Will Trump slowly start removing woman's rights?

Will Trump slowly start removing woman's rights?


Who cares?

No, he'll just get them back in line.

Damn i hope so. Bitches are so outta line these days they think they can run the country. Shitz crazy yo. Imeanamiright?

I like when these kinds of jokes are actually somewhat clever

Woman's rights?




Who that tho?

Not a forever alone faggot like you apparently. But anyone with an actual functioning relationship who cares about their spouse cares.

Better than Hillary removing men's rights

What rights would he take away?

hes pro equality you turd. hillary was the anti equality

If partial birth abortion is a woman's right by your definition maybe but that is normally a state to state decision. Whomever he appoints as supreme court justice will likely oppose such topics.

The progression of angry offended mouth, to this.

Is there a name for this? I want to look up stuff like this later today.

Yeah, it's this new fetish sweeping the nation. It's this crazy thing called "porn".

I hope so. But no? Why would he?

Women's shit is so irrelevant that it won't even register on his radar.

First Executive Order: All pornstars must be blonde.

No, just their pussycoverings.

Nope because that's not how laws work. Read a book you simpleton.

only desperate permavirgins are actually misogynist everyone else is just trolling

I just want him to remove the "women studies" from universities and treat those bitches who talk about killing men like terrorists. With that, I'm satisfied

Hope so



Because he can't

Rights for what? Voting?