Is this a nightmare?

Is this a nightmare?
I've just woken up

Fuck off Tumblrina

fuck off you retard, everyone sees through the 'omg Trump is literally Hitler!!!!' bullshit

go back to reading your stupid fucking buzzfeed articles

The world thinks the usa is full of idiots. Fucken muritards deserve what they get

Go back to your MSM and mass media. Only retard would vote for Hillary. Trump is just going to make policies to keep the industry american, to secure jobs for americans who were being discriminated in favir of foreigners for a stupid and crazy idea of "diversity". Only a fucking idiot would vote agaisnt this, because it will be voting agaisnt their own future. Fuck off with your globalist shits.


MAGA 2016!!!

its a Sup Forums prank who went to far

It's a joke haha. Rather you than me, America.

Save your money and stock up on food. Better prep up now for an economic collapse.


I just keep trying to wake myself up. I wanted neither. I sure as shit didn't want him. He's fucking unstable. I'd rather have her than him. His racist shit isn't cute. The blacks could revolt and kill us all like they should have done years back. The whole problem is the middle states they're the middle east as far as religious beliefs go. I think they're jelly of the Oceanside.

go home ctr

American fucking retards

USA new country definitely more than ever

yet somehow liberals spending what we dont have and giving money we dont have to welfare leeches doesnt count as ruining an economy? oh how about taxing businesses so bad that they flee to mexico and china to get cheaper rates. OH how about that whole shit with all these fucking illegal immigrants getting all the damn jobs in the border states because the federal government gives businesses tax breaks for hiring them over LEGAL people needing jobs.

like how the other people from other countries feel entitled to criticize when their countries are just as retarded or worse.

especially when none of them know america's taxes, bills, policies, etc. All they know are the memes made about each candidate

The very fact you fucks used a Godwin's Law rule and expected to win afterwards is laughable at best.

Because it's just plainly pathetic.

No nightmare. There really is a nigger still in the White House.



The world is laughing at us

Fuck off reddit, this is a dream come true!!


Yes. Yes we are

This is a dream come true said a lot of people after Hitler was appointed chancellor

The mushroom clouds will be riveting. I will pop the popcorn.

>His racist shit isn't cute.

still have never found someone who spouts this, who can give me an example of trump being racist.

No social security for all you fat neckbeards so used to collecting a check. Hope you're happy.

>implying I don't want Hitler appointed as chancellor