Should the next president of the United States be a native American...

Should the next president of the United States be a native American? It's quite strange how America has never been led by real Americans yet.

They owned the land for longer than the US has been around, but never progressed farther than tribal warfare and sitting around in tents.

But they never owned land.

Just wandered after the bison(buffalo) and fished.

Thanks to the christiand god, they now at least can buy fire water to soothe pain of not using the power of capitalism.

Everyone got tired of the Liberal agenda.

MFW spics and niggers I work with were chanting TRUMP last night.

You mean they HAVE to buy fire water. Being trapped on the rezz leaves little to do but get fucked up. And making alcohol is easy as fuck, if they wanted it before the white devil came they would have made it and it would've been part of their cultures long ago

you forgot the part where the raided other tribes for rape and access to resources.

Trapped? They are allowed to do whatever the fuck they want. When I lived in Arizona, there we native lawyers, doctors tradesmen. Some just choose to be niggers.

sad because they get free access to college education

I think the next US President should be someone who is qualified for the job and not decided on what fucking gender or skin colour they have

Some native Americans really helped to build up America though, like the Mohawk, Ithink it would be cool to have a native American president, only problem is he/she might deport everyone who isn't full-bloo or half-blood native American...

That's a great point...

Racism, on my Sup Forums?

Yes, I guess you are right, just seemed cool to me though

Who says a native American would have a liberal agenda? A native American can be a republican too.

>can tell by the fact you posted no pic to show yfw that there was no such face because nobody you know was chanting for Trump
But by all means, keep shitposting


That sort of thought is why you lost. Sup Forums = tumblr 2.0

Why lie. I was dumbfounded by it.

They weren't Native American until we came here and said this is America. We just elected a real American.
Injuns are too busy drinking the white man's glorious alcohol to give a shit regardless.

No, the United States should have an actual good president, being black/female/attackhelicopter doesn't make you any better than then the next guy.

>why lie
To push your agenda you dumb fuck
>I was dumbfounded
>I was dumb
>I am dumb
There, I fixed it for you

>To push your agenda you dumb fuck
We already won, it seams the one pushing an agenda with universal media support faltered.


PC libtard era ends for the next year.


You mean the original mexicans?

Yeah, you're a part of something. Your cabinet position awaits.

History doesn't start until the white man shows up. You would think browns got this by now.

No i think he means of the alaskan descent not spaniards...

The Brothers could chimp out for Obama let me redneck wave for Trump.

What about China? They were most advanced for ages.

it wasn't known as the united states back the sweetie.
sorry you're butthurt but that's life.