Can someone explain how the fuck this is happening? They said it was impossible...

Can someone explain how the fuck this is happening? They said it was impossible. I dont really care but what the fuck this is crazy

Same reason far right candidates have made surprise gains in other western nations. There is a group of voters who are afraid to tell pollsters how they are actually voting. Said pollsters aren't properly calculating for them.

>implying the polls weren't rigged in favour of Hillary anyway

Lotsa closeted racists I guess

I almost voted for Trump just because I thought it would be funny. Maybe that's why he won?


It'll work eventually I guess. The irony of it all.

because you are fucking dumb as shit


i'm EUfag

does this mean he'll win, like I don't understand them... are the remaining states expected to go to hillary or how does it work?

They didn't say it was impossible, they said it was maybe a 70%-30% to 80%-20% Clinton-Trump chance.

Problem is they once again listened too closely to the polls. They're never really accurate.

Whos they? Watch the young turks they don't lie, don't listen to mainstream media

If they wanted to rig the polls in Clinton's favor, they'd report that Trump was winning. Democrats are a larger and more apathetic party. Telling them that there party has already won would be stupid. If anything, they would be responding to the sponsors who would see viewers responding positively to a confirmation bias.

They will go Trump.

woah dude are you a psychology major? it doesnt work like that

You are a huge faggot.


He was able to get narrow wins , apparently just a single percentage point, in just enough swing states to scrape a victory through the electoral college.

Same thing that happened in 2000, enough idiots voted third party to fuck everyone.

Jesus christ. I cant believe Americans elected this trash. Fucking Kek.

I graduated with a BA in political science in 2010, did nothing with it, and just finished my BS in a sub field of business.

Morons. On both sides.

Some morons refuse to vote because "Hillary was a guaranteed win anyways"

and other morons vote because a big idiot has said "lets make America Great Again" and who wouldn't want to be great again!

>Trump 277


Calling people racist rather than understanding their positions is lazy

People are idiots.

Oh, and Clinton had 30 years.

No he won.

Good luck, EU. NATO is now gone.

>implying the opinions of a mere handful of white knight faggots actualy mattered EVER

That would be the brexit effect

Ever notice how they call them "minorities"?

The white man let you niggers and sjw give it a shot, you fucked it up, we got it back.

Not too hard to understand, read more books. I thought your kind was so "educated".

Americans who voted hate Clinton more than Trump. Overqualified and boring or underqualified and entertaining. Feels like 2000.

The dems just ran a shit candidate. Who the fuck loses to Donald fucking Trump?

Billary needed a bitch slap down and she got it. She was a horrible candidate from the beginning. Sanders would have creamed Trump.

KEK. Democrats had this shit in the bag, all they had to do was has Bernie as their nominee. Instead they put in Hillary, who everyone already disliked.

Pollsters didn't factor in that Trump mobilized a different demographic than a typical GOP candidate. The media was happy to comply in spreading the message because of confirmation bias.

Trump is a populist. He is popular.

Also, lol liberal tears.

if we say anyone who doesnt vote for us is racist more people will vote because we are bullying them to do so but they dont know that so its ok

how about fuck you, i will make up my own mind

fucking /pol has ruined america and Sup Forums, bravo!

Lets not kid ourselves. A lot of his white supporters are racist, as are a lot of his hispanic supporters.

We just elected a Caesar.

Sorry, Bernie would have lost, too. A Jew has zero chance.

You are clearly a fucking retard.

A racist president for a racist country.

Simple as that.

Maybe I give you dubs, but on what evidence has a Jew ever been a serious presidential contender?

The snake will always beat the rat

You see... the media has been shilling sjw bullshit for so long that they've become a echo chamber. They only listen to each other and start to believe the things they lie about. They've completely ignored the silent majority that is paying close attention to all their lies.

We're only the silent majority because they censor us at every turn when we say something. Post something online that goes against the narrative and we get banned and comments deleted. Say something on TV and they will cut stuff out and edit it to make us look really bad. Hillary is part of the sjw bullshit they are shilling. And they shill her because she's a women.

The media only lets you hear one side of the story... their side. And anything that goes against it... gets censored. In all their quest to silence all other opinions, they got to the point when they can only hear themselves in their echo chamber. They mistaken that as the majority. So they vastly misinterpret what most people think. That is why all the media's polls are of Hillary winning by a landslide and everyone liking BLM and other bullshit. That is why when one company polled how much people trust the media... it's a very small number. But the media continues to ignore it all while their websites delete comments and ban anyone who disagrees and their tv shows edit out many things to make us look racist and bad.

Now comes the one time when our voices can be heard and the media can't censor it... voting time. Now you see the truth. The EXACT same thing happened at BRexit.

Polls were bias as fuck and yeah, there was a silent majority. The news stations called it "Rural America", basically the working class who was fed up with the bullshit and white hate.

It's because the Cubs won the World Series. The NBC tears are so yummy

Ave, true to Caesar.


215 to 264 now....he needs 6 to win.

thats exactly what i did. this is going to be wayyyy more entertaining that 4 years of clinton lmao



I applaud this post.

This is it right here, kids are literally voting because they think it's a joke
The system broke, guys. We fucked up. Time to shut it down

Maximum Murrica
They got nothing from Clinton, Bush, or even Obame (Gitmo still open ^^), now they act like, Drumpf is gonna bring all that change...

I'm guessing because people thought they were funny shit and voted Harambe.

Because it's so unbelievable that they would rather have anyone but that scummy criminal cunt? Literally, anyone.

I guess people would rather vote for an incompetent retard than a corrupt puppet.

You've already answered your own qiestion. Who are "they"? The MSM? If you didn't do your own research im not surprised you're suprised

It's the lesser of the two evils I guess.

And kids were gonna vote for Hillary because she has a vagina, but you don't seem to have a problem with that, do ya?

Meme magic. Maybe one day you'll understand, normie.

yep this is true. the divide is only getting deeper as people realise that there is no point arguing with the media, so they go underground with their views and the media take this as confirmation that they have convinced people they're right.

Amen to that bruddah

Kind of like with the Brexit vote. A lot of people claimed they voted for Britain to leave the EU, but they only meant it as a protest vote and they weren't really serious...


218 to 266. Holy shit. 4 more!

I feel the same, i voted for him just to watch the US burn lol. From Mexico of course.

I can't believe some people actually voted for a liar and criminal. Trump was the only answer this whole time

Doesn't really matter, they're both taking the same bribes.

how did we let this happen

when you're put up against funny vs scary, you always go with the funny option.

We were fucked either way.

Because a majority of Americans would be considered retards in other countries. When you take that into consideration, it's really no surprise Trump is gonna win

How far behind are you lot?

He IS the new president


it's beautiful, isn't it?

>Fucking NBC

>It's not over yet

I'm a little embarrassed to live in one of the solid blue areas, but yeah.


Because the liberal media and faggots like you are in their own echo chamber and never listened to anyone saying it WAS possible for very good reason - Hillary is a corrupt cunt in the pocket of big business and the elites, business as usual.

every large researcher predicted this lol.
ALso outdated
> see pic related for LIVE

President elect. As long Shillary doesn't win a recount in PA.

>He said in full retreat

you should've put that here

A mastermind.

I am honestly amused with the ridiculousness of this, but Clinton was not the "safer" option people made her out to be. She was just as corrupt and retarded as Trump, without the clown-like nature of it.

He was right his number are grate

But she isn't even going to hold a speech, she packed her bags and Podesta sent everybody home

People have very short memories. He is close friends with the Clintons.

>ALso outdated
she's down 80K in PA

>Hillary is a corrupt cunt in the pocket of big business and the elites

>Why not skip the middleman and just elect big business and the elite president

I will never understand this logic

OP here, HOLY SHIT! I started a successful thread for once

She did just kinda get California just because it is California.

All rich kids are "close friends" until they make a profit from the other.

I cant believe Sup Forums wants Hillary Clinton? This place is really dead. You fucking SJWs run this god damn board now.


Based truths. Mericunts so deluded that they believe a narcissistic billionaire will save them

1) some people want to watch the world burn

2) people hate hillary, the fact that she colluded with the DNC chairman to stel it from Bernie reduced turnout

3) black people were getting the feeling that the democrats and especially clintons were using them as voting stock

4) whether true or not, the perception of corruption and being owned by the banks (her speaking fees from Goldman Sachs) was too much of a taint.

and you just killed it

Because you're an idiot. Having money means you don't have to kowtow to other corporate interests, and you aren't necessarily their friends. Shillary would have to jump whenever her donors said so, Trump doesn't have that problem.

This is the problem here

as a moron who didn't vote, this. Although my vote wouldn't have mattered anyway

California should be kicked out of the fucking union and set adrift into the ocean.