Hey Sup Forums, how does a fat lazy fuck with zero willpower lose weight? I don't really care how unhealthy it is

Hey Sup Forums, how does a fat lazy fuck with zero willpower lose weight? I don't really care how unhealthy it is.

>Work out your bmi
>google how many calories you need a day for that bmi
>eat less than that amount

Even if you don't exercise you'll slowly lose weight


No carbs, zero. Ever.

So a meat only diet?

Eat less. There's no magic pill for fat people. Even extreme fat burners like clenbuterol are only really good for people who work out and are trying to cut that last bit of fat away.

eat anything you want, then drink alcohol until you throw everything up. rest, repeat.


throwing up is a great abs workout too.

No, fat mainly. Moderate protein and good amount of vegetables and focus on leafy greens. Weight will fall off. Calories in calories out is bullshit.

Vegetables have carbs in them

>I don't really care how unhealthy it is.
Cut your fat legs off.

True but they do not spike metabolism, plus when you calculate the fiber out of the equation the level of carbs in negligible. Try and stay below 50 grams a day.

Use meth normally works for me

He ain't wrong, OP.

How much of my leg do I cut off

All the way to your ass.

You are talking absolute bollocks. Stop giving advice.

up to the neck

or you could try a good old stimulant addiction

Thanks for the advice, have a cute dogger for your trouble

>No, fat mainly. Moderate protein
>Calories in calories out is bullshit.
Jesus. OP dont listen to this idiot please.

Smoke weed everyday, use your bike for everything, dont eat, the weed should remove the hunger feeling, drink water en vitamine water. do physical labor but its important that you do not eat.

Amphetamines, heroin addiction, or croc

What part of zero willpower was lost on you, I don't even own a bike

well first you must get addicted ofcourse. the modern slave driver.

>the weed should remove the hunger feeling
Nigga you ever smoke weed?

Fat guy working on it here. Formerly 340 pounds, down to 260.

Here's what I am doing.

1)Get your BMI and BMR. Get the BMI and BMR you want to be at. Keep these numbers in your mind.
2)Start using an app/website like loseit. Failing that subtract 1000 calories from your BMR and use that as your target. That should get you around 2 pounds a week, more at the start if you're lucky. The extra weight will be excess fluid volume etc.
3) No pasta, no bread, no pizza. NO FUCKING SODA, JUICE, ENERGY DRINKS, SPORTS DRINKS. They're worthless as fuck nutritionally. Never eat a meal with less than 30 grams of protein. Shoot for 100+ grams of protein a day. You will most likely need to use nutritional supplements for this.
4)Once you've lost a good amount of weight start working out. I don't care if it's 30 minutes of walking or 4 hours of combined weights and cardio. Start slow, work up.
5)Learn to cook. When you can cook things you actually enjoy you won't be going out for fast food so much.
6)Learn to get back on it after failing. You'll have days that you blow past your calorie limit by lunch. You'll get sick and not want to work out. The more you get back on it the easier it will be to keep at it.
7)Take the calories you burn from workouts, divide it in half. Those are your extra calories for that day.

Everytime you want to eat drink coffee.

ya smoked weed since 14, if you dont spend money on food you can get more high. munchies is for the weak

OP has stated he doesnt have much willpower. He IS one of the weak.

thats why addiction will transform his willpower

My ex was a bit chubby and hated the way she looked and would always talk about diets and i remember her talking about one she had seen on her facebook about the anna diet i think it was a glass of water and an apple or piece of bread a day can't quite remember but might be worth looking into.

Post a thread on here everyday with a picture of your body. We'll fat shame the shit out of you under you finally dedicate yourself to losing weight.

And since you have no willpower realize this.

1) You are judged by everyone around you because of your weight.
2) You're killing yourself.
3) You get paid less because you're fat.
4) Your dick will look bigger when you weigh less.
5) You'll get laid more with a BMI of 28 than a BMI of 48. Even your hand will look better,
6) You might actually find you like doing activities that are impossible with your current weight. I picked up rock climbing for exercise and love it.

Vape. The nicotine kills the appetite.

literally stop eating u fuckin idiot

Seems like your fatass' only willpower is to eat, so:

No carbs of any kind. Protein and veggies. Tons of veggies. Stay hydrated. Keep your calories below your BMI. You'll slowly lose weight while your body eats itself.

You should be concerned with losing fat, not losing weight.

Figure out your BMR. Eat a lot more than that amount, but lift even more than you eat. Once you're still fat but also stronk, eat less and keep lifting. (The muscle will give you the willpower you need by changing your hormone profile.) Once you're only stronk, stop lifting and eat even less. (again willpower come from muscle) then you become thin


This, you can still eat like a fat fuck too and it'll take care of it.


these are the only real answers. Tweek out for a year or 5 and youll be tweaker thin.


go fuck the queen limey

Weight loss diet programs

Meth. Use meth. It works for everybody that uses meth. Meth.

This is honestly the only advisable answer

I can't afford meth


Trust me, you can. Meth is cheap as fuck.

No cokes, almost no candy, minimal processed anything, less meat.

Eat as many vegetables as you like.

stop eating

What kind of vegetables?

I have zero willpower, I wish I could just stop eating

You have the willpower to remain fat, but not lose weight? You're retarded and deserve to be fat.

Whatever kind you like.

The fuck you talking about retard. That's not how logic works.

you dont care how unhelthy it is?

Cut your arms and legs. 20lb+ in 5 seconds.

Energy you use to be put in one direction you can put in another direction. You can turn the head left, or you can turn the head right. You can look up or down. You could get fatter, you can lose weight, you can stay the same, you could get so fat you die, or so skinny you die. That's exactly how logic works you 1 dimensional fat piece of shit. And I mean 1 dimensional metaphorically not physically because your fat ass is about to hit the 4th dimension you fucking retard.

This or leprosy will cost you no money and require no action. You will lose weight.

>it might cost your life, but so will being fat and lazy.

yeah but being fat uses energy from outside the system by bringing it inside and being skinny uses energy from inside the system by putting it outside

increasing your energy as a system is pleasant, decreasing it is not

if you can't tolerate unpleasantness then you lack willpower

simple as that


Adderall. It will destroy your appetite and give you loads of energy.

Stephen King wrote killer diet book. It's called "Thinner." Do gypsies ever pass through your town?

why is everyone here giving this man advice on losing weight when in fact if you are a fatty it is healthier to gain weight while losing fat and then lose the weight you gained rather than going for weight loss right off the bat

Hey make any excuse you want to use your willpower to stay fat, that's your right to do so. You'll still be where you are now because you're stagnant as fuck, eat fruit nigga stop being a cuck.

How to get over being hungry?

I got to be honest if adderall was sold in a supermarket and did not blacken your teeth ever day here. I fucking love stimulants.

Appetite suppressants

You don't use your willpower to stay fat. You fucking unbelievable moron. Whatever you're trying to push through here, it is not true.

I stopped eating every kind of meat except fish, 1 year in to it I am currently thinner and fitter than ever before. If you put time into cooking you shouldnt even notice you arent eating meat.

>wake up at 10 the morning
>skip breakfast most days
>dont eat till 4
>stop eating foods you KNOW are bad for you

this probably isn't the healthiest way to lose weight but all i do all day is sit in a fucking chair so im basically fasting. lost 40 pounds this way.

Only kinda true. It works for a little bit, but then I get something to eat.

Damn man, didn't need to rip him a new one.

I lov Sup Forums

No drinks except for water

If there is a dog thread like this as often as rekt, shit, or some other dumb stuff I'm gonna throw up.

i was 300 lbs at this time last year... i couldnt figure out what to do to lose weight... as of today, i am 235 and continuing to lose weight.. solution: hire a personal trainer. i dont care if it breaks the bank for you... if thats what it takes to get you rolling, do it. i feel and look 100x better.

Starve self ,
eat meats fishes shell fishes & lots of veggies fruits, leafy greens celery, water water, some Gatorade,
Get a girl or 2 or 3 , fat ugly or hot super sexy or inbetween & fuck a lot,
Lots of cardio. Swim. Lift weights.

Then do cocaine & cigs ontop.

Don't have kids.
You'll pass your bad DNA on to them as a burden to society,
& they won't have a dad because you'll die from a heart attack if you do the
coke & faggs ontop the 1st part.

i'm doing exactly the same and can confirm

Just eat a bit less, it's not that fucking hard.
Myfitnesspal helps.
Doesn't matter what the hell you eat, you could eat nothing but mayonnaise and cheese and still lose weight, as long as you don't eat too much of it.

Starve yourself.

bmi is a less accurate measure of how much calories you need.
Calculate your TDEE with the benedict-harris formula and add or remove 500 kcal according to your goal.
As for motivation, well no one ain't gonna (not) eat the food for you user. You are the one that has to do the mental and physical work.
Good luck.