Fuck you SJW/Feminist faggots! We win bitches! Cry more!

Fuck you SJW/Feminist faggots! We win bitches! Cry more!


facebook is overrun by ppl crying about this shit...


I'm actually gay, black/latin and female you idiot. Oh, and Muslims can eat shit an die.
You lose faggot!

I just did that thing where you have your thumb on your middle finger curled up with your finger sticking out and you make a sudden movement downwards so your finger makes that clicking noise against your hand

Why would Trump voter will have one of these as friends? Only white honest folks are allowerd.

I don't keep token friends to virtue signal like dems.

That being said, I didn't vote for either of those fuckheads.

Guess what pal
They don't fucking matter

Well, he's right.

I don't have friends.

Don't have friends like that.

And the female friends I have are actually real woman and don't need sjw to fight for them.

All the people mentioned can live their life, as long as they don't force their shit on me or my country.


angry people voted

Cause im pansexual and i can vote/have a voice too

Hi niggers and messicans! How are ya'll on this glorious day!?

As a bisexual dude, fuggoff

>Fuck you SJW/Feminist faggots! We win bitches! Cry more!
Actually you won BECAUSE of SJWs to think them.
If Bernie (A CIS white male) was the competitor Trump would have been rocked.
Tumblr did more to get Trump elected than the KKK did. (Share this with people on tumblr they will love you for it)

Am actually gay, and most of my friends, probably 2 out 3 of the people I know in the local community voted for trump. Surprise surprise. we don't want muslims here either. Islam is a plague, and Trump is the only political candidate who took a stand against it.

You don't want Islams here, the MAJORITY of the gay community is accepting and loving and not hateful like you.

You're probably not even out lol.

They matter more than your overweight white ass.


this is gold
>I wish I had the original

>we win

who the fuck is you?