Why doesn't she just fly the dragons to king's landing right now, alone?

why doesn't she just fly the dragons to king's landing right now, alone?

even if the mere sight of them didn't trigger immediate surrender, they could just torch the city until they were forced to

it's not like they have catapults or trebuchets accurate or fast enough to attack the dragons back with

because they'd get their fucking ass kicked by archers

Like the archers on those boats totally destroyed the dragons? They would run and hide the second they flew it. Walk up to the red keep and murder anyone who tried to sip them

Ask Smaug.

Shes a big girl and theres a weight limit

also you can't hold ground with stupid fucking dragons, they'll fly away and then someone stabs queen bitch and retakes the kingdom

yep, its pretty obvious.

The dragons can't stand guard at her bedroom door all night. They can't police the streets 24/7.

You need a standing army for that shit.

That dragon had hide armour though, which is weak to dragon arrows. These dragons have impenetrable plot armour that can't be broken by even the strongest of armies.

they're not 700mph planes

dragons can't fly for 10 straight hours across the sea and then fly 10 hours straight back again

they need to land somewhere, like ships for instance

>torch the city until they were forced to [surrender]

I'm pretty sure she doesn't want to follow in the mad king's footsteps.

why not borrow yara's teleporter

Under rated

There will be no dragon on ships. Birds migrate thousands of miles without stopping.

Meraxes got shot in the eye with a ballista in Dorne and Rhaenys got captured and forced to star in Helholt guro scene. Aegon called the war against Dorne off when they threatened to parade her around publicly.

Every Targ knows better than to solo act with dragons now.

>Birds migrate thousands of miles without stopping.

hurr durr what is the square cube law

do you have any idea how much lift it requires to keep that dragon in the air

Op is right. The dragons are basically WMD's. And because of bullshit plot armour the spoilt princess always fucking wins.

Wut? The birds with large wingspans we have IRL can fly for 10,000 miles across oceans. A dragon with a gigantic wingspan should be able to fly for at least twice that.

Uhuh she sure made that trip home to mereen from the middle of the fucking khal camp pretty quick

Why can't we just take over a country by just launching nukes?

Are you retarded?
the great grass sea isn't a literal sea and you can rest anywhere

They have foot soldiers marching across 10000 miles. That's the bottleneck in speed. It took weeks. Do you think they did all they without sleeping?

>weak to dragon arrows.

No, it had a single scale missing, exposing the skin beneath. The arrow that hit it was guided by plot.

Aegon Conquered Westeros with 3 dragons.

Dany has
>3 Dragons
>A Fleet of Ironborn
>Army of Unsullied
>Army of Dothraki

Oh cmon the shows time line has been all over the place for the last 3 years. How many years has sams baby been a baby now?

pardon the autism but...

an army of infantry can march 15 miles a day and a horde of cav can ride 75 miles a day. If the distance from dosh khaleen to meereen is 10,000, then it would've taken 130+ days for the dothraks to make it to meereen.

Eh Japan circa 1944

And stupid plot armour

he was also a tactical genius and supported by his sisters and his bastard brother
Daenarys advisors consists of dwarfs and eunuchs

I hope shes killed as soon as possible by violent bowel movement so all the normies can fuck off about muh strong wymyn

this whore in your picture kinda reminds me of my pornfu elsa jean

>implying Tyrion, Varys, and Greyworm don't make a good council.

Her army keeps getting stronger. Westeros keeps getting more divided and weaker and the big bad is a bunch of ice zombies...

It's like Daenerys was power leveling for 3 seasons and now the rest of the game offers no challenge whatsoever anymore.

Why didn't they fly the eagles to mordor?

>3 dragons to burn one boat


She's fighting the 3rd most retarded people in the land. You people seem to think it's just Kings Landing and muh Lannisters against her. Nope. Every single house will unite to kill her. Only the 2nd most retarded people from Westeros are on her side now.

She brings dragons and brown mudmen and doesn't realize her dragons are all going to die when the Night King wrecks her shit.

>grey worm sits there like a robot
>Varys tries to give sound advice and but can't hide his mindboner for Tyrion while he drinks and make dick jokes

Tyrion is the best general in Westeros tho. Ask Stannis.

Grey worm is an emotional retard. Varys had woeful lines this series, the writers took at least 30 iq points of him. Tyrion is now 1 dimensional caricature of himself

Dany dies somehow.
Dragons are all fuck it, wander the globe killing whoever whenever.
Dragons mate.
Takes decades, maybe a century or two even, but eventually there's goddamn dragons everywhere.
Humans reduced to living in caves, eating bats and gophers.

looks like she has put on a few

Weren't Aegon's dragons Smaug-tier while Dany's dragons are still growing?

ShowStannis is literally incapable of tactics
his shining moment was when he defeated Mance and even then he charged the wildlings while they were hiding in the forest
he spends his spare time looking at chess pieces on the wartable

>her dragons are all going to die when the Night King wrecks her shit.

Her dragons could literally destroy the entire army of the night king in a matter of seconds.

Tyrion defeated book Stannis too though.

We already know that DragonAss kills the white walkers.

Oh you're just saying that because they are weak against dragonfire. I doubt that will be much of a factor to be honest.

There will be ice dragons.

Not to mention everybody else is probably got BTFO after the wall falls if they made to KL where Dany ought to be.

Dragons could fire at ranges beyond archery to suppress archers then move in for the kill, but if your suspension of disbelief includes flying dragons of that size anything else is fair game.

Stupid plot armor is stupid. If I had dragons I'd kill everyone in every region I wanted to conquer because no reason exists to preserve your enemies and genocide is the most effective conquest.

They too would be weak to dragonfire, thus extremely easy for Dany's dragons to take down.

>Dragons could fire at ranges beyond archery

no thy cant

why don't they use the dragons to fly the ring into mordor

Because unlike Robert she understands the difference between taking a kingdom, holding it, and ruling it. She could absolutely take over King's landing, but 3 dragons isn't enough to subdue a continent. You need 3 dragons and an army.

you can't control anything with just dragons lol, what are you smoking, at the very very least she needs a couple thousand soldiers just to have anything resembling a base

and they are definitely not imune to getting shot by scorpions and similar siege weapons

but the boats had no archers, or the dragons would have died

bows are the single most dangerous weapon in history, even a normie show like GoT accurately depicts the deadly pinpoint accuracy of a bow and its ability to penetrate armor of any thickness

Lift it? Probably a lot. Keep it airborne? Not that much. Besides, that Drogon fucker has been flying around for three fucking seasons now. I'm sure he can fend for himself when it comes to self-preservation.
Besides, it's called the narrow sea for a reason.

>Kings Landing
>Motherfucking dragons LANDED there

people don't use armor or the armor they use are just props with no defensive properties in got tho (aka last episodes battle), only when the plot somehow demands it like in the mountain bit that armor starts existing again and having proper defensive function

If the white walkers have been around for so long... why didn't Aegon and his dragons make sure to obliterate them to shit and back again?

dragons are kinda like aircraft carriers, 3 is overwhelmingly better than none but they need massive support to be 100 percent effective.

Dany's dragons aren't the only ones left alive. I'm sure there are plenty in the Shadowlands, where the eggs were found. Stygai in particular is said to be home to demons, dragons, and even worse creatures.

>Why can't we just take over a country by just launching nukes?

Because nukes leave radiation. Burning down cities and killing more people than the small nukes of WWII was perfectly fine. Dragons don't leave radiation so genocide by dragon is wise and effective. It's only drawback is it would make for a much shorter story.

For example if I had to conquer a kingdom and my assets included dragons, I'd burn all the forests, crops, and livestock the dragons didn't feel like eating. Starvation would quickly do the rest except for a few well-stocked castles which could be isolated and destroyed or contained until the occupants were starved out. Kill all the soft targets, burn all flammable housing, kill all the large mammals (cavalry ain't shit without horses) then walk in and resettle the area with no one left to contest it.

Their fire would be dispersed, but as depicted in the series there is plenty of range.

>unlike Robert she understands the difference between taking a kingdom, holding it, and ruling it.
Robert ruled the seven kingdoms for decades. Dany couldn't hold a few cities, even for a couple of months. You're going full retard right now.

>people hate current affairs
>remember how much better things were under the targs user?

suddenly one reappears, on dragon, with extras.

>oh shit the dragons were dead they said!
>oh shit it's a targ!
>wait, the targ is telling us she's returned to put an end to the war?

then all she needs is some diplomacy checks. the targs were ever the third option. houses that would never let the other lead could at least say "yeah well, it's a targ, not a fucking lannister"

but i guess this will just go down as another fly the eagles into mordor test
>retarded shills will say it couldn't be done
>retarded shills the other way will say it's a huge plothole that ruins the books
>normies will just enjoy the shit and have a good time

20 Good Men vs 1 dragon

Who wins?

>Because unlike Robert she understands the difference between taking a kingdom, holding it, and ruling it.

She hasn`t showed that knowledge one little bit so far. All she has done is muh dragons.

There is no reason you couldn't have posted this in the general.

Asshai looks cool as shit, I wish we could see it at some point.


Those birds take rests to sleep, eat and fuck moron

You don't torch people you wan't to rule over. That's mad queen territory.

Do you think that archers on boats are anywhere close to the same thing as archers defending a castle?

George really fucked up her character. She should have been one of the most interesting characters but since about halfway through the second book its obvious hes just put her on the back burner and shes either making dumbass decisions or just kinda hanging uselessly around like a piece of furniture.

I used to watch the show with a group of people and when Dany came on screen it was time to use the bathroom/get more food/talk about what happened in Westeros.

There is no reason you couldn't have posted this in the general.

Use the dragons as bombers dropping giant barrels of green fire.