Have you taken the oasispill yet Sup Forums? It's the final musical redpill...

Have you taken the oasispill yet Sup Forums? It's the final musical redpill, when you understand that Oasis were truly the pinnacle of music; lyrically, instrumentally and performance-wise.

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It unironically is patrician tier.
The first two albums are 10/10, not even fucking memeing.




I agree my fellow Oasis listener.

That album is good. Don't even bother replying if you disagree

been oasispilled from day 1 cunts

morning glory is such a beautiful and elegant pop record, wide variety of moods and instrumentation, all without sinking into pretentiousness. it's a masterpiece.

Yeah no. The songwriting is passable but Oasis albums are one of the greatest casualties of the loudness war. Shit is unlistenable


fuck off audiophile scum this thread is for patricians

So if you don't like grossly compressed audio to point of clipping and barely any dynamics you're an audiophile.
Thanks for the lesson

if you're not a working class mancunian you can't really underestand their music

Or their attitude.

In the early years, they really were "mad for it".
Drugs, booze, fights, they were truly rockstars between late 94 to 97. Just mayhem.

Imagine going from the dole to being on the cover of every tabloid paper and in the news daily.

>mfw I like them but I remember that they killed shoegaze

they killed the 90's basically
>tfw no oasis = no coldplay muse and all that shit
Oasis was a mistake

I like 90s Oasis, but they aren't great or really interesting musically.

Just fun rock and roll innit.

that vid


he literally becomes kermit

>honest pure and simple
>not interesting
go back to radiohead

>Spring 1994
"Live Forever" demo recorded live in studio
>January 1996
"Live Forever" at the 53:00 mark, voice gives out at 54:00

Liam is a poster child for what happens when you overdo the partying lifestyle, smoking cigs, and consuming coke/meth/alchohol/shrooms/glue/ecstasy/god knows what else on a regular basis for years on end. He's genuinely even more mentally retarded now than he was just by virtue of being a lower class Mancunian thanks to that. He'll probably die fairly young as well.

> don't mind Oasis
> more entertaining to watch interviews with Noel / Liam

That first video of Live Forever isn't Liam or Noel. You do know that, right?
He's the actual demo of Live Forever:

The one you posted is some retards cover.

We can only hope! These bolshies are too much to bear.

Two good albums, and then a lot of shit since. Should have split up.

Errr.... no read the description here:

It clearly is pre-DM era Liam singing so I dunno what you're on about

Thats not the same video, you fucking retard.
The one you posted originally is some faggot doing a cover. It's not Liam. Listen to it loud, sounds nothing like him.


I am a strong supporter of the Oasispill. Oasis are simply put, one of the best and most fun bands ever to grace this bleak earth. They are music for the working man by working men.

Montie listens to Coldplay he doesn't know shit about music.

I know plenty about music. U on that dumb

>Radiohead not pure and simple

Listen to The Bends my friend.

>concede 93rd minute equaliser at home
>roll with it starts playing

Oasis had one good album and 6 shit ones





montie why are you still here

More like 2 fairly good albums (3 if you count the b-sides compilation), one decent and 4 shitty ones.

mate the first video is the same track but slightly pitched up and with no bass presence (most likely a shitty cassette rip)

Yeah, I re-listened. It's him but it's not the same recording, it's also just shitty quality.

The one I posted has talking on the end and you can hear Liam and Noel saying "It's gonna have all the birds screaming" referring to the song I guess, at the end

Fair enough. But yeah defo liam. People always forget how high his voice was in the very early days