/afl/ General


>Worst Coast

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I got 3/4 tips correct. Absolutely gutted I have been 3/4 tips for the first week of finals for the past 4 years now. All came down to that Issac Smith kick..


>le asssbbpppp xD

This is the intelligent kind of posting I have come to expect from knockers of Australian Rules.

Why does this tiny area have its own AFL franchise (Which is failing)?

Port to be merged with the Adelaide Football Club when?

Good thread, good community.

Keep your chins up guys, don't let the naysayers get to you.

Historically, Port Adelaide has more of a right to an AFL team than Adelaide

because muh 37 premierships


>No finals footy on a Sunday

Fuck Gillon

Yfw the giants win it all
Pic related

no more sunday footy until next year m8

fucking THIS.

Gill the dill is destroying this great game. Unless there is some kind of revolution in the AFL department I firmly believe the A-League will surpass the AFL within the next decade.


going to be SO happy.

who else /lifelong/ here?

the /multicodetural/ revolution will happen way before that m8

Better fucking not.

Reminder that multicodetrualism is a cancer killing Australian sports.

Think of it this way. You wander down to Lygon street on a Sunday night to get some Italian food. Except your favourite pizza place isn't there anymore, it has been replaces by yet another middle eastern shisha bar and subdivided so some Chinese people can open up a takeout shop. Now there is nothing wrong with Asian or middle eastern food, but it is just so out of place and ugly within that district which prides itself on Italian heritage. It's like if China town were to suddenly have a Greek restaurant on every block, just no.

During summer we all like cricket,in winter NSW and QLD have rugby with some soft support for AFL. The rest of the country likes Aussie rules with soft support for both rugby codes.

This is perfect the way it is and we don't need to change this just so a bunch of third worlders from England can come here and change the face of our sporting landscape so we become more like Europe. Fuck. That. Shit.

saints t bh bros

Who /zumbo'sJUSTdesserts/ here?

whats on for today lads

who /dabloos/ here?

Geelong Hawthorn GF imminent

>this is what toothless smack addicts actually believe.

reminder that the endless attention to women and africans in afl media will never, ever end

>become more like europe
>letting europe/england dominate us at anything

its actually unaustralian to hate association football

wouldn't complain if the game is anything close to fridays

Footscray vs. Essendon

>this is what Gino Theodoplolus actually believes

>he enjoys getting reamed by the pommes and wogs

lmao this unnastrayan faget 2bh

Can't actually see it happening
The cats will mop the floor with us desu

But we'll make the final for sure

>tfw no bloods culture

>dat bluds """culcha"""
>dat """culcha" da bluds
>south lelbourne

>he pays even the slightest thought to yirosball

Don't you have a concrete front yard to hose down?

Australia on Geelong gf watch

Giants easily over hawks. They're cooked

Does the VFL use a bigger football than the AFL?, seems heavy and hard to kick and really thumps off the boot

Wish I had a Geelong gf if you know what I mean by this

NEAFL Grand final is on RIGHT NOW. On YouTube

No you don't. Geelong girls are the most bland, ordinary and superficial girls in the world.

My last Gf is from Geelong... She calls me daddy and makes me choke her. I left her after that

Do we all kill ourselves if Swans v Hawks GF happens?

>Caring about some random teams in Queensland

It's literally GWS vs Sydney you fool.. Last quarter 3 points the difference

Yeah would have liked to see you running around in the NEAFL.

>GWS playing in a prelim and reserves GF in 2016
This is going to be a fun 5 years lads, strap yourselves in

Good thing Essendon are going to be able to stop them.



>GAYFL supporters mock wogball shitters for being a sport that is for minorities and women
>GAYFL openly panders to minorities and women

Explain this

iggs, my friends and family

Hey conshit I know you're watching the VFL mate, watch as we barnstorm to a 7 goal win.

no, explain



You can follow a sport without agreeing with its administration.

If it was up to me there would be no AFL and comfy suburban grounds would still be used for top level games. The only expansion teams would be for regional areas within Victoria.

You shouldn't have made the tip

>afl trying to fast track the development of african players
Get ready for an exponential growth of the amount of nigs in the afl over the coming years

desu it's only Allir Allir that has shown any kind of form at all.

Isn't it funny how all the teams whose fans are dickheads lost this week

Daw has shown some glimpses and was alright last night desu

Friendly reminder that GWS have:

>28 top 30 draft picks, incluiding 16 top 10 picks
>exclusive academy access to the fucking Riverina, which they can pick unopposed at a discounted rate
>4 extra list spots
>got first choice of players like Shiel and Cameron when they were 17 year olds
>~$2 million in various salary cap concessions including retention allowance
>Just won the NEAFL grand final with GOAT depth that they can use as trade currency
>PLUS they will have at least 3 (THREE) 1st round draft picks to play with in the upcoming draft, with more to come depending on how much they can get for McCarthy, Steele etc.


FUCK the AFL for creating this monster. Demetriou and Gillon should be lynched. Fucking whoring out for NSW KILL YOURSELVES YOU FUCKING KEKOLD CUNTS

Hope you were making the same complaint when they were getting flogged by 100+ points on a weekly basis 20 years ago

2 years*

It was easy to see it coming - their strategy of persisting with youth was always going to take time to reap rewards


>5 games left for the year

should we kill ourselves lads?

i'll be keeping the general alive over the offseason even if its just me bumping a thread with like 10 posts every day

i'll bump with you senpai





Implying thats a bad thing
Anything to ensure the swans fuck off
Glad buddy didn't work out for them

t. Hawthorn fan

Giants fan actually

you can't make this shit up

wtf why did someone change the @4chancricket profile to a non-straffo identity

/lifelong/ ???

>Giants """"""fan"""""""

Since 2012 m8

Guess which special warrior wrote this

The advent of that account was the exact moment I gave up on /cric/.

Maybe if /afl/ started an unfunny saxon-esque Twitter I'd be able to leave forever.

Based StraffGOAT with the #ETBs

kek I forgot he was a GWS/GC member for a few years

I have a very strong memory of the first time I saw Gillon McLachlan in front of media as the head of the AFL. His first action in this role that I saw him execute was being a particpant in that fucking ice bucket challenge that did the rounds on social media at that time. Neale Daniher's illness wasn't public or at least wasn't largely recognized by the AFL at the time.

I knew things could not possibly go right. A grown man participating in something teenagers did for attention.

Based Straffo should be an expert commentator for CH 7

I have been complaining about them since their inception about most of those points, especially the zoning rules.

Why has Gold Coast failed?

Injuries is reason number 1, but they also tried building on elite experience early in the piece rather than youth.

injuries, less concessions than GWS, poor list management

Would based straffo break the news if 9/11 happened today?

dat first reply kek

>stealing my reply to this post from Sup Forums
Where's my credit you dog

iggsposting life

how have you not killed yourself yet?