I was chewing on this box of nerds, to get the flavor out and shit like that...

I was chewing on this box of nerds, to get the flavor out and shit like that, but I swallowed reflexively and it's stuck in my throat. I can still breathe, but very shallow, rapid breaths. Is there anything I can do? Going to a doctor is my last resort.

are you actually retarded

throw it up?

I've tried. Gagging won't work, it's lodged in there. I can't reach my fingers that far down either, and there's nobody around who can give me the heimlich

Doctor you dumbass.

If you're going to be a retard, have you tried making yourself throw up?

You're fuck ed. Got see a doctor.

Op swallowed a nerd. Fag

Eat another box. The extra box will turn it into a bigger object that you can swallow.

Eat more nerds.

you can give yourself heimlich with a chair, look it up


Auto-heimlich with a chair.

It's made of cardboard and paper, right? It'll turn into slime with enough liquid and time. Might want to test that theory with a Nerds box which is outside of your throat, first.

Also, stop chewing on Nerds boxes.

OP if you were going to die from this, you would be dead already. Boil some water and eat some bread, and relax. You are probably anxious about having a foreign object in the throat, which can make the feeling more intense. Drink the hot water, eat a piece of bread, and try to forget about it. If within an hour, you still have the feeling, trying swallowing hard a few times. You really don't need to see a doctor if you can still breathe.

Yet you have time to shitpost here.

Include me in the screencap

BasicallyADoctor is a faggot.

Get a small stick and use it to push the cardboard to your stomach with head back similar to a sword swallower's technique

Thanks user

> chewing on a box
Natural selection at work

Holy shit

It's fake, you turd.


Strawberry is the worst flavor of nerds.