Holy Shit CNN is behind Trump just Won Ohio and Florida

Holy Shit CNN is behind Trump just Won Ohio and Florida.

Other urls found in this thread:

google.com/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8#q=election map&eob=enn/p//1/0///////////

All he needs is North Carolina and he has a solid chance to make it a close call.


Dude CNN is a joke I mean they have Hillary Winning but Google is reporting that Trump will win if Michigan votes Trump.

Michigan is leading Trump according to Google.

It's over. Trump won this.

And now we know why Trump, Clinton, and Obama spent Monday in Michigan.

Is this actually fucking happening?!



Take that Hillary fags!

>Washington going Red
>Nevada is Blue

The fuck is this?


Laughing at you Merritards from a long way away.

Good fucking luck!

I cannot believe.... we as the rest of the world will have to deal with drumpf for at least 4 more years..... like if you wanna fuck up your cuntry what the fuck ever but everyones being pulled into it Im just... RRREEEEEEEEEHHHHH

I am Canada, and I'm legitimately afraid right now.

It's okay, washington just got Hillary

>I am Canada

You are Canada?

Fucking Hillary is trying to destroy America.

He means muslim

its over guys.... this is the apocalypse. and the people responsible are all those 3rd party vote fuckers I hope youre proud of yourselves for sticking up for your principles

Yes. All of it.

FUN FACT: The Canadian immigration site has been down from severe traffic flood for the last hour or two.

Canadian, enjoy your Trumpocalypse. Can we get in on this wall deal? We'll pay for it and everything. Seriously though, you're fucked. I understand your frustration with the establishment. I understand you had a choice between a giant douche and a turd sandwich. I just want to point out, a douche is at least useful, now you have a turd sandwich and you're going to be eating it for the next four years. Enjoy being molested by the baby handed bigot.


I'm going to the store to buy all the batteries I can keep this thread bumping

cnn is so butthurt that they refuse to update it.

HAHAHAHAHAH. This is so sweet. For the past fucking year, I've seen hillary shilling on front page of CNN website. Now I get to see them fucked over.

Yeah, to keep all the Tards out of Canada!

Wolf's got another projection!

never before have i been so proud of you usa. sincerely a britbong


guys is this actually happening

Why are you afraid? You do know bush was a president right? One would argue just as incompetent. Do you really think Trump is gonna build a wall and Nazis will rise up? C'mon stupid.. he's just another moron. He won't do anything drastic.

hillary hates america

Well there was that whole 'War on Terror' thing, but yeah. I expect him to try to do dumb things and then be told 'uh, no. you can't really do that'.

Too true bro

Finally we got someone who can make america great again :)

Oh God I hate fox news. Watch manganese Kelly if you need some motivation to kill a bitch

I gotta say, I am a third party voter (I know, screw me, right?) but after so many Hillary shills filling this place to the brim, I am laughing hysterically.

Well that puts her in line with pretty much every american and the rest of the world.

a lot of these are based on popular votes within the states and not the districts and how they factor into the electorate. There's also states that are so close there's probably going to recounts for weeks.

I'm 18 years old, I'm legitimately immigrating to Germany if Trump wins. Fuck this country, I'm so embarrassed to be American.

Half of us don't like it either man.

I'm laughing at all the third party voters who wasted their time

I'm laughing at all the third party voters who wasted their time

Those numbers are the Electoral you retard

Go anywhere but Germany or Sweden.

Great a bunch of more faggots are gonna come here and live off the government.





It's better then creating a no fly-zone over Syria you idiot.

oh sweet summer child.
They're calling the states red or blue based on the popular vote and not the districts within the states themselves.



Clinton news network

I voted for Trump

You're welcome

If he gets 2% more it won't be a complete waste.

so did I but that don't mean anything unless they're counting districts.

google.com/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8#q=election map&eob=enn/p//1/0///////////

check out the number of people who voted in Fl. I'm in a blue area and they would have lynched me I think.

Have fun being rapped.

heads up. reports of black riots in atlanta and florida. cops fleeing. this is the big one. no sleep tonight boys!


lol where are these reports

She bangin tho

If he gets PA and Michigan. It's gg.

the fuckin cb. get your eyes off the tv they won't tell you whats going on until its too late.

he's at 254. daddy's gonna do it!!

She has an insect quality about her

cnn still reporting trump at 238 and hillary at 209. they are being uber progressive with their numbers

I don't believe you


Being this fucking autistic. KYS faggot.

they're takinjg it slow because they're in denial and they're cringing at what's going on.

She is now leading in NH. It's not over yet.


Fuck you Stephanie you're supposed to stay in the van

He's pretty much got Michigan and Wisconsin. All he needs to win, amirite?

We're all fucked now.


Lies. Sadly.

so hows the muslims our being in africa in general or having a tiny asian cock or the australian drop bears

>4 votes
fuck off shill, it's over, you lostt

Trump is the shit

My post was supposed to have text.

>leading my

Dis nigga

He needs Michigan or Pennsylvania. According to google, this Entire election will be decided by about .5% of the populous.

>According to google
>trusting Jews to tell you how other Jews are going to finish the election
Fucking shill

hillary is done. Fuck off PC. pussy ass snowflakes.

Go cry on youtube you demo bitches.