Hey guys, liberal fag here...

Hey guys, liberal fag here. Any really bright gop fags able to explain what good things can come out of a Trump election. I'm only mildly butthurt btw.

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hes gona maek america gr8 again

liberal here too. the only good thing is that the gop now owns government lock stock. so they get to do what they want for 2 years and we'll see what the country thinks about things. honestly that's the best i've got.

also, we need to get liberals to fucking vote more than once every 4 years, if we can even do that.

The dnc needs to stop rigging primaries

Good relations with russia is good enough for me.

We're making America Great again, didn't you hear?

lower taxes, term limits for congress, lower and more competetive healthcare, he's not gonna scratch the backs of rich donors

Entertainment. Stop caring about the world, get some popcorn, and watch.

getting the illegals out and destroying isis.

Keep your friends close, ya da ya da. I hope they ain't giving each other's blowies.

Bush gave us 3 new Ministry albums after Alan said the band was done for good.
I think Trump will get us at least 3 more. Fuck yeah!

Not bad points imo

No, you meant to say
>bombing Syria which will envoke war

And you, sir, meant to say
>lowering taxes for the upper class

this also it lets us know that our election is not actually rigged. He is bringing up some controversial topics too which I think gets them out in the open more, like obviously racism and shit are a big issue if it can happen at the presidential level.

Dems might finally try purging their corrupt fossils before trying to play again.

Oh yeah. And if you are in pharma and financial stock you are going to make bank. I made enough today to go buy a new M3.
The market knows America is fucked. No point in me not making money off it right?
Thanks Trump VROOM VROOM!

We are already bombing Syria fuckwad.

End of NAFTA and every other sell out trade deal that fucks the working people everyday

Best answer. Been with my bag of popcorn for months now.

A much needed push back against PC culture gone berserk

liberal tears basically

you now remember you place, as hard as they can victims cant be bullies.
The weak shouldn't have a voice, they should submit to the strong.

California may succeed from the US. Look it up

Avoiding WWIII with Russia

Just a minor thing I suppose.

we got legalized weed
condom free porn
and get to keep our '''''''''''''''''''''''assault'''''''''''''''''''''' rifles without a fight

why are you upset?

We get to grab pussy

Yea but now you're going to take everything. Including families.

Bye Felicia

If only this is true. I'm a lib and will suck his cock if he stops foreign trade deals

When my parents lose their medical coverage and die I'm going to inherit so much.

My only concern is that Trump really seems to think Putin actually thinks he's a "genius'.

The potential doing away with the NFA, 1986 ban, and maybe the ATF altogether. Also cheap ARs stay cheap. Ammo too. Kommiefornistan can leave. Nothing of real value will be lost.

We've got these deals, and they're bad deals. The worst deals you've ever seen. And he's gonna rip up these deals and we're gonna have new deals. Amazing deals. The BEST deals.

Optimism. I envy that. You're sick.

Because I have a small weiner.

we might not have deliberate unlimited dumping of muslims who want no separation of church and state, and mexican and south american gang members

we might not have jackasses in charge who don't support the fucking police and won't stand up against savages who commit violence every time there is a police shooting, and aren't supported finanically by people (Soros) who literally give money to rioters

He never replies to the threads

It might show why democracy is outdated.

If britain and usa suffers badly from letting their plebs vote stupidly - the west might move towards systems that doesent have the weakness of moronic masses making decitions they have no valid reason to make.

>Jealous of Mat Best the post

He's shown you can make it to the White House without the mainstream media, without nauseating celebrity endorsements, and by speaking your mind.

This at least should be encouraging for future elections.


If literally the only thing that happens is there is a stop to the importation of Muslims who want Sharia Law that will be great. There won't be western civilization if you keep letting them into your countries.

This guy gets it.

Nobody said democracy ensures the best decisions are made for humans.

The opportunity for a weaker executive branch.

The opportunity for third parties to begin to be seen as more viable.

>competetive healthcare
Hopw will he accomplish this? e literally never gave a cogent plan for healthcare other than >repeal and replace MAGAMAGAMAGA

We're not stuck with Hillary in 2020.

I think overall we made the false assumption that people were inherently good and that strict christians had less of a death-grip on politics than we thought. Overall, Native American land will be destroyed, pollution will skyrocket, we might get more jobs (although any respectable economist says this is not the case) forign relations will suffer, our stocks will fall (they already have started to including the all around value of the dollar) once again LGBTQ, womens, african american, and latino rights will be swept under the rug and once again the plight against sexual abuse will be pushed back into the closet, at least for now.

People like you are why movies like Equilibrium exist.

I'm currently in the U.S with a workers permit only. Technically I'm illegal but I've paid taxes and never commited a crime here. I feel like I was born here although I was brung at the age of 2 because of complications in my birth country. Should I have a reason to worry now that Trump is elected or do you guys think he'll pull an Obama and not go through with any of his promises?

Bait. Fuck off.

I have private health care for now, but repealing obamacare wont do anything for me other than lower my rates and put money into big insurance company pockets.

Not him but repealing obongocare and removing state lines will literally accomplish this. And it will drive prices down.

Wouldn't worry until you have to but I'd be pissing myself honestly.

Its not a bait, didnt you read his referendum on his first 100 days? Implying congress/senate allows it.

Access denied for Hillery by the people. people had enough of her shit.

>Bye majority of US money

>"Obama and not go through with any of his promises?"

>I'm currently in the U.S with a workers only permit."
Eh, its a 50/50 shot. Part of his plan was to deport only those who have been abusing Visas and Work Permits. But then again, Trump just became president so buckle the fuck up.

Do you have a worker's permit or you are here illegally. How can it be both?


Nobody gives a fuck about how you "feel" like you were born here. Go through the process to become a citizen or gtfo.

>once again LGBTQ, womens, african american, and latino rights will be swept under the rug
You seriously posted this and werent baiting? He's not gonna bring back segregation and take away women's right to vote or anything like that. Dont be so dramatic.

She actually got majority vote but lost in the electoral college. But same thing happened with Al Gore. Shit happens.

The Democratic party is fucked. Eight years of self-loathing liberal white cuckmanship to appease lgbt and brown people finally grabbed them right by the pussy. They lost their base when they prioritized single-issue glass-ceiling shit instead of focusing on the plight of the broader middle and lower classes that are being constantly fucked.

People who are fortunate enough to live in coastal liberal enclaves are completely out of touch with the rest of the country. Anyone who has lived in the midwest has seen this coming from a mile away. The democratic party handed over left-leaning city-dwellers and anti-establishment 18-44 year olds straight to Trump, with nary a care. They actually believed they didn't need the white male vote in this country.

That kind of damage will be extremely difficult to undo, and honestly I'm not sure if the lgbt and poc cliques will be able to drop their standards to appeal to shit that actually matters. Gay marriage was great and all but it didn't give anyone a job. Try and tell that to these people and they will shit themselves with rage. They needed a good dressing down, and hopefully when the butthurt passes they will be able to pull together and get ready for the next cycle.

If not, liberalism is dead.

Which is fine by me, because while my private insurer is a non-profit, I have my retirement invested partly in health insurance, so when their profits go up so does my retirement so I don't have to draw off the bankrupt social security scam.

It fucking sucks man. It's not like I chose to be brung here. Plus I've paid all my dues and treated this country as if it were my motherland. I tried joining the military too but they told me to fuck off cause I didn't have a green card. I feel like I should just an hero. No point in living if i'll be brought back to a shithole of a country

Trumps policies are a mix of impossible to follow through on or contradictions. His presidency will be a complete failure no matter what he does. The righ will be completely wrecked. Be very happy liberals

We are already taking everything. Including families.

Dang. Don't know dude but hope you're ok.

biggest good thing I can think of, and the reason I voted trump as a liberal, is that we don't get a fucking screeching feminist that puts 60-65% of her prospective voter base (working class whites) on the back burner in order to whine about bigotry, traps, faggots and a bunch of other bullshit that affects 10% of the US at most

the whole thing was a bunch of bullshit anyway, topkek at the retards thinking Bernie would have had any chance though. even on the offchance he gets elected he wont get jack shit of his campaign promises done with a republican senate and house

Fats have finally been accepted to the point we elected one as president.

Ayy any of you fags got the better quality version of this?

>this is how dumb trumptards are

>trump is running? he won't last a week!
>trump will never beat cruz!
>trump will never get the republican nomination!
>trump doesn't stand a chance after the hot mic firestorm!
>trump will lose the election by a huge margin!
>trump will lose the election by a small margin!
>trump might get the popular vote but never the electoral college!

yeah, i'm sure he'll just give up when the house and senate say no.

You think no innocents have been killed already?

Sure, it will take the folks with preexisting conditions out of the pool of folks in health insurance markets....and therefore lower the price for those of us who have marketplace policies....but those people will still need medical care. And when they visit the emergency room and cant pay, someone will have to pick up the bill.
I dont get this shit. Its not like repealing and replacing obamacare will reduce the amount of money we spend on healthcare, it just divvies it up differently. Or I guess if it does lower the cost, it just means people arent getting the care they need....

At this point in Uncle Al's career, I'd rather have a new Buck Satan album

I, too, love the State and its benign systems.

You stupid cuck. I've voted democratic for 20 years.

Eat my dick, welcome to the fascist nation you created.


You fucking moron. Adults are talking.

Trump had celebrity endorsements

we really need to take advantage of how stupid and provokable trump is.

Sup Forums could troll a president

Terribly, politically ineffective president with bad policies > extremely politically effective president with bad policies.

It's like there are parts of the country infected with a serious, entrenched bacterial infection. The Trump medicine is like some gross pond water -- it's not going to help, but the body can handle it and it may even induce a stronger immune response. The Hillary medicine is like basic penicillin -- it seems better than the pond water, but it's not enough and only going to lead to a much more difficult, more dangerous infection to treat later.

The president is not a king. In the US, the Executive Branch has waaaay more independent power than its counterparts do in the vast majority of the world's other representative democracies. While this has (mostly) benefited us under Obama, it didn't benefit us under Bush. (When is the last time we went to war with Congressional approval?) Congress should reign in these expanded powers, and what better motivation to do that than a president nobody likes or trusts? With party leaders in the GOP currently and actively speaking out against Trump's ideas -- right before a presidential election, no less! -- and the Democrats united against everything Trump regardless of what his actual policies might be (e.g., he's as pro-choice as Hillary Clinton is), it's unlikely that a man who repeatedly demonstrates overwhelming ignorance of how our government is organized and how government enacts and implements policy will be able to do anything at all.


be careful talking about his small hands tho. You could provoke ww3 with that shit.

Hillo get banished

Thats not what im saying. Right now there has been pleas to make voting rights more comprehensive to everyone and not just whites. Texas has been pushing for voter restrictions against minorities for over 20 years but never had the congressional, or supreme court lean to get it though completely. He promised prior to election to repeal the "Jhonson amendment" with prevents the church from having too much power in government, that along side the placing of more conservative, biased supreme court justices in the hope to repeal the right of gay marriage. Additionally, regardless of what you thought of shillary, her campaign ran on the promise of increased minimum wage and equal pay for women, witch is now moot.

A nuclear holocaust is the best thing that could happen.

Not to the same pathetic degree as Hilary wheeling out every black person and female she could find.

In the most unexpected way, a Trump presidency will almost certainly lead to a return of effective bipartisanship. There are already hints of this underway. It will force the Legislative Branch to perform its functions as delegated and intended by the Constitution. Alternatively, no one on the Right or Left credibly imagines a Hillary presidency would reinvigorate the representative part of our representative democracy, likely leading to a further expansion of Executive powers.

Let's acknowledge that there is no political gain to be had from promoting/supporting Trump policies (which would be necessary for him bring any portion of his "ideas" to the floor). Hillary, however, seems to get a pass from her own party. Which anti-net neutrality politician is going to have a better chance at fucking us over? Which proponent of expanding government surveillance would be more effective at further- and perhaps permanently weakening our Fourth Amendment protections?

Through deffered action for childhood arrivals. Obama's executive order allowed childhood arrivals to get a workers permit

Fuckin A!

You know, I do have to somewhat agree with you on that one point. The pre existing conditions thing is bullshit. But he's offering comprehensive health insurance reform. Not just going back to the way it was. All I want to see is the failed ACA insurance policies and the mandate gone. I wouldn't be surprised if they still leave the pre existing conditions stuff in there. I hope at least.

>equal pay for women
Jesus this fucking meme. The wage gap is a myth.

Please for the love of all that is holy have a better version of this!

>Texas has been pushing for voter restrictions against minorities for over 20 years

Im not saying he will give up. This isnt a situation where he can just ignore congress and senate. Laws LITERALLY cant get put into place without senate and congressional approval.

I hope nothing good comes for it. I voted for Trump because I want to see everything crumble. All the foreign chicks that rejected me may get the deported. I guess that a plus.

EU speaking here. It might not interest you, but for us, it will be fucking great not to have a know-it-all American asswipe lecture us on democracy every other day. (You got that when Obama lectured the president of Kenya on LGBT rights? You know, Kenya. Famine, Boko Haram, Somalia. And this asshole Obama of yours goes out of line warning them about gay rights.)
It is comforting to know Trump will not facilitate another cold war with Russia, as would have Clinton.
It is also good to know maybe, just maybe the US will slowly turn down the stirring of shit in the middle east, so eventually we might be freed from the incredible migration crisis.

So one upside is: contrary to what liberal media tells you, people all around the world just started liking and respecting you guys again. Just a little bit, but it is a start.

When Trump is in office, he will kick out Janet Yellen from the Chair of the Federal Reserve System (board). This is a really good thing because she is really irresponsible with our money. I don't like either candidate, but basically he will "drain the swamp" aka government...

all that shit is absolutely amazing

You think liberals are the shills, but the truth is you are the shill. People did note vote Trump because they are upset about shills, gays and SJW's. They just want economic oppurtunity and fairness. We're coming off 8 years of Obama's idea of that, now we're flipping the coin because thats what America does. It won't work, unfortunately. Difference is democrats learn from their mistakes but the GOP pushes the same thing year after year.