Welcome to 2016

Welcome to 2016.

If you can't handle the election results, and you want to tear apart the country because your criminal candidate lost the election, leave.

Nobody wants you here except for other people who hate this country as well.

Donald Trump is figuratively fucking the establishment in the ass and you don't like it.

Have fun!

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trumps a business man. his opinions can be easily bought. the problem is both of them are criminals and we were fucked no matter which one we got.

His rhetoric has been going since before the turn of the century lmao

The worst thing he's done is fraud, which is small potatoes compared to what Hillary has done.

I can't wait for the rude awakenings coming for the faggots in this country

More people voted for Hillary faggot

Meh, you should all count yourselves lucky, at least you get to die quickly in case he pisses off the dudes with the nukes


Thats why she lost right?

Hillary's the one that would have done that.

Not in the states that actually fucking mattered.

She won by less than .1% of the popular vote.

the worst he has done so far that we know of. give it time, they all fuck up eventually.

>anyone who knows anything about business or economics leaves
>federal budget goes 100% military
>kids become ultra-retarded Idiocracy-esque losers
>abstinence-only education and the defunding of Planned Parenthood causes mass AIDS explosion
>"if you don't like it, leave"
okay, have fun in your burning building


His policies on some shit aren't great. I'll admit. I only agree with him on about 79% of issues.

But the continued destruction of personal liberties and the influence of socialism and globalism has gone too far, and Trump was the best option we had.

Even if Clinton won, we would still have to accept the presidency, no matter how shit it would be.

BEST CASE SCENARIO: trump does nothing for 4 years and proves the presidency is a useless occupation

WORST CASE: Trumps policies pass. It become a White, heterosexual man's utopia. AIDS, smog, and retardation galore. His environmental plan is a clusterfuck. His National Debt plan is basically "call china retarded"

He's going to be either a horrible president or get nothing
I agree with your other point though
If you don't like murrica you kin git out

I have deep respect and admiration for Donald. He basically went against everybody, his party's establishment, the elites, the media, shitskins, etc. and still triumphed in the end.

This man has pretty much done it all. Money, fame, success and POTUS.

made me really happy for some reason

I want to see nationwide 'Stop and Frisk' so badly.

So sick of seeing niggers and meth heads roaming the streets as I drive around and bust my ass all day.

AIDS and retardation belong to gays and minorities though. As for smog, that goes to China.

She won popular vote. He won the electoral.


Watch what Russia does next...


When? The tax shit was completely legal and he did nothing wrong there

OP specifically said to get the fuck out if youcan't handle your criminal candidate losing. So fuck off

>only gays can get AIDS
>smog goes to china
yeah, smog can be moved at will..

But Hilary got 200,000 more votes than Donald.
How is he presidnet?

The electoral vote is what matters.

You can't make this stuff up

>AIDS, smog, and retardation

Aids and retardation are a leftist thing. Especially AIDS.

Trump University.

The tax shit was 100% legal though, you're right.

How can you honestly support such an incompetent fool? How can you support the police state?

What a fucking joke that article is. Yeah, Trump won because the KKK endorsed him

Thank you, Captain Obvious

yeaahhh.. Trump university wasn't good. I forgot about that. Although I don't think he necessarily had intentions to just defraud people

Hell ye boi

I believe he's referring to Trump University

Which also means the people dont matter. The people are the popular vote, and it doesnt matter, according to your logic.

I think you have those reversed

How can you support a lying, cheating, socialist, globalist, elitist asshole who has no legitimate reason to give a shit about this country?

(And one who broke multiple federal laws and stole the DNC nomination from Bernie)


>My Arse!
Can't even fuckn count

>I don't think he necessarily had intentions to just defraud people

I think that he did as he has a history of conning people out of money.

Trump probably faps to creep recordings of his own daughter , i would..

Not that person, but he's not wrong. She had more votes in total, but the distribution meant she still lost the popular vote in individual areas. That said, Trump deserved to win.

Yes, that is correct, and his logic is sound. Is yours?

can't blame him

onestly, you can't take the popular vote seriously when people go into it knowing that the electoral college decides. If people went into election day knowing the popular vote mattered, I'd change everything. So many people stay at home because they know how their state will go. A lot more would have turned out in the rural states especially. Because Hillary lost to a total underdog by a very small margin, she probably still would have lost if it had been determined by popular vote.

That is sound logic but as history dictates, politicians can be bought even easier. We'll see how it goes.

Do you not understand how the electoral process works? The people do matter. The electoral college is a winner takes all basis for each state and DC.

He won the states he needed to. He dominated the electoral college. The Clinton campaign knew what they had to do, and they fucking didn't. And they blew it.

They should have had this one in the bag, and they couldn't even get 270 electoral college votes.


at what cost though
the US just turned Idiocracy into a documentary

kek has spoken


onestly, you can't take the popular vote seriously when people go into it knowing that the electoral college decides. If people went into election day knowing the popular vote mattered, I'd change everything. So many people stay at home because they know how their state will go. A lot more would have turned out in the rural states especially. Because Hillary lost to a total underdog by a very small margin, she probably still would have lost if it had been determined by popular vote.

The argument is that the electoral college is a sham and ruins the whole point of democracy. If the popular vote can be usurped, then its not technically the people making the decision.

Because I support helping people rather than corporations. Also, I have a professional job that isn't threatened by so I am not scared about it, unlike you uneducated blue collar idiots who are literally competing with third world factory workers.

Trump LOST Popular Vote, Democracy?

Only people in major population centers matter less. Fuck you city dweller

By less than .1%. Many people don't vote because they live in such a deep blue or red state.

Puffy nipple/10
Hanging face will look like dad at 35

>am not a nigger

That's why I voted Trump. I have a professional job. I'm tired of the bullshit.


And you think mega cunt can't be bought out? She's only done it like 100 times already...

*threatened by globalism

There not even done tallying the votes. Also the difference is negligible.

We are a fucking republic tho



Trump is a rich old white guy from rich parents, he is the establishment

And this train of thought is why Hillary lost. The constant put downs of average working people who support Trump based on their status as low income workers. Trump welcomed them and said what those people wanted to hear, particularly after being insulted so badly by the holier than thou Hillary voters. They did it to the Bernie supporters, calling them basement dwellers, and look what happened? They voted Trump out of spite, against the very ideals they actually hold. And if you think Hillary gave one solitary fuck about helping people, and not corporations, you're fucking delusional.


Dubs don't lie? Now I'm worried. Thanks asshole.

He is rich, but is not the establishment. He doesn't work in government. he isn't owned by anybody, because he's built his own wealth off of his father's.

Hillary is the epitome of the establishment.


gtfo America-haters.

i am not a fan of obama by any means, but i didn't throw a fit and gear up to riot cuz muh privilege. i also didn't threaten to kill anyone or move out of the country.

how does it feel to be someone that doesn't like obama? of course nobody knows, because ya all got free phones and free everything.

The protests will end when the paychecks for organizers end

I sort of feel sorry for the idiots that protest for free really. naa, not really. They deserve what they get, and what they don't get.

>his opinions can be easily bought

another opinion that can safely be ignored

Good thing he historically, he's not a politician, eh?

I thought this was funny

>proves the presidency is a useless occupation

Obama did this in spades

So, he should fix that, but the rest of your spewing is too much leftist retardation

you rock, OP

everyone is going to complain for a week or two
and forget about it, go about their shitty lives,
depending on if you're not donald duck. Oops,
banned to mexico.

This will be a fun president.
He's "pretending to be retard, the man" and its quite obvious that everything he ever accomplished was by making people underestimate him, then abuse this to no end.

"no fly zone over Syria"
To give Russia what they've wanted since 1946?

The establishment can not defeat the establishment. The elites can not defeat the elites.


>takes sentence fragment, ropes obama in and goes full ad hominem
okie dokie comrade

Haven't you ever seen Kamen Rider? Every one of them takes their power from the enemy and uses it to defeat them. Have hope.

Yes, sometimes they can.
The dems and republicans are even a thing because different groups of corporations support em.
But now an single standalone corporation took hold of the presidency, and will only act in its self interest.

Because we're a constitutional republic, not a democracy.

How many successful billionaire real estate developing mass media mogul incompetent fools have you ever heard if, dipshit?