To everyone who told me in my last thread that he will lose

To everyone who told me in my last thread that he will lose...

What did you say? :)

he is still a paranoid faggot and hillary is still a shill whore.

he threw fits sbout how the election was going to be rigged, then won, so shut his mouth about the rigging, poll locations staying open late, etc.

congratulations U.S. you forced yourself into a corner with these two and this entire shit show.

Yeah you got us. He didn't lose, the American people lost. NATO lost. The world lost. Congrats!

America - the place where a presidential candidate can get the most votes and still not get elected president. And you want the rest of the world to adopt your brand of democracy?? What a joke

necause if it was popular vote alone, they would only have to shill to newyork, texas, california and florida to win. 3 out 4 of those states generally vote democrat.

>American ego

The world lost nothing. The world doesn't revolve around America. Get your head out of your arse.

There was rigging. All the major cities like Philly have ballot-stuffing and he won despite it

We aren't a democracy you fuck we're a constitutional Republic.

rigging without proof to either side. get fucked.

That makes absolutely no sense. Are you assuming the shill would be successful enough to get those states to vote 100% for the shill?

in my dream last night someone told me that he was assassinated "last night"

inb4 Trump gets assassinated.

Still feel better than those going through brexit.

Not an American, however America is our largest trade partner. What happens to them ultimately affects us. If this looney toon starts world war III, everyone is doomed.

y'all lose now....

Why is it assumed only Democrats commit voter fraud? In fact, the first person in like a dozen years to be convicted of it was a trump supporter attempting to stuff it in his favour

>Hillary makes speech in a few moments
gonna be niice to watch.

I'd like to apologize for saying he was as electable as Gary Johnson when the days of our lives clip came out. I've been humbled.

We aren't a republic you fuck, we're an oligarchy

Except Hillary would have likely caused WWIII, not Trump. You can't just threaten another country will military forces because you think a crazy Russian hacked your superduper secure email servers.

I hope you're right. Last thing we need is for the dollar to tank and the dow to decimate

Gotta love how the Republicans suddenly started calling Hillary a war machine... and suddenly they were really terrified of wars.

2 of 4. Texas and Florida don't generally vote democrat.

USA & Russia vs the world, sounds great!
How long until Iran gets nukes now?
How long until all of Ukraine is annexed? Or all of the former soviet states