Kristallnacht is tonight. Let's celebrate Trumps victory accordingly

Kristallnacht is tonight. Let's celebrate Trumps victory accordingly.

Let's make America WHITE again!

White again? Are you stupid?

why you a nigger?

I'm actually from Sweden but you just sound flat out retarded.

Why? we now have a president-elect that is one of us. We can get rid of the mexicans and the shitskins.

Kore wa beito

Sounds good OP. We need to send a message to the niggers, mexicans, sand-niggers, etc.

I'm in michigan I want to get people to go down to Dearborn and send those muslims a message they we don't want them here!

Most the the minorities voted for trump though.
If I recall, 10 percent of the votes for black and 30 percent of those were for trump. That's what I last saw at least. I heard a ton of Latino/Spanish people voted for him too.

You racists make 0 sense. Hopefully you don't get yourself killed in the process of being stupid.

no they didn't

and even if they did Trumps message that we need to make america white again is pretty clear.

>Let's make America WHITE again!

Lets not, and say we did. I'm white, I voted for Trump and all Rs. But, I'm not for an unfair system for anyone.

>Trumps message that we need to make america white again is pretty clear.

You're shitting yourself, but not anyone else. Conservatives are reliably less racist than brown skin liberals. Science proved it in several ethics studies that no one likes to talk about.

>I want to get people to go down to Dearborn and send those muslims a message

Need legislation that outlaws the burqa, the Hijab, and any other mandatory cloth bags for women.

It's time for women to have rights to get out of their cloth bags.

Even a nigger, if it has a lick of sense at all, knows that the white man is far, far better qualified to run our country.

Conservatives want equal opportunity to succeed. We don't want success given to any color of people. Success is for those that want it, work for it and have talent. It is not for people based upon skin color.

>actually from sweden
so, a nigger?

No what we need is to get them out of here nobody wants them here!

>Even a nigger, if it has a lick of sense at all, knows that the white man is far, far better qualified to run our country.

I'm white, mostly conservative (outside the religious fuckary) and I would have put Carson in office before Trump. So, your opinion is not always valid for all whites.

You really do not want an unfair system that selects a group of people based upon race for misery. I don't want that, and you don't want that.

yes I do. Fucking mexicans, niggers and muslims are ruining this country. time to show them we want the country back!

Islam is the issue of our time, you're right, and I have no idea how to tackle it. I think implants of liberal open minded secular muslims with influential power need to be in place in every mosque that has had violent ideology.

I think Dearborn islam has had some violent religious fuckary going on yes?

Fine, let's just riot and destroy muslim and mexican busineses. That will get them to leave.

>Fucking mexicans, niggers and muslims are ruining this country. time to show them we want the country back

OK, you are entitled to your opinion, but you are not getting invited to the fun parties, and I certainly wouldn't allow you to work in a place that interacts with the public if I know you automatically stereotype people based upon their color.

You know that's not right, or you are living in a vacuum and have no black or mexican friends that are actually pretty awesome.

they are all pieces of shit. The only good muslim is a dead one.

It takes a fucking Republican to crow about losing the popular vote.

>destroy muslim and mexican busineses

Lets not. We have two options and they are conversation or war. Lets not rule out the possibility of the first option.

Many muslims are confused religiously, and don't want anything to do with violence. Lets help them stay liberal, embrace them.

Working mexicans with families are not the real problem in the USA.

Brown and Black gangs need to be exterminated, as they make everyone uncomfortable.

This would be more considered the night of sharp knives rather than the night of broken glass

I'm a republican voter, I understand the system well enough to know it can happen when you add up all the small pockets of people that were stupid and deluded enough to vote for Hillary.

They are not all stupid, but many are, they're more like under an actual delusion, which is understandable.

No, you gullible fucktard. Dearborn does not have Sharia or violent religious fuckary or whatever the fuck you're on about. Holy shit you fucktards are fucktarded.

I say we just start with broken glass and make sure they know their place.

"Caw caw We lost the popular vote!"

Sharia law has NO FORCE anywhere in the United States.

The night of sharp knives was a political move Hitler made where in one night he assassinated every single political person that had opposed him

Sounds like a Republican's dream America. Fuck you guys.

I am well aware but we don't need political assassinations yet.

>Holy shit you fucktards are fucktarded.

In the dictionary under "redundant", it says "see redundant"

You lost your right to call anyone a fucktard unless you're staring into a mirror when you say it.