What do you think about her? she looks like an angel but i caught her cheating on me with a grl...

what do you think about her? she looks like an angel but i caught her cheating on me with a grl. i don't know whatto think now. Post your slut too...

In other words you won the lotto...

>she looks like an angel
You mean she looks like a turbo whore?
>look at me with bikini, my lipstick, my brushing

i don't know if i have to tell her that i know everything or not....


ask to join in next time?

Kill yourself.


You should get revenge. Cheat on her with a guy

Oh look, the angel also has a tramp stamp. Doesn't reek of casual sex from a mile away

don't be that ironic, i love her but i 'm lost


Chearing is cheating bro, might be worse because it as with a girl. Now whenever she is hanging with her girl friends you will be wondering what she might be doing with them. You will have constant torment and anguish whenever you are apart and will forever be untrusting of her. Trust me dump her now.

>might be worse because it was with a girl
Kill yourself


Kill yourself

i fear that. i wonder if i can fake ignorance

uhm congratz.

no... maybe? or just tell her you have a fantasy.. ask if she would be into making out with a girl, and letting you watch.

also post her fucking nudes arleady.


kill yourself gayfaggot shit

her top half looks straight af but from the waist down she is dykie as hell

You should choose what you want: To be with this girl who has cheated on you qith a girl and cherish it, have a threesome or something, or to just end it with someone who's hurting you more than she is making you happy. No pain is too big and no girl is unforgtable.

I don't care what anyone says, cheating with another girl isn't really cheating.

Now cheating with another girl, a guy and a giraffe might be something else, or you might be able to get into that too

ummm stop being a puss and jump into the mix...?

dont be so damn weak girls hate that she will cheat. and you must be a real beta to make her wanna lick some chicks taco.

invite her friend over for the night. dis your time