Zbb dszg fk tfbh

Zbb dszg fk tfbh
Zohl Tvmvizo xrksvi gsivzw, li nzpv rg xibkgrx uli gsv hnzig lmvh.

Other urls found in this thread:


self bump, simple.

nice quads


no time to decode right now ill try later i guess

Even if I gave you the cipher?

I-I agree...

L-lpzb.... Mrttz

use Caesae CIpher, thanks me later

Just having some fun, but hey why not;
>Cky ili gllf tr ik!

I guess you could, but that isnt the first cipher just the cipher to

alphabet switch

fgendg og cpf aqw ykp

>2 step

Yeah but that is easy af. Any one have any thing more curious to decipher?

this is either a cipher or you slammed against the keyboard like a child and posted results.

cant really tell

read the thread you might get it eventually

Its a cipher my dude, but I do want some more info on just curious.


>no hints to what cipher it is
fuckin great.

we got but at which key is it?

and there is telling us there is two steps.

i could sit here all day and try at it, or i could not waste my time.

gonna need a little bit more info to figure this one out.

I win ! :D

Aright friend.
are all one cipher, simple as hell

He got creative
And so did I when I solved it

close enought may have made a small mistake but still good

how bout this one

Tpisdroo stirasnhni a

Hint: Hippo

bless you OP

my thanks, I was trying a few different methods, but that made engrish
gimme a few to crack at it
Let us all dump some little puzzles my friends
owlh hoqh ucy pxedv??

so helpful.

i think ill just sit back and leave this to someone else for now.
i still need to find my lighter

Fun times, care to at least try some @twesome bashing

Gadzooks, I'm lost. any advice?
here's a half baked one for my asking

i would rather not destroy my keyboard.

have a song:

.. -. - . .-. -. . - / -.- .. .-.. .-.. . -.. / - .... . / .-. .- -.. .. --- / ... - .- .-.

Nice trips
have a cipher


is that really a cipher or are you just being ironic?

internet killed the radio star


no I am totally serious ironically, as cryptic as puzzles are.
damn, well they cant all be this quick
Heres a poozul
Wbt nkocey Afps Lybd?
Hmm, lets see.. I'll get back to ya

I'm as stumped as a 'Nam vet.

Hint: Double Transposition

>Tpisdroo stirasnhni a
Theres the ticket, and yes it is, lord, havent used this cipher in a while. Trying to do it on a notepad was gonna kill me

if you did it on a note pad you woulda been fucked

We are gonna go backwards with a relative of your cipher:
salteto if ewe hZnlu eleePrxdi mpnvontt f nnOoo

Hint: my vocabulary is peculiar isnt it?

Was realizing that as I was trying, had to cheat online, just like college... Just like college...

if you need help with
heres something
01001000 01101001 01101110 01110100 00111010 00100000 00111001 00100000 01001101 01100001 01111001 00100000 00110001 00111001 00110100 00110001

Alright, nice date. Gimme a sec, making a splendid finale

Here we are fellas, the big one, try working back wards and use the thread and my post as clues and aid. Remember, thinking backwards isn't always a bad idea.

.-.-.. -- / .--- .... --- --. .- - / .-. .... ... -- -... ...- ..- .. / ...- --. -.-. -.-. ...- / --. ...- --. / ...- .-- .-.-.- .-.. -.. --- .--- - ..- / --. - ..--.. ---. --. -- -... ...- --..-- .--- ...- -... -... .-. -... --.- -.-. --- .-- - .-.. --.- .-.. / --. --. / -.-. .- --.- -... . -.-. ...- / ...- / -.-. ...- - .. - / .... --..-- -- .. . -.-. .. / -.-- --. .--- . / -... .. .. .-. -..- -... -... ...- --..-- .--- -... ...- -.-. --. / --.- .. -... --.- --..-- / .. -... ..- .----. -- .--- / --.- - .. / . --- / .-. --.- ...- / --.- . / -... -.-. -.-. ... -... -... --. .-. --. -- .-.-.. --..

Lemme crack at that now.

m jhogat rhsmbvui vgccv gvg vwsldojtu gt?ögmbv,jvbbrbqcowtlql gg caqbecv v cvtit h,mieci ygje biirxbbv,jbvcg qibq, ibu'mj qti eo rqv qe bccsbbgrgmz

so far

One layer down

Bump for fear of death

msy'l lgm jdjjghoe goj q gtbtcauiiat i q grebrtxoeh?b csöbrvmgvq bm,vvvbj uvbqci,vev jc tvvgbigb ctcbqc crishvbbb, qqbmgc,givo regwigc tbmivluz wq

fml idk where to go and i doubt this one is right

Gimme a sec, I'll give you a clue

Odd Vocab
Use this referenced cypher. May help you out

Germans man, they know how to code shit. And be striking similar to american versions of shit

Mind this is not impossible, all the clues are in this thread one way or another, still gotta use some brain power to figure it out..

Gonna crash out, but if you get it you get it, will mention that I like the number 1 with my salads, maybe will have some puzzles another time