Would you ever fuck a girl with tiny tits?

would you ever fuck a girl with tiny tits?

Small tits are sexy.

~30% of guys prefer tiny/small tits

of course, hell Id fuck you OP and you got tiny tits too.

Already have.

I only fuck girls with tiny tits. I find very little to no attraction for large tits.

It ain't the tits I'm fuckin.

I fucked a 12 year old last year and I'm, um, not 12. Tiny tits are tight tits which is a nice improvement over her mom.

Holy sweet mother of fuck yes I would. The kings of leon are so hot

I have. Many times.

How about?


how is that even a question?

That's the only thing I prefer. I have had the entire spectrum, for some reason I like smaller. It's more athletic and attractive, idk why there is an obsession with useless extra fat in the united states and western nations.

girlfriend a has double d's girlfriend b has b cups. I like variety


cause she plays bass

>implying everyone here is a pedo

It wouldn't be satisfying. I need big beautiful comforting motherly tits in my face.

ex-gf had nipples... no tits whatsoever and she was 24. So yeah, any given day.

Does girlfriend c have a cups and girlfriend d have c cups?

dude.. more.. now.