need the presidency to run the country. All you need is 41 Senators and a filibuster threat and you control all three branches.

Because the media liked the circus of the Trump campain. the Democrates chose the obvious choice to win, for them. Now we have the nightmare of these two candidates. The media likes the news cycle, the hearings and possible impeachment. IT'S PROPAGANDA & IT DRIVES THEIR RATINGS. Also anyone who is a good person and honest would never put their asshole up to the microscope to get elected !

Well guys. I must say. This is just awful. You should all protest or stage a military coup or something over there, before any of these two nasty villains take control of your country.

Messed up political system with only two real parties. Hell, the entire thing that you vote for a president and not the party itself is just stupid as hell and just encourages the "Vote for the personality, not their policies" idiocy. I like Trump and what he stands for a lot better than I thought I would be but this election is a (most likely corrupt) career politician vs a reality TV star.

No matter who wins the election, everyone loses.

Done. Turn off the light when you leave, please.

Now that's a fucking soundbite to summarize this election. And I hope it means Trump wins. Both sides have a lot of people voting for their candidate to avoid the others but I only really see Trump supporters vote for him because they believe what he stands for.

When was the last time someone argued for Hillary because of what she stands for? Hell, does anyone know if Hillary stands for anything at all?

People can rationalize it the way they want, but the purest truth is - the voters of America are simply fucking retarded. Be it pandering to prejudice or bigotry, the vast majority of American voters have been emotionally manipulated, digging deep into the opposition while remaining blissfully ignorant of their own candidate's fuckery, even in plain sight, the residue of which can be seen on all of these threads. Voting doesn't work when emotionally volatile toddlers do the voting.

This is the last chance to change it, and no one will change it because hardly anyone can think for themselves, they follow the crowd as usual.

Trump and Hillary are both the result of America's failures and are both the result America deserves.

You brought this upon your own fucking selves, you have no one to blame BUT yourselves. Take responsibility you fucking cucks, people are voting for these two en masse, and it's all your fault. By 'you', that is the entire populace of America. And yes, refusing to vote even for someone else is letting it happen.

At the end of the day, the people still chose these two, so stop trying to deflect the blame you fucking idiot. If people could think for one moment, we would have Bernie instead of Hillary. "The party forced Clinton on the voters" is not an excuse, no forcing happened. It was a decision.

>populace built the democracy hahaha haha, peasant, show me the land your family had owned! If your family hasn't always owned land, then you u nor your inbred ancestors had anything to do with the outer shell of our Plutocracy

Well we had this idiot as prime minister
and still the Storting is filled with morons.
Norwegians have no right to compain about the US.

Half of the reason is that Trump dismantled every even half-legitimate candidate that the Republican party put up and people thought it was hilarious and entertaining because the stakes were low.

can't. eating tacos and playing xbox. maybe later.

More like the media forced Trump on the voters.

Who is complaining?

Yea Thorbjørn Jagland is a fucking embarrassment for us, but that's not the issue here.

>male sjws split down the middle on whether to choose a viable candidate or "muh first womyn president.
>every female in the party votes for Hillary because she has a vagina.
There's most of your modern democratic party right there.