- Obama managed to make a deal which takes away uranium from iran and blocks their nuclear program for 10 years...

- Obama managed to make a deal which takes away uranium from iran and blocks their nuclear program for 10 years, and allowed the US to have internal access to iranian military facilities

- Obama managed to save the US from the recession in 2008

- Obama legalized gay marriage

- Obama managed to organize the paris climate accord, an agreement between over 200 countries including china to reduce carbon emissions (an agreement trump said he will abolish)

You Americans, are going to miss the fuck out of obama.

Trump presidency is going to be a disaster

Other urls found in this thread:


You should like a cuck trying to justify why you let someone fuck your girl.

I'm not saying Trump's going to be great, but at least he's not going to be a spineless pussy like we've had for the past 8 years.

>- Obama managed to make a deal which takes away uranium from iran and blocks their nuclear program for 10 years, and allowed the US to have internal access to iranian military facilities
But we gave them money so they can simply buy nuclear arms

>- Obama managed to save the US from the recession in 2008
No. There are more Americans out of work and living off of the govt than ever before

>- Obama legalized gay marriage
Who cares

>- Obama managed to organize the paris climate accord, an agreement between over 200 countries including china to reduce carbon emissions (an agreement trump said he will abolish)
Climate change is a fabricated problem in order to implement global control.

Do your research before you post.

You are retarded

Great comeback.

>Obama legalized gay marriage
Obama didn't do shit you troglodyte, the Supreme Court did.

"your gay" would have taken less time to post and had the same chance of getting people to reply than spending your time copying/writing all this.

>legalized gay marriage

That's why I'm glad he's gone.

>what policies saved the recession? seriously.
>Had nothing to do with the decision
>yeah, bullshit.
Make America great again, bitches.

He also ended the embargo with Cuba

totally worth it

"your gay" doesn't quite "seal the deal"

>your gay
It's "you're gay" dumbass.

How much more empirical evidence do you need to prove that republican economic policies are shit?

There is no market for nuclear arms.

You're a faggot, you should be happy to have the right to marry.

>number 3 is true

Read any climate study backed by any nonprofit on earth.
>you haven't ever done research about anything ever

It wouldve taken him less time because you forgot the e

>You Americans, are going to miss the fuck out of obama.

Of course we will. We will always obey


Thanks for the keks Sup Forumsro

> Under Obama, more debt was accumulated than all previous presidents combined

> Under Obama, labor force participation rate is at an all-time low

Yeah man, he was great

To late. the stacked SC rules in favor of their libtard masters.

The damage has been done and will never be undone.

He will always be a meh at best president dude. Barely better than bush jr.

- That's cool. Doesn't mean much when they can just do all their nuclear research in a different facility that we're not allowed in.

- Any president willing to do a stimulus package to the banks and auto industry could have done that. Which was most of them.

- Don't really give a fuck. I think that they should be able to file taxes jointly and have hospital visitation and shit, but other than that I wish gay people would shut the fuck up or disappear.

- Yeah, the climate accord sure is accomplishing a lot as we reach the highest atmospheric carbon volume in 25000 years, with Chinese factories and American coal-power continues to fuck it up.

Not saying I'm on the "rah rah Trump's the greatest" brigade, but Obama didn't really do anything special.

>WW3 very close
>no market for nuclear arms
Keep thinking that. Hopefully your city will be hit first.

He didn't end shit, the embargo expired. Just because it happened in their presidency doesn't mean they did it.

>Obama legalized gay marriage

Obama also said marriage was between a man and a woman before he ran for president.

Iranians are pretty cool people tho. Their gov sucks, but all gov sucks.

>unemployment rate is the lowest in 30 years

He entered presidency after a major recession caused by bush and wall street

It just went into effect THIS WEEK, user

I'm talking about the paris climate accord.
It went into effect just this week

Every non-American who ripped on Americans for being stupid was wrong. We're even dumber than that.

"Obama managed to make a deal which takes away uranium from iran and blocks their nuclear program for 10 years, and allowed the US to have internal access to iranian military facilities"

Then endorses the Witch who swears to invade them.

This is true, Obama really wasn't that bad.

Trump openly talks about boobies though


- Obama managed to be the first president to order the deaths of US citizens without ever charging them with a crime

- Obama managed to sign a bill allowing unlimited imprisonment of US citizens without ever charging them with a crime

- Obama managed to destroy more civil liberties and basic rights of US citizens than any other president in US history
