/turnleft/ - NASCAR Federated Auto Parts 400 @ Richmond

Get in here bros.

Last race before the chase edition.

Never forget 9/7/2013

Rolling for winner

rolling for the real winner

>he watches """"""racing"""""" with manufactured debris cautions

based casey

finally a good anthem

>Truex used to drive 56
>Truex wins the race

God wills it.

fastest car in happy hour

It's happening

yfw Kahne gets a cheeky win


>tfw another shitstorm and they let Jeff in the chase again

Good crowd famalam

rolling for first car out

Wheres joonya


>pit crew sucks ass
>cherry picks from Danicles team


I'd be happy for him 2bh.



tiny cc bsracing

checking in from UK, this is on my telly right now, is it good lads?

Team Krut reporting in...

the best

Rolling for winner

I think his pit crew gets the yips from his pressure

>#56 Troox
>Richmond chase cutoff race
will shenanigans happen again?

>driver A leads 499/500 laps
>driver B wins

why is this allowed?

Are you ready for the most attractive driver in NASCAR to win tonight's race?


>4 row alignment

Butifel desu

>4 wide

For what purpose

Some Las Vegas Odds:

Autism 40:1
Bread 6:1
Edwards 7:1
Chase 16:1
Danican't 200:1
Denny's 7:1
Moon Man 40:1
Sneak 16:1
Gimmioe 9:1
Cancer 7:1
Harvick 5:1
Krut 16:1
Kryle 6:1
Larson 16:1
Smoke 22:1

>kasey will never sit on your face

why live lads

>Driver A-Y wins races 1-35
>Driver Z wins 36 and wins title

why is this allowed?

>wow, the fans really liked that 4 wide pace lap
inb4 Brian France institutes 4 wide restarts next year

yeah cant wait till JJ wins :)


why arent they going fast

who is cancer?


>Edwards lost on a tie

I unironically hate this track. Aside from late race restarts and bump and runs, Richmond is one-lane shit.

makes sense

dubs and boosher blows an engine

>both Gnassi cars start in the top 5

shit track shit race

This desu, probably the most underwhelming track.
>until late race restart bullshit starts

lmao buescher is gonna blow it

Richmond used to be a good track. What happened?


Who /memehat/ here?


>all the gibbs cars moving towards the front

at least the bristol football game is on tonight



Shit package is what happened. Newbois don't realize Richmond used to be a top 5 track

rolling for next to be eliminated

>bologna it's already out if the race
Officially eliminated from rookie of the year contention. Now it's between Elliott and, presumably, Buesher.

>bologna it's already out if the race


you now remember Casey Mears was the 4th Hendrick car

Nice! I'm thinking about buying one as well, even though I don't care for Jamie McDonald's.

G'dammit Blaney!

so Kahne essentially

So Kahne since he drives the current Hendrick cursed 4th car

Roll for wiener

Biff needs to win

RCR will NEVER EVER win another race


Phoneposting is a lot harder than it looks. Autocorrect seems to get progressively worse as I drink.

Serious question: will Danica ever win a NASCAR race?

>announcers not even talking about the buescher situation and how it could open another chase spot up

Buescher blowing an engine/tire/caught in wreck is very possible and would be huge


Yes. One. A Trevor Bayne situation at Daytona (summer) where 35 other cars crash.

Either Martinsdale or Sonoma if she could get her shit together temper wise. Smoke's threatened to fire her recently, so she might in 2017 when pushed.

That's not Matt Kenseth

Her only chance is the two Daytona races each year, so probably not

no but she's improved a bit

instead of running 30th every race she runs 20th-25th every race

muh race for 30th so he can be eliminated in round one of the Meme playoffs

At talladega 2014 (chase race) she was leading with 10 to go (before larson spun) if is going to ever happend is going to be there


>tfw Buescher makes it to Homestead

You're trying.

I think Danica's more likely to win a restrictor plate race than a road course.

Kenseth is one of the uglier guys here. He has bad skin. You have shit tastes.

Round 1: just survive, the 4 who get cut are the 4 who crash out, top 25s shoudl do it
Round 2: Dega. Win at Talladega.
Round 3: again survive, unlikely, but get 3 top 15s

Anything is possible at Talladega

>JGR 1 2 3 4


>being named Jeffrey
>not transitioning to being called Jeff when you get older

>Shit package is what happened. Newbois don't realize Richmond used to b

She won in motegi on fuel mileage (and because castroneves thought she was a lap down) so it could happen

fembois aren't good looking, men are supposed to have bad skin

Not sure why 2nd post was quoted there, sorry

last race before the chase?

sorry I don't remember

blaney is a much better person than chase



>Jeff Earnhardt
What has science done


Cassill is kill


And those two are head and shoulders above the other juniors in NASCAR. Guys like Jeb Burton and John Hunter Nemechek do not have the same level of class and maturity.

Hello, I heard there was college football at your racing stadium.