You've just been elected president of the u.s. You've already been sworn in and are in Oval Office alone...

You've just been elected president of the u.s. You've already been sworn in and are in Oval Office alone, The reality of it all has set in, what you're in control of, what you can do...

What do you do first Sup Forums?

legalize cocaine

Age of consent is now 4. You're welcome Sup Forums

Good strategy, all of the niggers would od in a matter of days.

Nuke everyone

Nothing, the Senate blocks most of what the puppet does..

All coal burners are lined up and shot. Mixed children are re-eductaed as 100% the other race and we ship anyone who isn't northern European white to a small island near the worlds biggest toxic waste dump.

Unless you make it an "executive order" Obama had a notepad of those on his desk.

Put my feet up on the desk, crack a rear window, put on The Brandenburg Concertos or The Goldberg Variations, smoke the finest non embargoed cigars money can buy and drink a few varieties of fine whiskey.

Fire up the porn machine and jerk off to a foot job.

>What do you do first Sup Forums?

Invade Israel. Round up all Jews worldwide. Outlaw Yiddish and Hebrew. Locate and scuttle Israel's submarine fleet. Seize their nuclear facilities at Dimona, Israel.

Allow relief supplies into Gaza. Establish a "no fly" zone over Gaza at once.

Smoke a joint and laugh at how stupid my voters are

I'd hotbox the "secret" bunker under the Oval Office. (Supposedly)

Or go to every top secret base looking for aliens

Come up with your own ideas Donald, you wanted it so now you got it.

Declare martial law, raid the voting polls, identify those who voted against me, have them executed as social deviants... buh bye SJW's...

That HUGE end of world bunker built into a mountain!

>find leftover picture of Obama
>cut out his face and glue it over Ben Franklin's on a $100 bill
>light it on fire using nothing but the muzzle flash of a fully automatic assault rifle and use the flaming 'bama buck to light a cigar that wasn't made by communists
>bang the First Lady on that desk while smoking said cigar
>ask the next few people I see about the nuclear launch codes just to see how they react
>finish off the day by calling my buddy Vladmir and telling him all about how I let the dick run deep n put that ass to sleep
>while taking a bubble bath like I'm Run DMC up in this bitch

inb4make america great again

I'd do same except it would be obamas daughter I'd fuck. I'd upload the pics too

Fly Vladimir over and hit every strip club in dc.

This sucks, I expected more from Sup Forums

>search the whitehouse for old clothing
>maybe something Teddy Roosevelt wore, maybe FDR's wheelchair; doesn't really matter
>get high as a kite and go downstairs to fuck with the strangers touring the whitehouse for their family vacation while roleplaying as whatever president I'm dressed as
>settle for hundreds of thousands on sexual assault charges each time I find one of Bill's old suits
Normal stuff I guess

Legalize cannabis and hemp, abolish the federal reserve, force kanye west to undergo sexual reassignment surgery, kick out Monsanto, fun gene splicing so we can have miniature giraffe donkey elephants,life the ban on kreteks,Fund the reaserxh and building of the gray fox ninja armor from MGS and rock that shit, make Japan apart of the bus but leave em alone, build a life size replica of midgar in the desert( cannon and all), Clone bad ass people from the past and mix their DNA to make crazy fucking people mixed with the monkey penguin giraffe elephant dog, build more houses, lower taxes, go to mars, force Dennis rodman and Kathy Bates to have kids and clone and modifythem, make redline 2 wuwith original cast, force jay z to get sexual reassignment surgery into a hermaphrodite Ginger hermaphrodite and marry ksnye west, beat the fuck out of Ryan Reynolds Forest Lena Dunham to suck shit out of Danny DeVito's asshole in a chicken suit, flying cars

If I was Trump, I'd sink like 5 million of my own money into some sort of foundation for underprivileged youth in non-white communities. I would literally say "in non-white communities" on live tv and id do it with that slimy Donald Trump grin of mine.

Just to make the lib cucks eat even more of their stupid words

Wage total and unprecedented war on all muslims. They all must die, woman children, elder no exception. Niggers are next.

But then who would we talk shit about on the internet? If there are no more terrorist attacks, then we won't be able to jump on Sup Forums an hour after the fact just to shitpost:"YUP, THATS WHAT YOU GET, YOU FUCKING CUCK. WE TOLD YOU NOT TO LET EM IN"

Think it through, man

>oval office wank tops my list
>eventually achieve a wank in every room of the white house
>seal the windows tight so the place constantly smells of my dank wanks

Ultimate intimidation upperhand, no man can sit easy knowing I just came in the room he's breathing in.

Legalization of the use of marijuana and prohibit private sales, work to remove federal income taxes in substitute a tax on the states and work to the stats to only use sales / trade tax. Place term limits on all governmental jobs (term limits will vary by position) make a heavier import tax to help boost u.s. Economic growth as well as keep business local. Require countries that use our military as protection to pay for it.