JUSTICE LEAGUE will be "lighter, funnier"...

>JUSTICE LEAGUE will be "lighter, funnier", "more fun and upbeat" and "more kid-friendly" than BATMAN V SUPERMAN: DAWN OF JUSTICE.
Marvel won.

It's more like DC lost, actually.

we all knew marvel won months ago. DCucks were in denial, but you could see the quip taking over since the suicide squad reshoots.

I still think DC will fail at quips. They need to fire everyone in their staff. Not the actors i mean the directors and everyone above and beside him



Marvel has been winning for almost 10 years now.

Iron Man came out in '07.

dumb frogposter



but since DC stepped into the game, which was .. 4 years ago? with MoS...


God forbid there a character experiences peril and consequences for actions. The world is a safe place and you will always be safe.

Disney won. And ruined Hollywood blockbusters for at least a decade.

Why are Marveldrones so insecure?

Instead of discussing their shit flicks they'd rather make company war threads.

We knew months ago that this movie is lighter. Read: >> →

Of course that won't stop you from making this thread again daily, taking into account your compulsion, insecurity, and short-term memory issues. However, at this point you're only embarrassing yourselves.

Based Snyder will show you how to include real comedic elements into an ensemble movie, instead of the usual Whedon self-deprecating quips that make manbabies feel safe watching a children's movie.

>God forbid there a character experiences peril and consequences for actions.

I know, right? Everyone gets off pretty scott-free in BvS

>Q: If each film is a learning experience, what do you think is the main thing you learned from BvS you used here?
>A: I think the main thing we learned is that people don’t like to see their heroes deconstructed.

Is this BTFOkino?

Why do these round glasses make Wojak look Japanese?

DC cucks are the insecure ones though. They try to justify liking an inferior company and shitty movies by constantly posting about how great they are, calling everything a Disney conspiracy and anyone who disagrees is either a shill or just plain stupid. Of course Marvel is gonna win because they have more well known characters. The only thing Detective Comics Comics has that is a draw is Batman.

Oh no the vicious cycle of his ONE BAD COMIC BOOK MOVIE.

God damn that's a lot of work for one hell of a stretch

source? This isn't real right?

Its going to get completely shit on if they try this.

Except for Superman dying and more destruction of a city due to literal gods fighting.

Man of Steel was like that as well. Consequences for your actions.

DC can do want they want, outside the Batman universe they sucks. The JLA is cringy as fuck.

I guess ripping off Nolan didn't work eh?

Batman's tone doesn't fit with everybody else.

Fucking retards at Warner Bros. are to blaim for this.

>Except for Superman dying




>Except for Superman dying
He comes back at the end. No consequence.

Batman doesn't face the consequences for the people he killed, and Luthor gets a jail sentence instead of a death mark. We go right back to status quo at the end.

>700000 marvel films
>only the 2 spiderman movies are good

how does this happen?

Too bad Civil War does the same thing but better.

>what is sucker punch, mos and BvS

your contrarian mentality has cucked you out of liking well-made action movies


most of marvel flicks are "okay" but only Spiderman ones are actually well made movies. I mean in comparison to movies in general.

(disney's marvel movies are only good in the sense they are capeshit)

>He comes back at the end

He actually didn't. He will be dead during most of JL. That was just Snyder saying "lol he will be back eventually and this shot looks so cool, doesn't it?

Literally every MCU movie is a well-made blockbuster.

Marvel has been blowing every other blockbuster out of the water with scripts that have limited plot-hole, better CGI, better written characters, etc.

They are on par with Rami's flicks.

Iron Man and Cap 2 are better than both Spider-Mans when you put nostalgia aside.

Damn. Why are movie heads so fucking stupid? Nolans Batman movies (memes aside) were all solid movies from beginning to end and didn't quip like Marvel. It's like they're in full denial mode that MoS and BvS are shit so they blame it on the dark and serious tone instead of the story and director.

This is gay because now we're going to have two similar superhero movie franchises being released weeks apart from now until 2028, instead of DC coming in and giving us a fresh take on it.

Fucking spineless coward that Snyder is. Literally the studios biggest "yes man"

Every MCU film is trash designed to appeal to the lowest common denominator. The biggest retards on the planet can enjoy Disney/MCU trash.

Man of Steel and Batman v Superman are substantially better films than anything in the MCU. I hope WB lets Snyder do his thing and doesn't force him to go the childish Marvel route.

studio incompetence must be stopped.

>Warner Brothers decided they would like to start making money


nice pasta DCuck.

Even the X-Men movies are better than those 2 turds that Snyder made. (which by the way, were rushed to replace Harry Potter as the moneymaker for Warner Bros as well as to avoid a lawsuit involving Superman's film rights and are made with no artistic integrity)

It's a shame because Watchmen was an ok movie.



The best joke was the whole movie.

Trash taste MCUcks incapable of understanding anything beyond quip quip quip.



at least Marvel knows how to quip correctly

DCucks really don't know how good your writing has to be to pull off quips.

Green Lantern, Catwoman, BvS

Terrible quips.

>went to school across from my house last night
>went to trash in the middle of the field, threw all my weed stuff away (big bag of weed, pipe, lighter, etc)
>having cravings today
>thinking of going back tonight to dumpster dive it out and smoke it again


>I thought she was with you
What did he mean by this?

Nolan's universe ruined DC, prove me wrong.

Marvel did win

>sucker punch is a comic book movie

DCucks on suicide watch


He is the reason they couldn't start a Cinematic universe. He wanted his Batman to have no supernatural stuff involved.

While he made a fantastic trilogy, the fact that he didn't want a cinematic universe kinda made things difficult for Warner Bros.

But that doesn't excuse Warner's complete incompetence toward this whole ordeal.

Because the guy that makes these threads is secretly an extremely ass-blasted DC fanboy. Take note: I said fanboy, not fan.

Fanboy faggots like this sit around all day obsessing over "muh " like they're the only person on the planet that understands the characters and has a say, no a God-given right, to dictate the direction they're taken in by the people who actually do this shit for a living. It lets them cower inside the delusions of all the things they *could* do if given "the chance." With fanboy faggots it's always about those "chances," because by deluding themselves into believing these chances originate from anywhere besides them getting off their fat, complacent asses and applying themselves, it's not their fault that they're just gutless losers spouting bile and vitriol behind the veil of anonymity a site like this provides for them.

This guy's deep in the closet with his fanboy faggotry, because this just goes so far beyond what a person who just wasn't a fan of the IPs could muster. If I were solely a Marvel fan, I doubt I could muster much beyond casual indifference for DC's properties. No, this undiscovered country of asspain can only come from someone who feels deeply betrayed, and is such an entitled little fuck about it that this whole board must tolerate daily infusions of his impotent, puerile rage.

hilarious how MCUcks proudly embrace flicks cynically designed to appeal to the lowest common denominator. The biggest retards on the planet enjoy Disney/MCU trash because it's filled with infantile jokes and requires zero thought, all you have to do is sit there like the drooling retards you are and mindlessly giggle at quip quip quip.

You can't be serious? The winter soldier is such a meme, it's really not that good. I'd say most marvel movies are pretty forgettable desu. Iron man was good because it was the first, but on rewatches it really doesn't hold up. Civil War is legitimately good, but everything before was pretty trash save for a a movie like antman which isn't involving a world ending scenario like almost every other movie. Plot holes are such a weak argument. There is nothing that is really lost when a plot hole is spotted unless it's beyond ridiculous. Especially true when people are saying to turn your brain off and just watch capeshit anyway.

>The winter soldier is such a meme

learn how to properly criticize something.

Stage 2: Anger

>try to pull a Nolan vibe
>crash and burn
>try to pull a child friendly vibe
>lmoa they are copying Marvel lololol
why can't DC get any break?

Since the MCU started in 2008 the only year without an MCU film was the following year in 2009.

When the DCCU finally started in 2013 the next film didn't release until 2016.

Marvel released 7 movies in the time it took DC to put out 2.

Obviously this is due in large to the fact that DC for some reason put all their money on Hack Snyder. A bet that clearly isn't panning out.

that's a stupid comparison to make desu senpai

DC doesn't really have a combined universe, just two shitty movies.

At least he was right.

Cinematic universes take delicate care, you can't just throw together a bunch of movies and characters and call it a universe.

Consider how well done pic related was and had no outright bad or horrible movies, it's really weird that WB suddenly became retarded with these DC films.

Just wait 7 years and reboot everything with new actors imo, or do Flashpoint and erase MoS and BvS.

Disney knows what they are doing, even before Avengers 1 where Paramount was making the first 4 MCU movies, Paramount was doing it well and with care.


yeah so what about all the shitty marvel movies that came before MUH PHASE ONEEEE?

different companies, Daredevil, Fantastic 4, Blade were all made by Fox.

Paramount started with Iron Man.

Warner made all of those in the picture.

Ironman came out in '08, but still, 8 fucking years of domination

> our movie tanked because it's not fun!
Yeah, not because the script was made by a retard and then directed by a moron.


Spidey just got Agu!

Can DC even compete?

The Nolan movies weren't that fun, but they made bank.

Snyder defenders are retards.

2, actually, and 2 out of 3 is pretty fucking terrible.

I have a feeling you're one of the "drones" that picture is talking about.

I would really enjoy a dark gritty superhero movie. Just have the script make sense and the villain not be a boring gray monster that just goes urrgh and smashes things.

Oh and hey, the villain can win sometimes

That's not a cinematic universe, it's just a series.
There's a pretty big fucking difference.

>implying there was even one good harry potter storyline


Maybe it's just lost on me, but I just can't enjoy a series where every problem is caused and solved by some previously unknown unexplained magic thing that doesn't have any rules to it.

Just the whole "plot point ex machina" formula those books/movies use piss me off.

Sure, the world is enchanting and fantastic, but does anything really have a sense of danger or urgency to it when you know there is some previously unmentioned magic thing out there that fixes everything?

And don't forget about how the thing that is introduced for the first time is usually never mentioned again later.

yeah... DC lost because it mashed together 6 different stories and 3 of them didn't even have arcs, just appearances of "future movie franchises" like an ad pop-up in a mobile phone game.

It's TRUE.

>unexplained magic

Isn't that basically Star Wars?

Besides, it's about the characters and not really the magic.




When does this happen? It's been ages since I watched any Harry Potter and I can't think of anything other than the time turners.

Also can someone explain to me why on Earth the dumb bitch is bringing time travel back in the new plays?


I would argue that Star Wars is more based around faith and belief whereas Harry Potter made it a point to show that their world was filled with very strict rules and laws.

Mm it's more that, in the books, you're being exposed to magic more and more as he gets older. Some of the magic he sees isn't used because he wasn't really around many wizards outside of hogwarts until around book 4. Some of it is mentioned early in tidbits, but the movies just don't have the time to drop the hints. I'm a huge fan of the books, but after the 3rd movie I was out.

You make a good point.


why would ant man be the conclusion to phase 2 and not the beginning of 3?

Are you virgins still doing this consolewar faggotry? Marvel and DC are both shit, kill yourselves.

Sucker Punch was loosely based on the Image comic book Kill La Kill written by Lin-Manuel Miranda. In fact the entire sequence between the steampunk orcs and dragons was lifted panel for panel.

they had to fit him in before Civil War.

is that you lying on the ground tubby?

I want a Marvel one.

In the grand scheme of things it acts as more of a epilogue to the events of phase two rather than the beginning of a new chapter like Civil War was.

MoS did not change anything now did it?

Isn't deconstruction more of an 80's thing?

Was this ever a question? DC has been innefectively trying to play catchup with Marvel's insanely lucrative cinematic universe for years.

They were never even close to competiting in these terms.

Fixed that for you

People don't give a fuck about character deconstructions retards, the kids who go watch capeshit just want to see those heroes fight for 2 hours.

>the best joke
Replace it with this.